A peaceful, perfect last night.

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Shanes POV:

I couldn't breathe.. I couldn't move, it's like time had just stood still, Drews nervous breaths hovering between us.. I actually couldn't believe it, did he just ask that? I mean, he went out and bought a ring.. And he, Drew Woolnough, proposed to me. Everyone thought it would have been the other way round.. My mind was just going nuts, MOVE SHANE, SAY SOMETHING. "S-shane?.." He whispered, a stray tear quickly rolling down my cheek. "Shit.. i'm sorry, you..forget i even asked, it was too soon i'm so sor-" He rambled, before i gripped his neck roughly, plunging my lips onto his. His trembling breath sweet inside my mouth. He grinned slightly, pulling away as i caressed his neck with my fingertips.. "I-is that a yes?" He whispered, biting his lip as our eyes locked once more. "Of course it's a freaking yes, Wooly it's everything i've dreamt of.." I whispered shakily, the tears welling up as i slipped off my glasses, rubbing an arm across my eyes.. "Oh Shane, don't cry.." He giggled, planting a tender kiss just under my jaw. "Oh Drew, i-i, just yes, i love you so much, so so much.." I whispered, as he slid my glasses up my nose with a grin. I'd never felt so in love right now..

Drews POV:

I lent forwards in his lap, lifting his hand in mine, as i slid the silver ring along his finger, pressing my lips to the metal, my eyes closing. I looked up and couldn't help but giggle, as he held his finger up in the sun, the light glinting off it's surface. "It's perfect.." He whispered, his fingers running through my hair, as he closed the space between us once more, his kiss more passionate than ever.. I'm guessing it was a good choice doing this today.. I've never been to happy, i felt like i could cry, but the tears wouldn't come, i was just too happy.. Soon i'd be Mr Sumner, i insist on that, and Shane will be mine forever.. My dream unfolding straight away. The look on Mrs Sumners face when she finds out, and Jack and Will, Kier and the guys.. I grinned against his lips, holding his palm against my cheek as i kissed him, my fingers running down to his hips lightly. I felt proud most of all. It's normally Shane to do that, to ask one of the most important questions in life.. Shane is going to be mine, and i will never regret it. We pulled away slightly, my hands gripping onto his hips gently, as we lost ourselves in this perfect moment. Shanes eyes gazing into mine, the cold metal of the ring sliding against my skin, as his hands slid around my neck. I lent my forehead against his, closing my eyes as we stayed there for a while. Just in each others embrace, nothing seperating us, perfection at its best.

"We should go and show mum.." He grinned excitedly, the happiness he'd just found really adding to the perfection.. I nodded, quickly grabbing his face and kissing him before he could get up, deeply, leaving him breathless again. I didn't want to forget this moment, never. "I love you, Shane Sumner, more than anything."I stated firmly, his lips pressing against my neck. "We're going to be together forever Wooly, nothing will ever get rid of me." He grinned, getting up from the grass, and holding out his hand to me, the silver glinting along his finger. I simply grinned and wrapped my fingers between his, as he dragged me down the hill, i've never seen him so happy. Life, i do love you.

Shanes POV:

We ran back to the appartment at full speed down the railing path, tumbling through the door in fits of giggles, as we took two steps at a time. I stopped at the top, and bit my lip. "W-wait, what, what do we say?" I asked, holding my clenched knuckles to my lips as i looked to him. "Just sit her down, we'll tell her together." He smiled, taking my hand back in his. I nodded, taking a breath as he entered, pulling me behind him firmly. "Oh hey boys! There's some wonderful cookies on the kitchen table for you!" Mum grinned, as i smiled timidly across to her. "You alright?" She smiled at a second glance, as we both nodded, me looking to Drew, as he pulled me over to the sofa where she sat. "We have something to tell you.." He smiled shyly, mum dropping her magazine and leaning forward, eyebrows raised. "W-well, as you know, Shane means alot to me Mrs Sumner, you both do, having been there for me, looking after me, and just his love to me, it..it ment alot.." He began, me imediately feeling nervous, a blush spreading across my cheeks.. "Mrs Sumner..mum, what i'm trying to say, is, i've proposed, to Shane..Because we both know, there would never be anyone else in this world, for us, i love him with all my heart mum, i-i'm sorry i didn't ask for permission first or-" And that was it. Mum had launched herself at Drew in tears, squeezing the life out of my poor husband-to-be.. Oh mum. "OH DREW DEAR, THAT'S WONDERFUL, OHMYGOSH YOU MUST LET ME HELP WITH THE ORGANISATIONS!" She squeeled, soon pulling away to let him breathe. Oh dear, i do love her.. "Oh Shane, i'm so glad you're happy, you two, you're too inseperable anyway." She suddenly grinned, as me and Drew exchanged smirks. "Thankyou mum, i know it would have happened anyway.. Drew is everything to me, i could never regret anything.." I smiled timidly, Drew smiling and taking my hand in his, the ring proudly standing out against my skin. "I'll be there for you both all the way, no matter what." She smiled, kissing our cheeks. We both smiled to each other, i know nothing, could ruin this. Nothing at all.


Drews POV:

That night, i lay in Shanes embrace. Our last night here, but still perfect. I was slung half-way across his chest, my cheek resting along his collar bones, as he ran his fingertips down my spine lightly. No words needed to be said, it was just purely preaceful and perfect. I rested my hand aginst his hips along the waist-band of his boxers, as he breathed peacefully into my hair. Nothing could ruin how great life already was, i was once again mezmorised by his silk smooth skin, my fingers constantly moving across his chest lightly, his own making their way back up my bare back to tangle in my roughed up hair. I was quite honestly exhausted, but it had been the best days of my life since i met him. Nothing could tare us apart now. And even if we left this paradise tomorrow, i knew we were going to have some fun telling the guys back home. I missed them too, i'd found more confidence here, and i sure as hell was ready to use it. Along side my husband-to-be.And that's a promise.

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