Only a matter of time..

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Drews POV:

I limped my way down his hallway..damn his house was fancy.. Mrs Sumner had offered to take me home, since i really didn't want my mum to come here.. Shane was coming too to drop me off.. My heart flipped when he suggested it too.. I smiled politely as she opened the door, Shane wrapping an arm around the small of my back to steady me, as i flung my own around his neck lightly. He blushed and smiled, as he steadied me into their car, him following to sit beside me in the back. I really didn't want to leave.. i'd had a better day than i have at home and in the past to be honest.. I sighed as we pulled out of his drive, and i fiddled with my fingers, my arm had a sling around my neck, i'd never even known his mum was good at first-aid, but she went straight to it as soon as she came in.. Didn't even question me being there.. I grinned at the idea of living with them, it would be so much better than life at home.. My face dropped at the thought of returning to the shit-hole i call home.. I had to bite my lip to stop the tears coming in that moment.. as i wiped my nose quickly with my blazer sleeve, glancing out the window.. I felt Shanes warm, smooth hand slip into mine slowly, as i turned to look at him. "Drew, you alright?.." He whispered, as i nodded slightly, holding his hand tighter. He blushed, but locked his fingers with mine comfortingly, and looked back out of his window.. Allowing me some time to smile at our locked hands, before my stupid house came into view..

Shanes POV:

I could tell Drew wasn't up for going back.. but i guess i couldn't keep him forever..unfortunately.. I watched his eyes mist over as he quickly looked out of the window.. I bit my lip, and pushed through the shyness stopping me, as i slipped my hand into his, making sure he was alright.. He nodded, and i felt his grip on my hand tighten.. My face heated up, as i slipped my fingers between his bruised knuckles, locking our hands tight.. I didn't even care anymore, i felt everything in my body pushing my confidence up and up. "This one, dear?" My mum asked Drew, as we pulled up to a simple house at the end of the street. "Um, yes..thankyou for everything Mrs Sumner." Drew said quietly, his adorable smile spreading across his face. "No problem sweetie!" I smiled and hopped out my side, running around to his door, to help him out of the car. His arm instantly flew around my neck, and i smiled, pulling him gently to his door. He turned to me and i was surprised, at how much it looked like he could honestly cry.. I launched my hands forward and pulled him into a tight hug.. "Drew, you listen to me. Don't let these bullies get the best of you.. You're so much more perfect than them, so remember, never hide your courage." I whispered into his ear, as i felt his tears soaking into the shoulder of my t-shirt... "Thankyou, so much Shane.." He whispered back, his arm tightening around me.. I pulled my face away, and pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose, before smiling to him. "You're always welcome to come around Drew.. no matter what time, what day.. I'll be there for you." I smiled shyly and he bit his lip nervously, before leaning forward, planting a kiss on my cheek, pulling away quickly.. "It means alot Shane..thankyou." I don't know who's blush was worse, but that just about threw me over the edge... I'm surprised he couldn't hear the speeding up beat travelling through my chest.. I grinned and squeezed his hand again, before turning back to the car, my face heating up more and more, as i slipped into the car, waving through the window as we left.. I'm sure going to miss him.. 

Drews POV:

I shuffled straight past the living room, and raced up the stairs, shutting the door behind me, and limping over to my bed. Ok maybe the kiss was a step too far, but i just couldn't resist.. I just now had to be put through school before i saw Shane again.. but no matter what, i was going to see him again. Oh, and i definately knew, I AM 100% GAY.


I clambered up the school drive, bowing my head past all the groups laughing at my new sling and bruises.. Aren't people great? Just great.. I'd made sure my eye-liner was heavier than usual today, it kind of took the attention from the swelling on my jaw if i'm honest.. I studied the grounds as i reached the front doors, spotting Jason and his band of faggots in the far corner of the field, smoking. That sure hurried my pace.. If anything, i wanted to avoid him for the rest of my life. I limped past reception, and followed the way to tutor, the bell sounding as soon as i reached the door. My seat was in the corner at the back, my tutor was actually the only teacher to accept the way i was to be honest.. Mr South. Well, him and my art teacher, Mr Ewins. "Drew?! What on earth happened!" He stated in shock, watching me hobble to my seat. "Ahh, same old." I said, grimly. As he smiled sympathetically,the rest of tutor coming in in their many groups. 

"Right, couple of notices this morning, but, we do have a new addition in our community folks!" Mr South began, as i groaned, the seat beside me was the only free chair, so i knew where this was going.. The students lent forward in anticipation, as i was far too interested in the sling around my neck all of a sudden. "Now he has had problems in previous schools, so do please make him feel welcome guys." He carried on. "Oh, is he a queer like Drew, sir?" Someone piped up from across the room, a chorus of laughter flying through the room. I rolled my eyes and lent my chin on my arm, staring at the wall opposite. "Now that's enough of that, Darren! Or it's straight to time out, alright??" Oh, Darren, one of Jasons junkie buddies. Fantastic. "Now come on in, we've got a seat right next to Drew for you." I looked up, and was met with the exact same face that was plastered on mine. "Shane.." I breathed.

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