Movie Night.

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Drews POV:

We ran around the corners and down the streets, our laughter replacing the un-disturbed silence.. Shane was giving me a piggy-back by now, and as his house came into sight, my heart skipped a beat, at the realisation that this was my life now.. I don't think i could ever get used to how amazing it is, and Mrs Sumner now knows we're actually there's nothing to hold us back. She was completely accepting aswell, well of course she would be! She's a legend in woman form.. Shane ran to the porch, and i slipped off his back giggling, as he wrapped his arm across my shoulders, kissing my forehead. I lent my head against him as the door swung open, Mrs Sumner smiling and ushering us in. Shane kissed her cheek, and she gave me a squeeze, before we raced upstairs, our dinner dissapearing off the counter. Pizza can't make much of a mess, right? We collapsed into his room, and Shane dumped the pizza on the side, face-planting into his sheets.. "Aw, Shaney's sleepy." I giggled, rumaging under the bed for my Pyjamas. "Mmf, that's what you get when you have precious luggage on your back." He smirked, rolling over and looking over to me. I blushed and slipped off my new blazer, sliding off my tie in the process. "Precious, isn't a word i'd use to describe me.. I'm used to being called 'a spec of dirt on the kitchen floor'." I smirked, unbuttoning my shirt, but the realisation that it is actually true, hurt. My dad used to yell it at me, non-stop. And my mother obviously didn't disagree, at least she never said so.. I tugged off my shirt roughly, and threw it onto the floor, turning around so my Shane couldn't see the tears beggining to form.. I didn't want to cry right now, i'm 15, i should be freaking strong. Strong like Shane.. but i couldn't help it anymore.

I felt his arms curl around my bare waist, my own arms gripping his tight.. I felt so embarassed, i'm just fed up of crying, i should be over it all by now.. I felt his chin lean on my right shoulder, his hair tickling my neck slightly. "Drew, you are the most important person on this planet. You're beautiful, the most kind boy i've ever had the pleasure of knowing, your style, your taste in music even is perfect. And Drew," He whispered, slowly turning me round, my teary eyes shooting to his, as he slid his arms loosly around my hips. "My Drew," He ran a hand against my cheek gently. "Whoever said that, don't deserve to have ever known you. I love you with all my heart Drew Woolnough, and don't you ever forget it. You're my precious Timid." He whispered, my breath hitching as his lips found mine. I wasn't used to feeling so special, i mean, was all that true? I let a tear escape, as i clung to the back of his neck, kissing him back firmly. "And yes, that's all true, Wooly." He whispered against my lips, my fingers getting tangled in his silky, golden hair. "I'm so, lucky to have someone like you Shane..i mean, you're everything to me. I just, i love you so much..i can't even..put into words..i-" He grinned and tightened his arms around my waist, tugging me into a firm hug. "I know." He smiled into my neck. "Now finish getting dressed, we're having a movie night because i said so." He grinned, pulling away and grabbing his Pyjama bottoms. Well it's decided then. The biggest grin set on my face.

Shanes POV:

We'd both completely ditched our Pyjama tops upstairs, for a blanket was way too hot, and i figured Drew would end up falling asleep down there anyway..  We darted downstairs, Drew diving onto the sofa, face-planting perfectly. He was so energetic, that i struggled to keep up. But that's some of the many reasons why i love this boy. "What are we even going to watch?" I tilted my head at the huge DVD rack ahead, hoping i wouldn't hear the squeak of Iron Man from behind me. "Should we just have a horror?" He asked, leaning his chin on the palm of his hand. "Well, if you're up for it," I smirked, pulling out the first one in sight. "Paranormal Activities, ever seen it?" I turned around to see him, nervously biting his lip. "That's it, i'm putting it on." I grinned, slipping it in the player, and diving onto the sofa, the blanket flying with me. Drew imediately sat up, giving me room, only to spread out across me again, i ended up lying down, with him wrapped in my arms.. I knew he was going to have trouble with this. Oh Drew. He backed up closer to me, as it began, my arm sliding around his bare chest, holding him close. Every jump he made, i just held him tighter, he practically ended up on top of me, within the first half an hour.. To be honest i wasn't focusing on the screen at all, Drew was all i could see at all these days.. It made me feel complete. He looked up to me, rolling over so he was facing me fully. "I don't like this movie." He whispered, blushing. I just smirked, and kept a protective arm around his waist, turning off the tv, the garden light being the only thing keeping the room dimly lit. "Want to go to sleep Wooly?" I whispered, earning a nod in reply, as i tugged the blanket up to our bare shoulders, Drews eyes slowly closing, as the hand on my chest went limp. I smiled, and watched his perfect face twitch, and curl into a smile in his sleep. 

I lent forward and kissed his forehead lightly, before letting my eyes close, Drews warm breath tickling my neck. So much for that movie night..

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