What's mine is yours.

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Drew's POV;

It took longer than usual for my tired eyelids to tug themselves open..but no matter how long it took, the perfection was still real.. I was scared it had all been a dream.. But it was real. My face was inches from Shanes, his warm, peaceful breath floating across my face. His arm was securley around my waist, and our legs stupidly tangled on top of the sheets. I grinned and watched him sleep. It was different not seeing him with his permanent blush, his glasses were on the bed-side table too, he looked so much older than 15.. And i'd actually figured out we had the same birthdays, from seeing a note marked on a calender outside.. Weird, but i liked it. I couldn't resist the urge to run my fingers through his hair, my thumb rubbing against his soft cheek.. I was too afraid to move though, since i was squashing my bad arm awkwardly.. Shanes beautiful eyes were locked on me when my gaze returned to his face, and he just had the most adorable smile splayed across it. "Morning Shaneyy" I giggled, kissing his nose lightly. His smile grew, as he wiped his eyes with his wrist. "Could you pass me my glasses?" He asked, sleepily, earning a smirk from me. I lent over, and slid them up his nose, his eyes focusing on me. "You sound all cute when you're tired.." I smirked, as he blushed and rolled his eyes teasingly, pulling me closer. "Well, we all know who the cute one here is. At least i do.." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I moved his head slightly until our lips met, and he smiled against my lips, curling his body over mine, deepening the kiss. I blushed but didn't stop, wrapping my good arm around his back, my fingers floating under his shirt. "Mm, i love you so much." He mumbled against my lips, as i tugged him closer. "I love you more." I whispered. "No. That's not possible Woolnough." He smirked, planting a tender kiss to my neck.. "Oh we'll see.." I mumbled, closing my eyes, as his lips made their way back to my mouth, before he pulled away. "And you are not. I repeat not, going to school today." My eyes widened, and i tilted my head. "And neither am i, i want to take care of you, you're in my care now, so fuck school." Wow, Shane only swears when he's mega-serious.. "If my Shaney says so." I grinned, as he gave me another peck on the lips, before rolling off the side of the bed, and standing up. "Now, breakfast?" He chimed.

Shanes POV:

Drew was still slunk in my sheets, watching me as i rested my hands on my hips, awaiting a reply. "O-oh right, sorry, yes." He smiled, as his eyes un-stuck from their position on my face.. I shook my head and grinned, biting my lip as an idea sprung to mind. "Seeing as you're not fully awake yet.." I began, walking over to the bed, watching his confused expression take place. "Piggy-back?" I smirked, and he jolted upwards, before shortly falling back down again scrunching his eyes shut. "Shhitt, i was leaning on my arm badly.." He mumbled, biting his lip through the pain.. " I rushed by his side and inspected it quickly, making sure he was alright.. "I'll be fine silly, where's my piggy-back Sumner?" He smirked, i just spun around and shook my head, as he leapt onto my back. Beggining our journey down the stairs and beyond..


We were finally dressed by now, and my mum was calling into the school, telling them we were ill on the phone, and i just grinned as she began to explain the situation of where Drew lives and such now.. They did have to get in touch with his parents at some point, but we'll get through this. I walked into the living room with a can of Monster Energy for each of us, as i looked at Drew, curled up on the sofa, staring at the wall. "Drew?" I asked timidly, as i crouched by the sofa, studying his face. "Oh, hey." He said quietly, smiling as his gaze came to me. "Are you alright?" I stroked a hand through his hair, and felt just how hot his skin was in the process.. "Yeah.. well, no.. Just, alot's happened you know.. Don't feel too good.." He mumbled, burying his head into my chest. "Do you want some painkillers, or medicine?.. Drew love, you're really pale.." He shrugged and tugged on my Iron Maiden Shirt subconciously as he shifted to sit up, pulling me onto the sofa next to him. I opened my arms, and he snuggled into me, wrapping his arm firmly around my waist. "It's going to take a while to get used to life now, i completely understand.. It's not easy leaving everything behind, but always know.. you will never be alone again. Alright? Hell, you can even call my mum yours too, she'll be there always as she is for me Drew. You're totally accepted here, as weird as that is.." I rambled, as he planted a gentle kiss under my chin, nuzzling his face into my neck. "I'm so glad i met you.." He whispered, "I'd be dead without you." He said more firmly.. I just brushed my hand through his fringe, and held him close, kissing his forehead softly. "You're my life now, Drew. Don't forget it." I mumbled, as my smirk took its place, 'Iron Man' shining onto the tv screen ahead. I think this calls for a movie marathon today.. I'm sure Drew agrees, his lit up face already locked on the screen..

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