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Potato~Chan:-gets another note- Ooh Uhm Zane!!
-Zane rolls eyes and comes over
Zane: what do you want you devil?
Potato: -_- not a demon I'm KAWAII.
Potato: we got another note and its from TheRawrPlayer !
Zane: oh great, what now?
potato: you get to kill someone!
Zane:-devil laugh- yes finally! Can I kill you?
Potato:-not amused- hahaha no. We are changing it to you pretending to kill Aphmau.
Zane: fine. -yells- APHMAU!
-Aphmau hops over-
Aphmau: yes Zane?
Zane:-growls- can you play dead for a dare and stay like that until I say it's a dare?
Aphmau: okay. -lays on ground and potato puts fake blood and a bloody knife in zanes hand-
Potato: must be realistical!
Zane: that's a new word...
Potato it means so realistic it magical! Now Aphmau you scream help and then stop and garroth and laurance will run over here.
Aphmau: ok! -yells- HELP HELP SOMEONE I NEED HELP!!-closes eyes-
-boys come running-
Laurance: we are here!-looks down and eyes water- wha-
Garroth: I'm here -looks down and falls to the ground- no
-laurance starts crying and hugs Aphmau and realizes she's alive so he says nothing-
Garroth: -crys- I... Never got... To tell her... I love her. -sees Zane- YOU! -attacks Zane-
Zane: woh woh woh! Let's not do anything rash....-backs up-
Potato: yeah let's not kill anyone else
Garroth: -turns red- you did this to her! You killed the love of my life! -chases Zane and Zane runs yelling while potato and laurance laugh-
Potato: wait you found out?
Laurance: when I hugged her I heard heart beats.
Potato: oh yeah. Should we stop him? He's going to kill Zane...
Laurance: yeah
-they end up back with everyone and Zane trips and gets pinned by Garroth-
Garroth: you will pa-
Potato: this was a dare. -helps Aphmau up-
Aphmau:-looks at garroth- you... Love me?

A/n: hey guys potato here and I hope you guys are liking the book so far. It's getting interesting. I swear. Every part will have a truth or dare, but I only am getting dares so come up with some truths also! Love you my potato army <3

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