"You're not allowed to be alone.."

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Drews POV:

I raced home through the orange-lit streets, and reached the place i call 'home'. Shit, going to be fun climbing over the fence.. guess i'll have to suffer the presance of my mother. Fantastic. I knocked the door once, and squinted my eyes through the tiny door window. "Mum, it's me! Let me in?" I yelled through the glass, i waited a full 2 minutes until she finally opened the door.. Wish i'd just gone round the back though actually.. My dad stormed to the door, and scowled down at me. Shit. I literally had to look up to try and see his face, his muscley palm launching out to grab me by my bad arm, and yank me inside. "AGH, dad what the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed in pain, as he pushed me to the floor, my mum running upstairs and locking the door, in tears. Thanks alot mum, thanks a fucking lot. I stared up at the brute i called dad, his once fatherly actions had faded completely these past months.. "Where the hell have you been running off to these past nights, ey Woolnough?" He boomed at me, my fingers began to shake, spreading up my arms, as i hid my arms behind my back. "I've just, just been with friends." I said timidly, staring at the floor. "OH, friends. And by that, do you mean a new boyfriend or something?" Wait, how did he know..i was gay? "W-what?" "DON'T PLAY FUCKING GAMES WITH ME SON. I raised you, to be a strong, powerful male, but no. You'd rather be a queer for the rest of your life?" I cringed at the word, and stared down at the floor, in silence. "I thought so." He chimed, as he reached down for my tie, yanking me to my feet, my fingers clawing at my throat as i struggled for breath.. I don't know what was about to happen, but i knew it wouldn't be good.. I just stood still, and awaited the worst. As his huge fist collided with my cheek, exactly where the swelling from my last attack was.. "AGGH. FUCK!" I yelled, as i fell onto the splintered floor, blood oozing from the side of my lip. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, FOR BEING SO FUCKED UP BOY." So this is what my mom has been put through?.. I felt the tears swell up, and trickle down my cheeks, as i staggered up, running upstairs and slamming my bedroom door shut behind me..

I raced around my room, sobbing feverishly, i couldn't stop the tears form blurring everything in front of me... I just wanted Shane, and i couldn't stand it anymore. I'm going to Shane's. I threw in my marvel PJ's, ripped my posters of the wall, everything (which wasn't much) that i'd need, and i flung the bag around my back, slipping onto the window sill, and struggling down the drainpipe.. I flung to the ground from halfway down, landing on my bad arm, as i bit into my shirt, sheltering the screams that were threatening to escape. My blazer was dangling off the drainpipe.. Well that's gone. I dragged the bag behind me, as i limped down the street. As soon as Shane's house came into view, more tears flew down, joining the blood down my lip, as i limped up to his door, trying to knock as politely as i could in my panicked state.. I felt rude, but i didn't know where else to go.. "I'll get it!" I heard Shane's beautiful voice chime from inside, as the door crept open, Shane's face fading into the most pale, and broken expression i'd ever seen.

Shanes POV:

"D-drew.." I whispered, taken over by complete shock.. He stared at me, tears were soaring down his face, not seeming to stop, blood was joining them, and i couldn't even understand what he was saying through the painful sobs that errupted from his throat. Who, or what the fuck did this to my..to Drew?! He had a huge, growing black bruise, that didn't even look like a bruise, growing from where the swelling on his jaw was, and he was holding his bad arm helplessly..i could tell he couldn't stand for long.. "MUM! HELP, QUICK!" I yelled down the hallway, i don't normally yell at my mum, but the boy i loved needed me. I shot my arm around Drew's back, and my other under his legs, as i lifted him through the house, into the living room, laying him where i had before. "Oh my goodness! Drew dear!" My mum gasped, as she quickly picked up the bag lying on the porch, running into the kitchen and grabbing the first aid kit. "Drew, oh my god Drew i'm so sorry i wasn't there, it's going to be alright, shhh.." I whispered, as i wiped his tears, brushing my fingers through his roughed up fringe. He opened his mouth, and swallowed continueously until he could form a single word.. "Sh-shane.." He sobbed, i cradled his head in my arms, as my mum began to study his arm, she'd had a degree in medical work, so thank god for that.. I moved my arms, freeing Drew from my now, soggy jumper, and watched my mum patch up his lip.. As soon as she'd done, i had a cool flannel to Drew's face imediately, wiping up the dried blood, calming him down. 

