The perfect end, to a perfect night.

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Shanes POV:

We stumbled through the door lazily, and i let out the biggest yawn, as i crept into the living room, glimpsing over to the clock on the mantlepeice. "Damn, 1am." I groaned, turning back to the sleepy Drew, crawling through and falling onto the floor. "I feel dead." Came a muffled reply. I chuckled and stepped over him. "Hang on." I ran upstairs, and whipped my sheets from the bed, picking up all the pillows i could manage in one arm. And gripping our guitars in the other, as i struggled down the stairs, as quietly as i could. I slipped into the room and dropped the sheets and pillows onto Drew, putting our guitars on the sofa for in the morning. (We really did need to practice..) Drew slid his hand out from under the douvets, and grinned up at me.. "Stop being so adorable, i need my heart in tact you know." I smirked, un-tieing my neck-tie, and slipping off my jacket. "We'll just sleep down here, don't need pyjamas tonight anyway, i feel like i'm being baked alive.." I groaned, before blushing and slipping off my waistcoat and shirt. "Fine by mee." Drew mumbled sleepily, quickly unddressing and dumping his clothes in a heap beside him. I folded my trousers and shirts neatly, placing them on the table, sliding my shoes under it, as i was left in my boxers. I blushed and ran to the door timidly. "J-just getting my glasses." I smiled, escaping his adorable gaze. 

I crept my head around the door as i came back with my glasses on, finding Drew spread out ontop of the douvet, face down and limp. I blushed deeply, and grinned at him. Damn, he looked cute in his boxers.. Wow, ok Shane, quit the creepyness. I went over and sat on the sofa, sighing. I was really knackered, but i just couldn't get tonights experiance out of my head.. I poked Drew with my foot. Nothing. Oh he just looked too adorable there anyway.. I glimpsed up to my guitar, and grinned, stepping over Drew (still awkwardly in my boxers) and grabbing my guitar quietly. I stepped back over him and sat by the back door, crossing my legs with the guitar resting on my lap. The moon was huge tonight.. so the room was well lit, even in the real dark. I flicked the light off beside me, and began to strum notes. Figuring out the fingering, how quickly i could change, and i just completely lost myself in the instrument.. I began to make up lyrics in my head as i played, my fingers flying easily over the notes that were coming out. I actually really enjoyed this.. I closed my eyes and let my fingers do the work, memories of old, terrible guitar lessons in primary school coming back to me. It really is better to learn naturally if i'm totally honest..

Drews POV:

I jolted awake suddenly, when i realised i'd somehow fallen asleep without the warmth of Shane beside me.. and i looked up quickly, panicking. Until a small smile settled across my face.. I lent up, wiping my eyes, and lent my chin in my hands, as i watched Shane play. He was sat cross-legged over by the back door, slouched over his guitar, his spine casting shadows across his skin as he did. He looked beautiful.. and was already playing like a freaking proffessional.. I got up onto my hands and knees slowly, and began to crawl over as silently as possible, before sliding my hands around his waist from behind. He jumped slightly, but relaxed as my hands rested against his chest, my legs wrapping around him. I didn't care if i was blushing now, i'm sure Shane was too, but it was good to feel his warmth again. I felt his fingers wrap around mine, as he looked over his shoulder, turning slightly.

I thought you were asleep.." He whispered, the tint of his makeup showing under his glasses still.. He looked breath-taking.. "No.. i woke up and saw you..Shane, you're really good.." I whispered, leaning up and placing a kiss on his neck. He blushed and turned around more, putting the guitar down. "More practice needed though.. but, thankyou." He whispered, capturing my lips as he did. I blushed at how exposed i felt.. but i didnt care.. Not anymore. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back firmly, as i felt his tounge suddenly snake around my own.. He lent closer, and closer until i had to lie on my back, him towering over me with our lips still connected. He lent on his elbows, one placed each side of me, as i rested my hands on his hips. His skin was so smooth under my fingertips..i wouldn't have thought this was the shy Shane i'd met before, but he was everything i'd ever dreamed of. I grinned into the kiss, sliding my hands further to rest on the small of his back. But we both just had to pull away, gasping for all the air we could..

"Damn Drew, how are you so beautiful." He breathed, my breath hitching as a blush flew across my face. His eyes were staring into mine, wild and clear through the dark.. I lent up on my elbows, and looked up at him. "You're the beautiful one, Shane.. Every part of you is perfect.." I whispered, his heartbeat racing through his chest, as i slid my hand under his collarbone, leaning up more. "Come on." I breathed, as i dragged him back over onto the douvet, wrapping it around us in the process, until we were a human caterpillar of blankets.. We curled up imediately, both of us tangling our legs and arms, to get as close as we could.  I reached out a hand, dragging the pillows under us as i got comfortable, finally able to lose myself to the sound of Shanes heart-beat, his breath. And his warmth. I felt his lips against my forehead, before everything went quiet.. Sleep taking me as soon as i let it. How can you have so much perfection in one night?.. Because i sure felt like the luckiest boy on earth right now..

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