Perfection Iteself.

555 19 3

Shane's POV:

I'd woken up before Drew as usual, and with my mom being out to work early, it was just us in the house alone. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, looking down to the sleeping lump next to me. He looked adorable right now, if i can say so myself.. I brushed his fringe softly, and lent down, kissing his forehead. His lips curled into a smile in his sleep, leaving me to just grin at him none-stop.. My Drew. I just had the best dream about him last night too.. It was..our wedding reception. Our first dance together, no one else mattered to me, just Drew, in my arms. It was honestly perfection.. I sighed and smiled, maybe one day that could happen, one day.. 

I cringed as the phone suddenly rang from downstairs, my body soon flying out of bed, as i raced down to answer it before Drew woke up. Picking it up, to my surprise, i heard Jacks voice.. "Jack?" I asked, awkwardly waiting for a reply, still in my pyjama bottoms, and half asleep.. "Ahh Shane! Hows it going buddy?" He beamed down the phone, a smile appearing on my face. "Great! Normal life i suppose.. Just me and Drew are getting involved in a band, which is pretty cool.." I trailed off, squinting at the wall as i remembered my glasses were upstairs.. "Oh that's wicked Shane! I hope it all goes well. But i was calling you about this all-schools prom going on, obviously i couldn't tell you at school, so just letting you know, you're both welcome to come. It's tomorrow night. Don't want you boys missing out is all!" He rambled, a smile beaming across my face.. To be honest i thought he was going to send us some work or something.. "O-oh that's awesome Jack.. T-thankyou! We'll be there." I replied timidly, before i said my goodbyes, quickly putting the phone down. I grinned and blushed to myself, mine and Drews very first prom.. and if it's an all-schools prom, we could get Kier and the guys to come..  I bit my lip, and squeeled slightly, the excitement racing through me.. Before running back upstairs to the sleeping lump that had somehow hung himself half out of the bed.. Oh Drew. Time for a Wooly-attack i think.. Me soon leaping onto him, disturbing the sleepy silence.


Drews POV:

I stared into the mirror opposite, shaking inside, as i buttoned up my waistcoat, my fingers soon hovering over my bow-tie, straightening it. When Shane told me about the prom, i hadn't relaxed all day yesterday, i must have squeeled and jumped in circles about 1000 times around him.. Maybe i shouldn't have had those cookies.. But now, i felt absolutely nervous.. I straightened my jacket, turning around at angles, making sure everything was alright. I had my heavy eye-liner on, and my hair roughed up, just over my eyes. I guess i looked..presentable. I blushed and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths, mumbling over and over again that it was going to be ok.. But my nerves just had to make my stomach churn..

I suddenly snapped my eyes open as Shane walked into the bedroom, and my heart completely stopped.. He had his skinnies on (not helping my attraction to him right now), a beautiful black waistcoat to match mine, a perfect fitting black jacket, and a black and white striped neck-tie. Tied in a drooping bow around his neck. I moved my eyes up to his blushing face, it looked as stunned as mine. But his makeup was adorable.. he had a cute pink tint to his eye-liner, and his hair was roughed up..dare i say he looked freaking sexy.. I blushed and closed my mouth, which had been hanging open since he walked in, and he blushed too, setting his glasses on the table and walking over, taking my hands. "You look beautiful.." We both breathed.. grins spreading across our faces. He lent down and caught my mouth hungrily, as i tangled my fingers into his already messed up hair, kissing him back as passionately as i could. As if my life depended on it.. 

Shanes POV:

I couldn't believe how gorgeous Drew looked right now.. I just wanted to feel his lips on mine before we had to face the crowds again, and can i just say it was a good choice. I pulled back gently, leaning my forehead against his. "You ready, love?" I blushed, losing myself in his wild eyes. "Yeah.." He breathed, my hand slipping into his. 

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