"Oh Drew, what happened..?" I asked, breathlessly, as he looked around the room, silent tears still flowing, his eyes soon dropping to the floor. "We can go to my bedroom if you want? Bit more quiet, and-" He imediately nodded, as i lifted him into my arms again, his arms hanging tight around my neck, staying silent all of the way. I kicked open my bedroom door gently, and closed it, sitting Drew on my bed, bringing in Drew's bag that my mum had hung on the door. I looked inside, and then up to him. " Do you want to get dressed first? Out of those?" I asked, it was the first time my face had heated up since Drew arrived, i was too occupied in making sure he was alright.. "Y-yes, but.." He blushed slightly. "Could you..hel-help me?" He sniffed, scratching the back of his head. "Of course i will." I smiled, my light blush taking place. He began to undo his tie, and buttons, as i rumaged through his bag pulling out some marvel bottoms, and a spiderman top. "These?" I smiled. And he nodded, as i put them by his side. I began to slip off his shirt, carefully, making sure i didn't catch his new-casted arm, and tugged the cotton across it. There were bruises dotting his skin, and i could feel the tears welling, as i looked up at him, shame showing through his features. "I, don't understand how someone could do this to you.." I whispered, carefully letting my fingers brush over a purple bruise on his side. He lifted his arm to wipe my own tears, and i smiled slightly, letting my palm rest against his cheek. "It, was my dad." He whispered, staring down at the floor, as i let the tears flow down my cheeks, the pain in my heart becoming too much.. "D-drew.." I breathed, he carried on, struggling through the words.. "He..he found out i-i was gay..And. Beat me, basically.." He whispered, wiping his bare arm across his eyes. "But, as soon..as it happened. I knew exactly..where i wanted to be." I wiped my eyes, my hands had subconciously gone down to rest on his hips, as i listened, the tears not stopping. "Who, i wanted to be with.." He said, slightly louder, and i let out a shakey breath, as our eyes locked, tears blurring up both of our visions.. "Because.. because i love you Shane.." He sobbed, burying his head in his hands.. I lifted his chin, until his was looking at me again, and i shook my head slowly. "Oh Drew," I whispered. "You're not allowed to be alone anymore. You're living with me. I don't care what anyone says." I said sternly, as my face heated up, my blush showing through the tears, at the thought of what i was about to do.

Drews POV:

I stared at him through my tears, in disbelief at what i'd just told him, aswell as what he said in return.. I wanted to kiss him right now. To just, be able to come to him whenever i needed to, to know for sure, that i didn't have to go back to that hell.. He lent forward, until out foreheads met, and we stared into each others eyes, our shakey, tear-choked breath murging, as out lips finally met. My wet lashes slowly closed, as i smiled against his sweet lips, the tears had a new reason to be falling now.. "Because, i love you too." He mumbled against my lips, as i grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck, his wrapped securley around my waist, before we pulled away slowly. "You don't know how long i've been wanting to do that.." He grinned, i just couldn't resist the girly giggle that always leaks out of my throat.. But i was so happy right now, that i didn't care about anything else anymore, not even the bruises or damage to my skin. All that mattered, was Shane. "Oh i know the feeling," I grinned, my cheeks still damp from the tears that had finally stopped.. "He stood up, still smiling at me, and went over to his wardrobe quickly, tugging out an Enter Shikari shirt, and grey checkered bottoms. "Are you alright to get in your bottoms while i get mine on?" He asked seriously, and i grinned nodding, noticing i'm still topless, a blush flew across my face. And he just had to make it worse by getting dressed in the same room, i struggled not to watch to be honest.. creepy i know. But my creepyness is how we met.. I smirked to myself, and slipped my jeans and converse off, slipping on my marvel bottoms, kicking my converse gently under the bed.

I bit my lip and looked over to Shane, and back to my spiderman top, knowing i actually couldn't do this.. He strutted over right in time, sliding his top over his head, letting me get a glimpse of his perfect skin.. "Um, could you.." I asked shyly, as he grinned and nodded, slipping the top over my head, and sliding my bad arm through the hole, successfully after 10 minutes.. "Thankyou.." I whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his lips, him smiling against my own. "Of course, beautiful." He smiled, his perfect blush showing through. I had a feeling my life was going to be perfect now.. Now that Shane was..mine. Wow, Shane was..mine. Shane was actually..mine. I grinned, and we lay back ontop of his sheets, our hands interlocking once more, as we did in the grass not too long ago..

And i fell asleep swiftly, the warmth of Shanes chest against my cheek forcing a permanent smile to plaster my face. Giving me the most peaceful sleep, i have ever had.

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