Spin The Bottle

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Aphmau:-gets the note- man, swimming10fish is really helping me get this ship sailing!-she's sitting in bed-
-garroth is asleep-
Aphmau:maybe I can call her!
-garroth wakes up-
Garroth: morning Aph- kisses her cheek-
Aphmau: morning!-calls fish- hey! It's Aph... I'm good you?.... Good well I need you to do something....great!.... Bye! -hangs up-
Garroth: who was that?
Aph: fish
Garroth: oh I need to thank her for the notebook dare.
Aph: I already did-kisses cheek- I need to go. If the boys wake up there is doughnuts in the cabinet.
Garroth: ok.-gets up- I'll also take them to school
Aph: thanks-kisses- ok bye.
-Aph walks to the dock and a boat docks-
Aph: yay!
Fish:-gets off boat with luggage- hey Aphmau! I'm so happy you invited me.-hugs Aph-
Aph: no problem! I need you're help with the sou the bottle dare.
Fish: okay so Zatato will happen! First can I get somewhere to stay?
Aph: of course! Follow me.-they go to a newly built house next to the fields-
Fish:thanks! I'll just get unpacked and I'll be right there. Where do we meet?
Aph: my house. The boys are having a sleepover with sky Jr., Jin Jr, Ross jr, and Barney jr.
Fish: okay! I can't wait to see potato~chan's face when she sees me!
Aph: well you'll see it tonight. Bai!!-runs off and heads to potato's house-
-knock knock-
Potato:-opens door, has a sassy bun and shorts with tshirt on- hey Aphmau~Senpai! KAWAII~chan and potato~chan are baking cakes!
Aphmau: ah. Well I'm having a party tonight why don't you two come over and potato~chan, want to go shopping after you two bake?
KAWAII~chan: why don't Aphmau~senpai and potato~chan go ahead and go? KAWAII~chan will finish baking!
Potato:ok KAWAII~chan! Let's go!
-they go to the mall-
Aphmau:-walks into hot topic- potato why don't you get this?-pulls out a tardis dressing potato's size-
Potato: ok! I'll wear it tonight with the bows.
Aphmau: and your black boots!
Potato: yes!
Aphmau: maybe we'll get you this?-she pulls out a dark blue lipstick-
Potato:ok? But purple is the lipstick that looks best on me
Aphmau: I know.
Potato: is this a costume party or something?
Aphmau: as of right now yes! It's just for fun. I'm going to wear my pirate costume.
Potato: KAWAII~chan will come as a cat.
Aphmau: why are you not a meif'wa?
Potato: I'm adopted...
Aphmau: oh let's head home-they go home and she goes to zane's house-
Zane: -In yard- hi Aphmau
Aphmau: hi, I'm having a costume party tonight! Want to come? Before you answer, potato will be there and I got her a costume.
Zane: I'll be there. I'll dress up as me though, I don't do costumes.
Aphmau: ok.bye -runs home- I'm just going to text everyone else -texts everyone and sits on couch-
Garroth:-gets home- hey Aph! We are having a costume party?
Aphmau: yes. I'm going as a pirate.
Garroth: I'll wear my guard uniform.
Aphmau: ok
[hours later]
-ding dong-
Aphmau: hello everyone
(Everyone but potato and Zane)
Fish: listen up people. I'm swimming10fish call me fish. We are going to play spin the bottle and when potato spins it everyone jumps up and leaves so she has to kiss Zane. ZATATO MUST HAPPEN
-Zane knocks-
Aphmau: -opens door- the party is down stairs.
-everyone including Zane goes downstairs-
KAWAII~chan:ggrrr Aphmau~senpai! Why do you ship my sister with zane!?
Aphmau: ssh go downstairs
Potato: -opens door- hai...(she's in everything they bought)
Aph: downstairs!
- they go down everyone is in a circle-
Fish: -stands up-
Potato: -runs and hugs fish crying a little- y-y-you're here!!
- they sit down-
Fish: let's play spin the bottle!
Potato: let me guess. I spin?
-fish nods-
Potato: something smells fishy-she spins it and everyone gets up but zane-
Potato:-kisses Zane-
Zane:-blushes and smiles-
Aph and fish: ZATATO!!!!!!-they jump up and die being happy-
KAWAII~chan: gggrr-attacks Zane and garroth pulls her off- let me at him!!!!
Garroth: calm down. Potato seems to be happy. Let her be happy.
KAWAII~chan: fine! Someone start the music so we can dance!
DJ fish: I'm on it! - plays do it for him/her-
-potato and Zane dance-

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