Shane and Drew, a life before fame.

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Shanes POV:

The next few days were still, perfection. But mainly, all the acceptance from everyone we'd told was surprising.. Over the days to come, we told Jack and Will, as we went into school.. And instead of the usual homophobic, bitching, disgusting people walking about, we had changed pupils, who waved at us warmly.. Smiles towards us, genuine smiles, Jason had returned. But steered well clear of us as we passed through the hallways, hand-in-hand. We'd reached the art room, and Will and Jack were sat on a table, their faces lighting up at the sight of us. And we just felt like changed people, as soon as we'd returned.. But most of all, Drew had a new found confidence, a confidence i'd been proud to be a part of building. And as he used it through the weeks, months, years, we both grew together. Happiness everywhere we went, and no problems ever came up, never again..

And look where our journey bought us. I'm now 24, and as much as this began to be Drews Story, i thought i'd end it. Because, no matter what, it's been just as important a journey for me.. Jack and Will ended up becoming best friends to us and the band, always there when we played.. And, speaking of which, we were a proper band now. Fearless Vampire Killers, was the name Laurence had thought for us, and we all obliged instantly, seeing how far it's bought us now, thousands of fans, my artwork even producing alot of our official Merchandise.. And even now, at the sight of my Timid, i forget every bit of that. 

Drew had become my life the minute i'd layed eyes on him, and yet, he still is, 9 years later. 

I opened my eyes slowly, and brushed the fringe from his perfect face.. His low voice humming an unfamiliar tune. He smiled up to me from the grass, and pushed my glasses up my nose, as i lent over him. His golden ring glinting in the sunlight, my own shining from where my fingers had tangled in his hair.. Yep. We got married, 3 years after his proposal, and we didn't give a second thought to where our honeymoon would be. The hill hadn't changed one bit, the ripe, green grass, the old wooden benches around the top, and still empty. Our special paradise by the sea.. I felt Drews hand run up my back gently, as i breathed a peaceful sigh, leaning down to press my head against his.

"Drew.." I began, locking my eyes with his, as i sat up slightly, ending up in Drews lap, as he had all those years ago.. "Hm?" He replied, running his fingers through my mopped hair, as i rubbed my thumb across his cheek lightly. "You know, I still never forget what my mum said to me, just before she left us.." I whispered, locking my long fingers between his. "What was that?.." He smiled sympathetically, holding my hand to his cheek. "'Go back there. Go back to your place Shane Sumner, and remember how you felt, the first day you met him. That feeling will push you through everything, Shane. Never leave him, keep him safe, and go on to live the perfect life you deserve.'" I mumbled, looking down as i remembered my mums last words, before she left to go to Australia.. She always had wanted to help the wildlife there..i just.. i did miss her, even now. Drew lifted my chin gently, his perfect eyes shooting to mine. "And you did Shane. You did." He whispered, gently pressing his lips to mine, as i pushed back, laying down with my husband by my side, our hands locked between us. 

Nothing, has never managed to tear us apart. And nothing, ever will. Drew has always been my life, and he always would be, the life we've led together being perfect evidence that we were ment to be. We even wear our prom-dress as our band wear.. and only us, only us alone, know what we have together, whether it's on stage, or alone. Drew Sumner isn't alowed to be alone, and if we're ever asked about how we met; i just say, never be afraid to be 20 minutes late..

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