Boatrip prt. 1

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-Aphmau runs in her house panting- It?
Fish: for me, potato, laurance, and Zane to go on a trip!
Aphmau: yes! A couple day trip to the tu'la region!
Fish: yes!
Travis:-knocks on fish's door-
Fish:-opens door- who are you?
Travis: I'm the man of your dreams-devilish smirk-
Fish:🤔umm, yah I don't think so😑.
-Aphmau laughs-
Travis: why don't you check again-smiles-
Fish: 🤔 yep no. I'm pretty sure no
Aph: bye travis-slams door in his face
Travis:-yells through door- YOU WANT ME AND YOU KNOW IT!-leaves-
Aph: he's hilarious but annoying
Fish: yeah...
Aph:-calls laurance- hey laurance come to fish's house!.... Bye!-hangs up-
Fish:-texts potato- ok so potato and Zane are on the way here
Aph: great! I'll garroth is going to get the ship ready.
Fish:but they are already together??
Aph: the literal ship fish...😑
Fish: oh-sticks tongue out and packs bags-
Aph:-goes home-
-hour later-
Potato:-ding dong-
Fish:-opens door and potato and Zane are standing there- hey guys come in!-closes door behind them-
Potato: I am so excited for this trip! Maybe I can see my parents again!-puts down bag-
Zane:-a little panicked- y-yeah...-puts back down-
Potato: he's nervous to meet my parents.
-door rings-
Laurance:-has bag- I'm here...-sees Zane and potato-
Fish: hai laurance. Is it ok if they come too?
Laurance:-eyes look heart broken- yes...
Fish: great ok well garroth and Aph got the ship ready an actual ship and we can leave now.
Potato: great!
-everyone gets on boat-
Fish: I think we are ready to set sail.
Garroth: oh and we got a captain so no one needs to worry about steering.
Fish: great!
-ship leaves-
Everyone: Bai!!!!!!
Fish: I'm going to go make sure the captain knows where to go.
- heads toward captain and he turns around-
Travis: hello beautiful.
Fish: ugh. Look we are going to the tu'la region and we are going right here. -points to spot on map-
Travis: anything for you
Fish: -walks away-
-she walks back and sees Zane and potato are gone and laurance is looking out-
Fish: are you ok?
Fish:-sits next to him- no you're not
Laurance:-he looks out-
Fish: what's wrong?
Laurance: my crush is on here with a date...-looks at her hurt-
Fish: oh.Well it's ok...-hugs-
Laurance:why are you hugging me?
Fish: you need a hug
Laurance:oh-let's her hug him- well then I guess that's ok
Fish:-stops hugging- I'm sorry that you're hurt.
-laurance goes in for a kiss and fish jumps up-
laurance: oh. Sorry I thought that you wanted-
Fish: NO-calms down- ok well I'm going to let you do what you want and I'm going to check on the others.
Laurance: ok...
-fish goes down to the rooms-
Potato:come in!
Fish:-comes in- hey so I could only get three beds...
Zane: that's ok.
Zane: yeah! I'll sleep on the couch
Fish: I can't let you do that.
Fish:the couch is uncomfortable and its outside the rooms.
Zane: so?
Fish: my room will be locked and you need to stay with potato.
Potato: I can take care of myself
Fish: remember. You get nightmares unless you are with someone.
Potato: yeah...
Fish: she wakes up crying...
Zane: then I'll move it in the room.
Zane:😳 fine...
Zane: it's What she wants
Potato:-blushes- but we just started dating....
Zane:-whispers in potato's ear- I'll sleep on the floor...
Fish: I'm so excited
Potato: oh OK

To be continued...

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