Poor Garroth...

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I dare laurance to kiss Aphmau every hour for a day.

Garroth:do they have to?
Potato:yes! And I'm glad we are going back to the older days of this where we are all on the dock.
Laurance:but I don't want to.....
Potato:starting now
Laurance:-pecks her lips-
Potato:-_- it said kiss but I guess that can count... Oh and once the sun goes down its over
Aphmau:well I need to plan the wedding so since this is going on, laurance-sighs- why dont you come along?
Garroth:I'll come too.
Aphmau:garroth you can't, I'm picking my dress, maybe after lunch you can meet us at the venue we were thinking about.
Potato:CAN I COME!?
Aphmau:sure. Garroth, will you watch the boys?
Garroth:of course, potato do you need Charlie to be watched?
Potato:sure but around 11 madron should be coming to pick her up -looks fine but also looks kind of sad-
Garroth: that must make you upset to lose her....
Potato:yeah... I gave her a gift before I came here.
Garroth:okay well you get going.
-the girls and laurance leave and garroth takes kids to park-
Aphmau:-comes out in short cut dress- what do you think?
Potato:it's great...-sarcasm-
Laurance:I love it...-sarcasm-
Aphmau:this dress is terrible
Potato:it's horrendous.
Laurance:I hate it.
Potato:-alarm goes off- kiss time
Aphmau:-tries on dress- what about this one?
Potato:I LOVE IT
Laurance:it's beautiful.
Aphmau:I love this one too-dress on the top- time for bridesmaid dresses!
Potato:-Alarm- and a kiss!
Aphmau:-changes- okay, the color that is purple. Of course.
Aphmau:so, my bridesmaids are on their way. Well, the others.
Potato:which are?
-katelyn, fish, and cadenza walk in-
Potato:YAYY. Who is the maid of honor?
All of them:yeah.
Aphmau:Uhm..... -looks at laurance-
Laurance:I believe she said katelyn is?
Cadenza:whatever. So Aphmau, I brought some dresses I made.
Aphmau:yay! Let me see them on all of you! -purple dresses up there-
Fish:I don't like dresses -_-
Katelyn:me neither -_-
Potato:I love this dress!
Cadenza:well you two look cute in it. So do you potato!
Aphmau:and I was thinking this for the hair -shows the picture of hair-
Potato:oh I love the idea of hair in the shape of a bow!
Fish:it's pretty cool....
Potato:you two have a lot in common.
Fish:I guess we do. -laughs-
Aphmau:okay and this is the hair I want -shows picture-
Potato:-alarm- kiss
Aphmau:don't ask.
-~-~-TIME SKIP-~-~-
Aphmau:hey Garroth!-sits down across from Garroth-
Potato: we picked out dresses! -sat next to Garroth leaving laurance next to Aphmau-
Garroth:great! Madron's ship got here around 11 like you said.
Potato:how did she handle it?
Garroth:pretty good.
Garroth:besides hugging levin and Malachi and not letting go and then grabbing my leg, yes.
Potato:I miss her already.....
Aphmau:I actually thought her and levin would've been adorable
Potato:oh my god yes!!!
Garroth:let's walk to the venue.-gets up and everyone follows-
Potato:-alarm- kiss
Suns down
Laurance:THE SUNS DOWN!!
Potato:that's another dare completed.
Hey potatoes! Make sure you comment an OC and two people with be in the book! The contest ends on the 28th so hurry!

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