~Timid Teenagers~ (Timids-FVK)

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Drews POV:

I trudged over the never-ending field, my feet crunching against the dried, straw-like grass. No matter how many times i had tripped over the old laces of my converse, i couldn't stop walking. I wanted to be anywhere but home.. Anywhere at all. I squinted my eyes through the afternoon sunlight, and tugged my school blazer from around my chest, whipping it around the pole of the first swing in sight. I always came here, at the same time after school.. because i dreaded heading back home to my parents constantly yelling to each other, the bangs of abuse from in the kitchen..it hadn't reached me yet, but i knew it would. My mum welcomed me home, but there would always be a new bruise to her collection..it made me utterly sick. I dropped off the swing, and sat cross-legged in the long grass, hiding from every view, as i silently picked at small strands of grass, the sun blazing down along my neck. The heat really was something today.. I sighed and un-buttoned my school shirt, my weezer top showing through the cotton, before going back to picking the rough holes in my converse..

I looked back up to the park, someone soon enough sitting, in my once-occupied swing.. I found myself smiling, as i lent forward, peeking through the strands of grass, to study him.. He looked tall, but looked around my age, no school blazer, maybe new here? His mopped, golden hair dangled over his glasses, his perfect skinny jeans soaking up the heat. And converse, in much better condition than mine too.. He seemed to have a sketch-pad i think across his lap too, hmm, a drawer?.. I grinned to myself, i'm not sure what, but something about this boy sent electricity racing through my body.. I knelt on a dry twig in my curiosity, and his head snapped up, his deep, crystal eyes gazing straight towards me.. Damn it, well done Drew, fantastic first impression for the lad..

I cringed and felt the heat racing up through my skin, but couldn't seem to drag my eyes from his, he had such a perfect face.. He coughed, a timid blush appearing across his cheeks as he smiled to me slightly, before jumping up and running down from the swings, disapearing from sight. I bit my lip as i watched him run, and lay back into the grass, letting out all the breath i had held.. I'd never fallen for anyone before, let alone a boy.. Was this what it felt like..? I shook my head and sat up, staring at the empty swing, as my stomach churned and groaned with a mixture of feelings, and hungryness.... I grabbed my blazer, and swung it over my shoulder, before standing up and slowly walking towards the shady exit.. It sucks when the only thing you look forward to in life is seeing someone you don't even know, again.. But i can't help it, i'll have to sit through my parents tradgedies before i could even get close. So be it.

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