The Perfect Plan.

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Shanes POV:

I figured that the beach was a no-go the next day.. i didn't want anything like that to happen again like yesterday.. Drew is my world, and i had a promise i would always be there for him. And I don't think i'll be breaking that promise. After breakfast on our second day there, i'd grinned to the sleepy Wooly that emerged from upstairs. I'm not surprised he looked tired though.. All night he'd keep waking up, making sure i was still there.. I felt so sorry for him.. After hearing about his dream, it broke my heart, i figured i'd find a nice, quiet place to go today though. Without anyone else, just us, me and the love of my life. Because he deserved to know, i will always be his.

He smiled over to me as i began to do up the laces of my converse, the adorable smile i'd never ever get enough of.. I winked at him, blushing, earning a cheeky grin in reply, as he slid on his own converse. I had a good feeling today was going to be special, no matter what.. We soon said bye to mum, she was off to a wild-life centre nearby, leaving me and Drew to go wherever we wanted. Again, not complaining at all.. I wanted all the privacy i could get..

Drews POV:

Shane's fingers were wound with mine as usual, as we left the appartment, i kept quiet.. Because i knew, the more i spoke, the more i'd give away my plan today. I had something special for later, and my nerves were going haywire right now..i just hope it works out. Why do i have to be so Timid sometimes..? I lent my head against his shoulder, as he kissed my forehead lightly, us soon coming to a grassy plain, far across from the beach. I looked up, shielding my eyes from the sun, as i realised it was a hill we were heading up, the path curling round and round to the height of a cliff. Damn, this was going to be perfect.. I giggled to Shane as we began to trudge up the path, his breath warm against my cheek, as he walked just behind me.

Shanes POV:

As we reached the top of the empty hill, Drew collapsed into the summers grass, his jacket flying off imediately through the heat. I giggled down to him and slipped off my own, my Enter Shikari shirt soon showing as i fell into the grass beside him, breathless. He rolled over to be on his back, both of us gazing up at the blue sky, our fingers finding each others beside us.. I felt his ragged breath soon on my neck, as he turned his head in the grass, just like he had when we lay in the grass weeks and weeks ago.. I copied his action, our eyes soon locking, as the familiar fire raced across my face, the blush of how i felt all those weeks ago coming back to me.. When we'd lay like this before, it was when my feelings really were going crazy for this boy.. I studied his face, his beautiful brown eyes glistening through the suns light, his fringe rough over his darkened eyes, the eyeliner fitting him perfectly.. I lifted my free hand, stroking my thumb across his cheek lightly, as his breath hitched through the peaceful silence, the blush he had when we first met, returning.. 

I think everytime i properly look at him, it's like i'm falling in love all over again.. He is prefection in itself, and no one will EVER, convince me otherwise.. He lent closer to me, our lips hovering inches apart as i ran a hand down to his waist gently. I closed my eyes, pressing my lips to his, as he imediately pushed my own apart, his warm breath merging with my own in the heated kiss.. I felt his tounge dance across my lips, stifiling a moan becomming pretty much impossible.. He deepened the kiss as i did, as my fingers ran down to his hips again, soon feeling the warm, velvet skin underneath. He shuddered at the touch, and pulled away slightly, his pupils wildly dilated as he stared at me.. And as soon as he bit his lip, i knew instantly he was up to something..

Drews POV:

I couldn't stop the rapid beating errupting through my chest, as i thought back to the day i met this perfect boy, the image pushing me to do what i was about to do.. "Sh-shane.." I breathed, leaning back up to a sitting position, him doing the same as i sat securley in his lap, my legs wrapped around his waist facing him.. "Hm?" He whispered, running a hand across my cheek. I took a deep breath, and lost myself in his gaze, trying to stop the nervous shakes i was going through.. "Drew, what is it?" He whispered, rubbing his thumb across my jaw. Ok, man up Drew, man up. I closed my eyes, and imagined the day i first met my Shane, the way he made my heart jump, how he helped me through everything.. I snapped my eyes open and slipped my hand into my back pocket, holding it behind me. He raised an eyebrow, questioningly, as i grinned.

"O-ok, S-shane." I took a deep breath, and carried on. "The very first time i saw you, i knew instantly in my heart that you were the one for me, i-i knew i'd never rest until i saw you again.. And when i did, it changed my life... You gave me a proper family, Shane,  you fed me, looked after me, but most of all, you stole my heart Shane." I saw his eyes glisten over slightly, as i carried on.. "You have, y-you have made me feel wanted for once in my life.. you've just made me so happy that i actually love life. I love my life with you, because you are my life Shane. And, i-i thought i could try and be the strong one for once, doing this,.. but.." I wiped my eyes, and looked up to him, moving the tiny box from behind me, and holding it up between the small space between us, his breath shaking as he stared at it, a silent gasp escaping his lips.. His grip around me suddenly tightening. "I-i know i was ment to be Sumner.. i mean, i still w-want to be..b-but Shane i can't wait any longer.." I closed my eyes, before taking another breath, opening the box to reveal the silver ring.. "Will you marry me, Shane?" I breathed, his eyes darting to mine, nothing but the warm breeze moving the suddenly, motionless life around us..

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