"One of Us."

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Drews POV:

We ended up wandering back out onto the grass, just this time with our new-found friends, Kier, Laurence and Luke. Laurence was the one with the straight black hair from the other day, adorable patterns around his eyes, and Luke with the top hat. They were actually really nice guys, and straight away were becoming really good friends.. I was sat in Shanes lap timidly, his arms wrapped loosley around me as we faced the other guys. "So, us three have been trying to start a band for ages, and it's been a pain to get out there and such.." Kier began, picking the strands of grass as Laurence lent his chin on Kiers shoulder with a grin. "And, well me and Laurence can play guitar, but we would actually love to sing too, and Lukes up for the drums.. And-" He was cut off as Laurence lent forward. "Basically, you guys would be perfect for us, like the main guitar parts and such.. if you were up for it. And about the cost, you two don't even need lessons! We saw you playing in there, like you were freaking born for it." Laurence grinned, both me and Shane blushing, Luke still playing with his top hat in the grass as we spoke. "W-well, i mean, i know i'd be up for it. We just, we don't actually have..guitars.." I replied timidly, and as shy as i sounded, i was so up for this.. I hope Shane was too, because there's only two things i'm completely passionate about in life. 1. Shane. 2. Music. "Oh we can sort that out, we have perfectly useable guitars in the attic at home, secondhand but, not used that much." Kier grinned to us, Shane smiling down to me as i did. "We're in." Shane stated, the biggest grin shooting across everyones faces. "Sweet! You can come down to my house if you want, to pick them up? We got some tabs and stuff to get you going, but i know you guys are going to be epic!" Kier grinned, his eyes glinting, slipping his hand in Laurences as he spoke. I am loving these guys.. "Sweet! T-thanks so much Kier!" I giggled, giving him a timid hug. "No problem at all Drew, Shane, you're both welcome to come to us whenever you need to aswell. You were one of us at first sight!" He grinned again, getting up and flicking Luke in the process. "Huh?" He grumbled sleepily, scurrying up from the grass. "Say hello to our new guitarists you douche." Kier smirked, hanging his arm across Lukes shoulders. "Oh! Awesome, welcome to the family guys. Sorry..there's something about the sun that gets me tired.." He rambled, me and Shane giggling as he scratched his head.

"Right, off to Kiers! His mom makes the most perfect cookies, oh my god.." Laurence yelped, before winding an arm around the now blushing Kier's waist. Me and Shane just kept exchanging grins as we walked hand-in-hand. We'd actually made genuinely nice friends for once.. "So how did you guys meet?" Laurence asked with a smile. And i blushed slightly, pipeing up as i knew Shane was in full on timid-mode. "W-well, i saw him in the park once, and instantly fell for him.. But i was a bit creepy to be honest.. Didn't see him until the next day, which was.. an interesting meet.." I bit my lip, my blush flying across my face as Shane squeezed my hand. "Interesting how?" Kier smirked, his fingers hovering against Laurences back. "W-well i got beaten up by this idiot.. and yeah, Shane f-found me.. Um, yeah." I mumbled, Shane kissing my cheek quickly with a sympathetic smile. "Oh man, i'm so sorry.." Kier stopped, moving over to hug me. I smiled shyly and hugged him back, before he pulled away, putting a hand on each of my shoulders. "We're here for you guys now.. We know what it feels like, trust me.. That's why us three stick together. And now you're one of us, so if you ever need us, we're yours." He grinned, beggining to walk again as Laurence and Luke nodded to us."Thanks Kier..really means alot." I smiled, my blush disapearing quickly. "Yeah..it's nice to have proper friends for once." Shane smiled timidly, blushing under his glasses. I giggled and wrapped an arm around him, leaning into his side as we turned into the drive of (what i'm assuming was) Kier's house.

Shanes POV:

"Right, just up here." Kier called, disapearing up some fold down ladders in his hallway, followed by Laurence with a mouthful of cookies, and Luke. I smiled and shook my head, helping Drew up the ladders, before poking my head up and crawling across to the others. "Right, Shane." Kier smiled, walking over to the back, and coming over with a perfectly nice electric guitar, holding it out with a grin. "W-I-Kier a-are you sure? I mean, i can pay for it, i can get money and-" "Shane. You're one of us, ok? You deserve it too with all this shit you've been through. It's honestly no biggie, it's all yours." Kier smiled warmly to me, Drew grinning up at me as i took it into my arms, pulling Kier into a hug shyly. "Thanks Kier, really." I smiled, as he patted my back gently. "No problem at all." He grinned, before wandering off again. "And Drew." Kier came back over, a blue bass guitar in his arms. "Obviously you don't have to stick with these ones forever, but they're yours for now." He held it out to Drew, as he lept up, hugging Kier, his face beaming. "Thankyou Kier!" Laurence laughed at Drew's energetic burst, Luke grinning as he swung some drumsticks about between his fingers. "Anytime Drew." He smiled warmly. Soon giving us some papers and (to Drew's delight) cookies. 

I couldn't actually believe this was happening.. We did have to end up leaving soon, due to my mum probably having a heart attack by now, but i grinned as we waved goodbye to the guys, all of us splitting our seperate ways. Well when i say all of us, that's Luke and us Timids. As Laurence was staying at Kiers tonight, they were actually a perfect couple.. i wonder if people think me and Drew are.. I locked my fingers between Drews, as he lent his head against me, as we walked through the streets. "You tired Wooly?" I smiled, brushing his fringe back. He nodded into my arm, as i smiled. Kier didn't have anything for us to carry the guitars in, but thank God he didn't live too far, so we didn't have to hold them for long. And i could tell Drew was going to pass out at any moment.. We reached the front door, and i opened it with the spare key, both of us too tired to go anywhere but the bedroom. I shut the door behind us as we got to my room, leaning both of our guitars against the wardrobe as we began to get undressed. Drew didn't have a cast on anymore, and he looked like a changed person.. So much more happier, healthier. I grinned and slipped on my Pyjama bottoms, leaving the top out of it again tonight, as i watched Drew yawn, chucking his top on the floor sleepily. And after slouching to the bathroom, sorting ourselves out for the night, I can honestly say, all our energy had gone.

As soon as Drew emerged from the lit-hallway, i opened my arms, him soom shuffling over to me with a grin, as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I pulled him down gently onto the bed, lifting the covers so that we could slip in. He tugged himself closer to me, and our legs were soon tangled together as we lay.. I stared at him, all of todays events fading from my mind as i looked at him. It was just him i cared about right now. His sleepy eyes locked with mine, as his hand slid up my chest, soon feeling his lips press against mine. "Mm." I mumbled into the kiss, sliding a hand around his waist, pulling him closer. He pulled away slightly, and pecked me on the nose. "I love you Shaney." He whispered, the hand on my chest travelling up to rest behind my neck. "I love you too Drew. With all my heart." I whispered, my own hand cupping his cheek lightly. And within seconds, he was out into a peaceful sleep. Leaving me to fall asleep to his gentle breath against my bare chest, my mind racing with ideas and thoughts about our new friends.. and what was in store for us now.. I guess we'll find out soon..

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