"Gang" Reunion

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Fish: OHH-calls Barry- hey....good how about you?.....yeah listen I want to have a reunion of our little group.....since we are all together now......I know right!.....yeah........lets add kawaii though.......I want to see what happens!......-laughs- yes....... Ok bai-hangs up- lol now how am I going to get potato to come? She won't want to if she knows Milos and kawaii will be there, maybe if I tell her to meet me at guard tower. Yeah that's good-texts potato-
"Hey can you meet me at the guard tower?"-f
"Sure what time?"-p
" how about noon?"-f
"Sure! Can Zane come?"-p
"No just us"-f
"Ok see you then!" -p

Fish:perfect! Now to make sure everyone else goes there too but they need to come at 11:30
[ it's noon and the gang is there except potato]
Fish:potato will be here soon
Milos:wait, potato? Uhm why is she coming? I mean she would pick not to come if she knew I would be here. You did tell her right?
Fish:-watches the ladder-no I did not.....
Fish:sorry, I wanted her to come so I told her it would be just us-she smiles awkwardly-
Potato:-climbs ladder- I'm here - sees Milos- and I'm gone-starts climbing down but then fish grabs her- dammit!
Fish: you're staying!
Potato:fine...-crosses arms and kawaii forces a hug-
Kawaii:potato~Chan, fish~Chan is trying to get the group back together!-smiles- turn that frown upside down!
Milos:yeah I mean it's not like you hate me or anything -sarcasm-
Potato:-growls at him- I'm capable of murder, you know that right?
Milos: maybe you are, but I bet you can't murder me
Potato:try me-turns away from him and stares out the window-
Fish:potato can I talk to you for a second?
Potato:sure-they go down the ladder
Fish:-punches her in the shoulder- what the heck!
Potato:-runs arm- ow.
Fish:can you try to get along with him, please!?
Potato:fine...-they climb back up-
Fish:now potato.....
Potato:ugh. I'm sorry for threatening you Milos....-rolls eyes- don't hurt my sister though, seriously.
Milos:once again, why would I hurt such a beautiful thing?
-kawaii blushes-
Barry:man I'm lonely....
Barry:no but seriously everyone in here has a relationship except me
Potato:I thought you and Kaitlyn were hitting it off.
Barry:yeah... But we aren't exactly together
Fish: hey why don't we play a never have I ever?-she sits on the floor- come on!
-everyone forms a circle on the floor-
Fish:I'll start! -thinks- never have I ever, lived in the tu'ula region.-everyone but her puts a finger down-
Kawaii:ok I'm next. Never have I ever made sweets!
Potato:hum kawaii, you're supposed to say something you haven't done but others might have done
Kawaii:oh. Never have I ever went swimming.-everyone puts a finger down-
Milos: wait you've never gone swimming?
Barry:not even in a pool or beach?
Kawaii:nope. I hate water
Milos:oh well that makes sense.
Potato:ok my turn. Never have I ever told my real name.-Milos, kawaii, and Barry put a finger down-
Fish:-High fives potato-
Barry: ok never have I ever went shopping - all the girls put a finger down but Milos doesn't and neither does Barry-
Kawaii:it's official, Milos~Sama, I'm taking you shopping at some point!
Fish: and Barry me and potato can take you to the mall at some point.
Milos: -whispers to barry-you had to bring up shopping?
Milos:Ok. Never have I ever forgot that I'm supposed to take care of something or someone.
Fish:what is it?
Potato:-jumps up- CHARLIE
FISH:what about her?
Potato:SHES HOME ALONE-climbs down ladder- I have to go bai!
Milos:-chuckles- I win!
Fish:no I win
Barry:no I win!
Kawaii:I win!
-they start arguing

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