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Drews POV:

I kept my eyes shut so tight it hurt.. My lungs tightening as i struggled for breath. All i could hear was Shane, his voice right by my ear. "It's ok, come with me it's ok, shh." He hushed, as i buried my face into his chest. "I'll bring him down when he's ready." Shane stated sternly, as i was pulled up the stairs, my face still buried in his shirt. He pushed open the bedroom door and slammed it shut as i flinched.. Seeing that man again makes me expect a punch to my face any minute.. i couldn't help it. Shane quickly pulled me into his lap on the bed, stroking his hand through my hair as i sobbed into his neck.. "Sh-shane he's going to hit me..H-he'll beat me..i c-can't go down. P-please don't take me down.."I breathed into the crook of his neck, as he lifted my chin, stroking my cheek lightly. "Drew love, i wouldn't let him lay a finger on you, i promise. I'll stay with you, right by your side. But Drew.." He whispered, leaning his forehead against fine as i wrapped my shaking fingers around the thin material of his shirt. "You have to face him.. if you're legally going to live here..Me and mum will be with you through it, i promise you." He whispered, gazing straight into my eyes.. He was right.. i need to man up. I've had nothing but perfection living here, and if i had to face that dick to get through it again, then so be it. I nodded hesitantly to him, as his lips pressed against mine gently. "You can do this." He whispered, taking my hand. Right.. we'll see about that..

Shane led me downstairs, and i tried to hold in the shakey breath that was escaping constantly.. Shanes mum appeared from the kitchen and smiled sympathetically as she saw me, rushing over. "I'm so sorry about this Drew ,dear.." She whispered, giving me a squeeze. "Where is he." I more stated than asked. She nodded to the living room door and stepped back. I took a deep breath and looked back to Shane. "I'll be alright." I smiled, the confidence filling up. (Or more like complete rage..) He let go of my hand and stroked my cheek. "You sure?" He asked, biting his lip, as i lent forward and kissed him firmly. "I'm sure." I whispered. He smiled slightly and let me go, as i pushed open the door, closing it behind me.

"Wow, you actually stopped crying." Dad smirked, getting up and walking over to me. I flinched and stepped back quickly, clenching my fists. "Pf, calm down you idiot, aren't i allowed to move now?" He grumbled, glaring down at me. "What the fuck do you want?" I mumbled through gritted teeth, as he snarled at me. "Don't fucking push me Drew. You already deserve a good punishing for fucking running away, and living in a freaking strangers house. And then what, YOU FUCKING SHOW OFF HOW MUCH OF A LITTLE GAY YOU ARE WITH HER SON?" He boomed, Shanes mum struggling to keep Shane in the kitchen by this point. "YOU KNOW NOTHING, ABOUT HOW SHIT I FELT THERE DAD. YOU FUCKING THINK I'D STAY WITH AN ASSHOLE LIKE YOU? I'M TREATED RIGHT HERE." I struggled, the tears soon flying down as the sobs cracked through my throat. " Mrs Sumner.. treats me like a proper son. And Shane, is the BEST THING, to ever have happened to me." I struggled through sobs, as he gagged at me. " Oh you're such a naive little boy. WE RAISED YOU. AND IT WASNT EVEN OUR FAULT YOU TURNED OUT WRONG." He yelled, walking over and keeping the door shut with his hand. Ok.. now i was slightly scared.. "WHAT PARENT EVEN SAYS THAT? I'M GAY DAD, AND STILL HUMAN. FUCKING PUNCH ME IF YOU WANT, BECAUSE NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY I'M STAYING HERE." I piped up, walking up to him and staring right up into his horrid eyes. "FINE. AT LEAST WE WON'T HAVE A FAGGOT LIKE YOU IN OUR HOUSEHOLD AGAIN." He launched his hands out and pushed me backwards, a vase smashing as my head hit the fireplace.. Ouch. "Don't expect me to be there when you're kicked out like the fucking rat you are." He snarled, swinging the door open and storming out the house.

I stared at the doorway in complete shock.. my mouth still hanging open as the tears raced down my face silently. Mrs Sumner and Shane rushing in, in a blurr.. My head was throbbing, and i felt broken all over again, until Shane's strong, firm arms were wound around me.. "Drew i'm so sorry.. i tried to get in, i should have been there i-" He rushed, tears flying down his perfect face. "Hey, Shaney. Nothing could hurt me anymore. Ever since i've been with you, i've felt stronger. And it's all because of you.." I smiled weakly through my tears, wiping his eyes, and kissing him instantly. It calmed me down instantly, as he pressed back, firmly. "That man will never hurt you again, you're with us now, properly." Shane sniffed, lifting me from the ground as i swung my arms around his neck. Mrs Sumner kissed my forehead and smiled slightly as she came back in. "It's ok now Drew.. You never have to go back there.." She whispered, before picking up some glass from the floor. "I'm sorry about your vase.." I bit my lip, as they both laughed. "Oh Drew, i'm more worried about you than my vase.." She smiled, before inspecting my head. "I'm fine now." I smiled, wiping my eyes and looking to Shane. "Just fine." He pecked my lips quickly before turning and carrying me up the stairs, soon sitting me on his bed as we got inside our room.


After we'd both got our Pyjama bottoms on, Shane sighed, bending down and kissing the lump on my head lightly, before kneeling down between my legs, looking up to me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that today Wooly.." He whispered. I lent down and pressed my forehead against his. "Shaney, it was go through that or get sent back to that hell again.. You know what i kept thinking through it all? That i'd be able to spend the rest of my life with you if i pushed though it." I whispered, his breath warm against my lips. He grinned and stroked a hand through my hair gently. "I'll be there for you till the day i die Drew.. We still have that wedding to plan afterall." He winked, my blush appearing, as i launched my mouth against his once again, giving in and taking a deep breath through my nose. He grinned and lent up, kissing back harder as i pulled him onto the bed, him hovering above me. "Only if i get to be Mr Sumner.." i giggled against his lips, him just smirking, before pressing his lips against my neck lightly.. "Of course." He whispered, as we curled up to each other, nothing but Shanes perfect skin surrounding me. I knew i was safe now, that monster was out of my life now.. Shane nuzzled his nose into my neck as his eyelids closed slowly.. his breath gentle against my skin. He's adorable when he sleeps..I just smiled to myself, soon closing my eyes, falling asleep once again in the warmth of my Shane. My Timid.

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