A Holiday to Remember.

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Shanes POV:

I'd quite had enough of all the crap Drews been getting lately, it just really isn't fair. He didn't deserve any of it at all. I mean, why Drew? He is the sweetest boy in the universe, and i've just had enough of it now. So... I'd spoken to my mum last night, and convinced her to let us have a special day out, to make up for it to Drew. And i couldn't think of anywhere better than, our special beach! Me and my mum used to always go to a lovley little beach in Dorset after my dad left, and it's been a special place ever since. So i'm willing to share it with Drew. He deserves it all, so, so much...


I grumbled and turned over as i felt a firm shake on my shoulder, burying my face back into the pillow. I'm not a happy person when woken up.. "Shane, Drew, get up my lovlies, got to get ready." Mum whispered, as my eyes shot open, my body shooting up, as a grin spread across my face. "We'll be ready." I smiled, before excitedly flopping ontop of the dead Drew. "Wake uuuppp Wooly!" I whispered. "Huh?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes, i'd told him we were taking him somewhere special today, but not told him why, where, and how long.. So i was quite enjoying this.. He turned and looked at the bed-side clock. "Shaaneeyy, it's 7am." He pouted, flopping his head into my lap. "We have to set off early to get there at a good time sleepy, we can sleep in the car." I chuckled, stroking a hand through his hair. "Now come on! Got to get ready love." I grinned, rolling off the bed and sliding into the bathroom, leaving the dead Drew to wake up..ever so slowly.

Drews POV:

When we'd all packed and got dressed, i followed Shane into the car imediately, slumping in beside him, yawning. "It'll be worth it when we get there." He whispered, shuffling closer and wrapping his arms around me. I giggled and nuzzled my nose into his neck, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I know it will be if you like it." I whispered against his skin, a shiver running up his body. I felt his lips on my forehead, as my eyes closed slowly, letting my mind drift off instantly. Shane hadn't told me at all where we were going, but i know i was going to absolutely love it, we'd packed suitcases which ment we were staying more than a day, so i was really quite looking forward to this.. 

I opened my eyes shortly after, looking up to Shanes peaceful face, his eyes closed, and his lips were slightly parted as he slept. He looked so cute.. I stroked a hand across his cheek, before nuzzleing back into his neck, the rush of early morning traffic ticking past, as i fell to the dream world again. Dreams of what was in store.. what my future could be like, how long this perfection would last.. Guess i'd have to find out for myself..


Shanes POV:

I'd woken up at pretty much every single service stop my mum pulled into on the motorway, but Drew, was completely out. He had been the whole journey, and he still looked freaking adorable. I twirled my fingers subconciously through his fringe as i looked out the window, my face lighting up, as soon as we passed the sign to Dorset. We'd be in the right town in about 20 minutes, and the sun was hovering above, making the scene just as perfect as i'd hoped. 

Mum soon pulled in, in front of a typical black railing, that ran across the length of the path, hovering above the sea that was right at our doorstep .. I loved coming here, it was perfect. We always rented this holiday house when we came, a beautiful light blue appartment, with sea-view, and luxury everywhere you looked. I can't wait to see the look on Drew's face now.. I lent my fingers against his cheek, and shook him gently.

"Drew, Drew love, we're here." I whispered, a grin spreading across my face as he opened his eyes, the excitement imediately glinting in his eyes. He sat up quickly, and froze, his mouth hanging open. I just kept the smug look on my face, and helped him out of the car, watching him run up to the railing, and look out across the glistening water. I knew he'd love it here. "Just going to collect the keys!" My mum called, as she disapeared into the building. I walked up behind Drew, and smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, as he stared out across the landscape. "You like?" I whispered, leaning my chin on his shoulder. He giggled and looked to me for a split second, before his lips crushed against mine. I smiled against his lips, and kissed him back, gently. "I love this place already." He breathed, before looking back out at the sun-lit sea. "I've never been on holiday before.." He mumbled, folding his arms against mine. "Well let's make it one to remember." I smiled, kissing his neck, as my mum hurried over.

Drews POV:

I actually couldn't believe i was looking at the sea.. I'd never left home before for a holiday, and it looked freaking beautiful.. There was a ramp just bellow the railing, going into the water. Where little kids and their families were crab-fishing with buckets and little boats floating in the water. I actually felt like i belonged to a proper family too now, i felt like crying.. Shanes mum came over, holding out the keys. "Right, Drew get's first pick of the bedroom." She grinned, as i took the keys with a smirk, dragging Shane with me as i raced into the apartment.

I was embarassed to say, i'd chosen the double bed, in the big room on the top floor.. It was in the roof of the place, a huge window looking out over the sea, and the comfiest bed in history. I looked back to Shane, biting my lip, but got a reaction i wasn't expecting. "YES, DOUBLE BED FOR THE TIMIDS." He yelled, charging up to the bed, and belly flopping onto it. I giggled and jumped beside him, as we buried ourselves in the sheets. "Good choice." He whispered, a blush spreading across my face with my grin. "This is going to be the best 3 days, EVER." I squeeled, rolling off the bed and running up to the window, i just really couldn't get over the beautiful view.. i mean, it's the sea! I just shot around and squeeled, wrapping my arms around his neck, as i knocked him backwards into the sheets. "Thankyou so much Shaney!" I giggled. He chuckled into my neck, and kissed me with a smile. "You deserve it." He whispered, the grin never leaving my face for one minute. "This is going to be a holiday to remember.." I breathed, before i was dragged down the stairs again, our suitcases ready to be un-packed at the bottom. Bring it on..

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