Impersonating Gone Wrong...

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Lucinda:-laughing- you know potato, if you ever need a potion or anything let me know.
Potato:well actually....
Lucinda:-grins- what kind of potion
Potato:do you have a couple potion that make people switch bodies to wear they have to be the other person?
Lucinda:do you not know me?
Potato:-smiles- oh yeah! Well there is a dare to have everyone impersonate someone else and I think we should make it more interesting...
Lucinda:you had me at dare. I only have two right now so I'll go make more,but until then-gives potions- use these on two people. Make sure they are touching in some way when they drink it.
Potato:ok great I already know who...
Lucinda: nice! And make sure you record the funniest part of it and send it to me.
Potato:I will.
Lucinda:ok well I'm going to make more-starts to walk off- bye!
Potato:bai!-runs to zane's house-
Zane:-in yard- hey potato!
Potato:hey Zane! Can you meet me at the plaza?
Zane:sure!-hugs her-
Potato:ok! I'll see you there.-runs to Milos' house- bai!!
Milos: hey Barry do you think you can make dinner tonight?
Barry:but I made dinner last time!
Milos:no I Made it for the last ten times!
Potato:-knocks on the door-
Milos:oh maybe that's kawaii.-opens door- oh... It's you.
Potato:I need you to meet me in the plaza. I want to not hate your guts. In order for that to happen you need to go there.
Potato:ok! Bai-runs home and fills water bottles with potion and then runs to plaza seeing both of them there-
Zane:hey Uhm we are here.
Potato:great! I wanted you to to try this fruit punch I made.-gives them both a water bottle- drink up
-they both start drinking it and potato pushes them to touch arms and they switch bodies-
Zane(in Milos' body):what happened?
Milos(In zanes body):I don't know. Potato can you excuse us for a second?
Potato:sure I'll be going home to check on Charlie anyway-runs off-
Zane(in m): I think we switched bodies...
Milos(in z): shit! I'm supposed to meet up with kawaii for a movie tonight.-sighs-
Zane(in m): well I don't want to go. I want to be with potato.
[to potato]
Potato:-calls Lucinda-Lucinda....the potions didn't work....they are still in their bodies....ok......bai then.-hangs up-
Charlie:-wakes up from nap- I had a good nap auntie!
Potato:that's good!-picks her up-are you hungry?
Potato:ok. -puts her down in kitchen- I'll get something cooking
Charlie:-finds half empty potion bottle and uses it to make tea for a tea party- can we play tea party?
Potato:sure!-sits on ground-
Charlie: how many sugars?
Potato:two please
Charlie:-pours tea in both cups and puts sugar in both-
Potato:why thank you-drinks it and hugs Charlie while she drinks it making them switch bodies-
Charlie(in p): why am I so tall?
Potato(in c): why am I so short?
potato(in c): YOURE IN MINE!!
Charlie(in p): SWITCH ME BACK PLEASE!!
Potato(in c): let me get a hold of Lucinda -calls Lucinda- it's not Charlie.....please don't.-she ends call- hang up....
Charlie(in p): what are we going to do now?

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