An unforgettable dream..

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Drews POV:

I knew i was awake, but i couldn't feel anything. Nothing but soft, warm ground bellow. What was it, sand..? I strained my eyes open..but i just wasn't strong enough.. Everything was black.. All i could hear were Shanes feet hitting the rock as he fell... The horrible squeek against the moss.. I began to think about what life could be like without him.. NO. I NEED HIM. I NEED HIM NOW. I suddenly tried to scream, i tried to yell his name to the world. The world around me. Would he hear me? Would he stop this hum of panic that was travelling through my veins? No. Because i was too stupid to save him. It's all my fault. All of it, my fault..

The electricity writhed through my body, i felt like i'd just ran a marathon with how tight my lungs felt.. "SHANE!" I screamed, ignoring anything around me.. "SHANE, PLEASE! COME BACK TO ME" I screamed, my eyes still scrunched shut.. "DREW, DREW LISTEN TO ME, OPEN YOUR EYES DREW. I'M HERE." Someone yelled down my ear, my shudders stopped, Shane? Is he alive..? I tried to push through the panic, but i couldn't, i couldn't see anything.. "I..i can't.." I wheezed, i curled up, afraid of the blackness that was waiting for me.. But i felt warm, strong arms tighten around me, the feel of someones soft lips against my forehead. "Open your eyes, look at me.." They whispered, my body slowly going limp.. I twitched my eyelids open, the sun beating down on my face, the sand soft beneath my trembling body.. Shane, perfect as ever, hovering above me, worry spreading through his features. "D-drew, can you hear me?" He asked, his finger tips running across my cheek..

Shanes POV:

Today was going so well, it only took seconds for something to go wrong.. Me and Drew had been spread out across our towels, i was waiting for the ice-cream person to open actually.. (what can i say?) but it took a while.. And Drew had drifted off on top of me, so it was kind of impossible to move.. But, he'd just started shaking his sleep. And i couldn't wake him..i'd tried everything, he just..wouldn't stop.. Mum was still far out on the pier, so i was a bit stuck with that.. I just held him closer to me, brushing his fringe out the way, and whispering in his ear.. It's all i could do, i think he was having a panic attack..while sleeping? Come on Shane.. help him..

"SHANE, PLEASE! COME BACK TO ME!" He suddenly screamed, his eyes still locked shut, really broke my heart.. I knelt forward, caressing him as i lent my lips to his ear, soothing him as i did. "DREW, DREW LISTEN TO ME, OPEN YOUR EYES DREW. I'M HERE." I stated firmly, my hand not moving from his cheek.. I fought back the tears that were threatening to escape, i needed Drew to see me. I needed him to see me NOW. "I..i can't.." He sounded terrified, like he was trembling through it.. My Wooly.. I pressed my lips against his forehead gently, closing my eyes, as i whispered against his skin.. "Open your eyes, look at me.." His eyes slowly opened, the fear showing through his gaze.. "D-drew, can your hear me?" I whispered, locking my eyes with his, as i smoothened my fingers across his cheek.

Drews POV: was all a dream? I nodded slowly to him, before the tears began to fall.. I couldn't believe it wasn't real.. It felt real enough after all. I flew forward and collapsed into him, the warmth of his skin, his scent, everything about him..i thought i'd lost.. He cradled me close, his arms winding around my waist as he lent back slightly. "Shh, Wooly, it's ok, i'm here.. It was just a dream, i'll never leave you, like i promised.." He whispered, my hands despirately floating across his body.. the feel of his skin imediately heaven for me.. My hand stopped around his neck, as i tugged his lips to mine, hungrily, our mouths moving in perfect sync, as i wound my tounge with his.. I'd never wanted his mouth on mine so much, his sweet lips were all i wanted right now. Him, all of him, he's all i've ever, and will ever want. The tears rolled down my cheeks, rolling past our joined lips, as i tangled my shaking fingers in his hair, sat between his legs with my legs wound around his hips.. "I l-love you so much.." I whispered against his lips, as he smiled, wiping my tears softly. "I love you too Wooly, with all my heart." He mumbled, kissing my neck gently, as i buried my face into the crook of his neck. I don't know what did it, but that sure concluded that desiscion. I want to marry this boy, so he can always be mine.. I'm never losing him, in any way, shape, or form, ever ever again.

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