The Newbies!

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AUTHORS NOTE- The new characters personalities

Name:Sally Wafflecake Nickname:Sally Secret: water powers Bestfriend:Hopefully potato. Favorite color:Ocean Blue Outfit:Galaxy hoodie, jeans, Purple boots Hair:Light blue to darker blue ombré with purple cat ears Eyes:Dark grey Family: potato and kawaii~chan's long lost cousin Backstory:when kawaii and potato lost their parents, I found pictures of them in my parents' scrapbook when I was 10. I asked who they were and my parents told me everything. I'm an only child, who has been alone pretty much my whole life. I was homeschooled my whole life and I was sealed from everyone until my 18th birthday when my mother told me I could go adventure to ru'la region to get supplies. When I came back my parents were gone. I lived alone for two years until I found potato and kawaii's brother, madron. He told me where they were and he said he was going there himself so he gave me a ride. Unfortunately, he took me to scales wind. Which is farther away from them then I hoped. I stayed there for a week or two and then found out how to get to Phoenix drop. From there, I journeyed for a couple days and finally got to my destination. Ship:Zatato, milowaii Love interest: vylad or laurance Extra: Meifwa, scared of rodents

Name:Lyna Nickname:Yuki Secret: Is a veteran in the army and trains everybody theredBFF:Katelyn and Nicole Favourite colour:Turquoise Outfit:black crop top,purple high waisted shirts,beanie,black thick rimmed glasses with no lens,combat boots,fingerless gloves Hair:turquoise fades to white Eyes:silver and purple but one eye is all black with a white pupil Family:Is Travis's sister Backstory:when she was little she learned how to fight and her dad made her be a veteran Ship:IDK Extra:her glasses and choker necklace make her eyes looks normal but when she takes them off you could see the all black and white pupil eye

Name: Hallstein Yagwa Nickname: Dr. Yagwa Secret: Created a zombie apocolypse years back, which he fixed by making hybrid humans with animal DNA (this could take place in the aftermath, maybe those cat people were decendants of the past survivors)Best Friend: Milos. Favorite Colour: Black. Outfit: Labcoat. Black tshirt underneath, blue jeans. Hair: The character's hair is white, but since that would be redundant let's say dark black. Eyes: Reddish hazel. Family: None. Killed by American soldiers during war. Backstory: Born in Germany, lived in every major city before transferring to Huntsville, Alabama in a war. After the war he worked in Redstone Arsenal. Ship: Milos x Kawaii. Milos is his cousin after all. Extra: He calls everyone Dummkopf. He refers to any romantic interest either by their names or Schön. I guess lucinda for interest

Lets get this part started!!


Potato: *over a big speaker* ATTENTION! EVERYONE REPORT TO THE DOCKS!

-Everyone important at dock-

Aph: Potato? What is it?*sees boat dock*

Potato: We are having newbies join us!

-three people get off the boat-

Travis: *sees sister*...Yuki?

Yuki: TRAVIS! *jumps and hugs him*

Travis: Yuki...How are you?*he holds her tight*

Yuki: I'm doing great! Just left the army.*she pushes off of him*

Dr. Yagwa: Hello, people of Pheonix Drop. My name is Dr. Yagwa.*he walks off the boat and sees milos* Hey Milos.

Milos: Hey Hallstein, or Dr. Yagwa

Sally:*screams* EEEKKKKKKKKK! *runs to Potato~Chan* Potato! You look so older in person! Probably because you are older!

Potato: Who are yo--

Sally: And Kawaii~Chan! *runs to her* I love what you've done with your hair!

Kawaii~Chan: Kawaii~Chan is confused.

Milos: Do you know her Kawaii?

Kawaii: Noo......

Potato: I dont either.

Sally: Oh right, I forgot. My name is Sally Waffle. I am your cousin!*hugs potato and kawaii*

Potato: How? We haven't had parents for as long as I remember.

Kawaii: Kawaii~Chan knows how, She'll explain later.


Aph: It's nice to see these new people!

Potato:Yeah, so welcome!

Authors note:

Sorry this is short but i just wanted to let the people meet them

so Ciao~

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