Trip part 6- sophie?

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Last time on trip, they met Madron, potato gets upset over Charlie his daughter, due to the fact she didn't know about her. She runs off and Zane runs after her.

(Scene with potato running off Zane chasing her)
Potato:-runs as fast as she can tears falling-
Zane:POTATO-runs close behind her-
Potato: leave me alone!-she runs so fast she scrapes her hands and her hands are bleeding and starts full on crying-
Zane:-sits next to her-(in the woods)- what's wrong?
Potato: I could've been there for the big moments... He could have came out to tell us she was pregnant. Last time we saw them they were dating. I need to send Raven to tell KAWAII~chan. She needs to know...-holds knees to chest and crys into them while Zane holds her-
Zane: this whole dare has gotten out of hand. Why did we do this?
Potato:fish wanted to, I needed a vacation anyway-wipes tear-
Zane:-helps her up- come on we've been gone for like 3 hours now. It's not like anything big can happen in that time, right?
(Switches to the house at the same time of that scene)
Milos: what happened with her?
Madron: I screwed up.-he looks down-
Laurance: it's okay madron-puts hand on his back- we all know you did - fish punches his shoulder-
Laurance: sorry! You punch hard-holds arm-
Milos: so like always then?-goes to punch him- don't think about it
Fish:-pulls back and goes back to next to Travis-
Travis: I wonder-he gets cut off by screaming-
Madron:she must have burned herself again. Sophie will take care of it.
Charlie:-runs in crying-
Daddy!-he hugs her- what's wrong baby cakes?
Charlie: Mommy...-she breaks down and buried her head in his leg-
Travis:-runs in kitchen-
I'll check... Uhm guys?-first Laurance follows then fish then madron-
Madron: no...-hey tears up-
NO! -starts crying-
(Sophie is on the ground dead and bloody, stab wounds all over her body)
Fish:-tears up- Charlie-gets on knees to her height- who did this?
Charlie:-crys more then before and hugs her dad-
Fish:-gets up-
I can't look at this-turns around-
Travis: sorry madron. This must be tough
Laurance: I'll call the police-calls police- hello.... We have a death most likely murder.... Yes.... No I'm not.... 7894 zaigne dr... Yes... Yes Madron.... No Sophie... Ok
-ends call-
Laurance: they are coming as fast as possible.(three olhourse later police are investigating)
-potato and Zane walk back and potato has her hands bandaged up-
Fish:-runs up to potato- I was worried sick about you.
Potato: why? You know Zane was with me.
Fish:still. Something terrible happened
Madron:-is teary eyed sitting on the steps-
Potato: and is madron ok?
Fish:Uhm... Sophie... Is dead.
Potato:-smiles goes down and she tears up- what happened?
Fish: no one knows all we know is
She was stabbed several times. Only Charlie saw it and she
Crys even more when we ask her. I don't blame her. This has to be traumatizing.-charlie is in the corner rolled in a ball rocking back and forth-
Laurance: I'll see if I can get her to talk to me.- he goes over to Charlie- hey Charlie. Are you okay?-he sees her staring at her dad and he hugs her- it's going to be ok.
Charlie:no it isn't...-she covers her face-
Laurance: why not? It may seem hard now but it can only get better
Charlie: no it can't I mean it can but it can't too.
Laurance: why are you hiding your face- picks up her face traveling red eyes-
Charlie: don't look at me!-hides face-
Laurance: you're a shadow knight??
Charlie: I don't know what I am.
Laurance: did you kill you mother?
Charlie: I don't know! I blacked out and I woke up with blood around me.
Laurance: ok, I won't tell anyone!-kisses her forehead. And walks away while she is smiling-
Potato: well?
Laurance: she blacked out during it.
Potato: ok that's fine.-eyes droop down-
Laurance: i know this must be hard for you.
Potato: yes, but it's harder for her.-looks at Charlie and turns back around-
Zane: you look tired, you have had a rough time today. Let's go stay in your old house,ok?
Potato: ok.-walks with him and yawns-
Laurance: so fish...
Fish: what do you want?
Laurance: ok ok geez
Fish: sorry I'm just ticked off that potato and Charlie are both upset. I mean Sophie was like a mom to potato and was a mom to Charlie.
Laurance: I understand, so I heard you and Travis are a thing. Is that true?
Fish: yes.
Laurance: well I guess that means no love for me.-fake chuckles-
Fish: yes you will, who knows. The love of your life might be at the funeral.-winks smiles and walks over to Travis-
Laurance: sure because that's really romantic-sarcastic-
Hey guys! In sorry I haven't been updating. My phone wouldn't let me. Anyway this is the longest one yet. Hope you enjoy this book and leave a comment. Love you potato army

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