CONTEST and Updates

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Ok hello everyone!! So I have a few things to cover and I'm gonna start with the CONTEST. So I know last chapter I said a few things about it but I have more details now.
Expiration date will be April 28
I will have two winners
The winners will be in the book!
Okay so if you want to be in it you need to comment on this part the following information about your character:
Nickname(if any):
Best friend:
Favorite color:
Backstory(if any):
Romantic interest:
Fave ship in book(example:zatato, MILOWAII, GARMAU, laurany, barrance, etc.)
So answer all these questions about your OC in the comments.
Okay so let's move on to updates!
Now I have a lot of ideas for this book and I also need new ones so that's a reason I'm doing this contest. Some I ideas I have are questionable on how long they will take. Some of the ideas are
•Making a side story where my friends write a part however they want
•start a new book where there is pov of characters and you can learn a bit more about them
•have a version where all the ships get messed up (maybe Michi has something to do with it)
•have new characters that aren't you guys show up for one to two parts
So if you have any more ideas let me know and also this won't be the only contest so don't worry if you don't win. Comment your character and ideas down below.

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