Wedding pt1

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Potato:The wedding is in 3 days! I can't wait to be a bridesmaid.-she sits on the couch with Sally and Kawaii-
Sally: I can't wait to meet everyone formally. I've seen them around and I've been told the names but I don't know them and they don't know me.-she eats a cupcake-
Kawaii: Kawaii~Chan's excited to see Aphmau~senpai get married but she wishes it was with Aaron~kun.
Potato:-giggles- so Sally, any boys ask you to go with them?-she nudges her-
Sally:-blushes- well, there is this one boy named vylad. He asked me to go with him and I said sure, I think we'll be great friends!
Kawaii:Kawaii~Chan ships it!
Potato:I do too!
Sally: I would never be with a boy, like that.
Potato:that's what emmalyn said and now she's married.
Sally: yeah, but Kenmur is her soulmate and the gender-swap of her.
Potato: okay let's make a deal. If he asks you to dance you say yes and if you don't say yes we will fill your house with rodents😈
Sally:-shivers in discomfort- that's not a deal, that's a threat!
Kawaii~Chan: a deal is just a threat with something you can gain.
Potato:such wise, I is blown way.-does that thing when mind it blown-
Potato:You won't regret this!-gets up and grabs her bag-
Kawaii~Chan:where are you going potato~chan?
Potato: to get ready to go help with aph. I'm like the person planning the wedding. I got music, flowers, venue, seating arrangement, cake, food, and decorations to check on.-leaves the house and waves bai- whew, now off to Zane, aph and garroth.
-time skip to when she's with them-
Potato: why did you need me? Are the flowers not coming!?-sits down on aph's couch-
Zane:it's about you.-he sits next to her, comforting-
Garroth:you've been working way too hard for someone else's wedding
Aphmau:so we decided after the wedding is over you are going on a vacation.
Potato:you didn't have to do that but thanks.
Garroth:you are going on a plane to a very relaxing place.
Potato:where?-seemed scared when she heard plane-
Aph:love~love~ paradise!
Potato:I don't want to be alone, I want my friends to be there.
Zane:so far, it's only me and you. Aphmau and garroth are going but they are staying in a different place because of the honeymoon.
Potato:how many tickets did you get?
Aph:14, 4 are already being used so 10 extras.
Potato: It's a hard decision so after the wedding I'll decide.-gets up- well I have to call the caters and make sure they are almost ready.-leaves waving bai-

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