It's you and me, now..

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Drews POV: 

His eyes shot to mine, and we couldn't move.. It was my school.. This is going to make my life so much better... i mean, i get to see his face everyday, i just..i can't even..believe it. I let my mouth finally close, as Shane was ushered towards me, timidly taking his seat. I don't know if he was, but i knew that i was struggling to breathe right now.. my eyes were locked in the spot he was standing in, i could hear his heart beat beside me, his breath, it was Shane.. 

Shanes POV:

I couldn't slow down my breathing, my heart felt like it was going to shoot out of my chest, as i glimpsed at him in the corner of my eye, he was just as lost as i was.. I bit my lip, and pushed my glasses up my nose quietly, as we sat in silence until tutor ended.. "Right, back row, off you go." Mr South chimed, as i stood up, pushing in my chair, quickly walking out of the room and waiting outside for Drew. He sped round the corner, almost missing me, and he grinned. "Shane.." He whispered. Relief surged through me as i gave him a hug, but it didn't last long.. i'm not used to having much attention in schools.. He smiled and bit his lip. Obviously deciding on something.. "What lessons have you got, Shane?" He asked quietly, as he slowly slipped his hand into my maybe too-obviously shaking hand.. "Hey, it's going to be alright, i'll be here with you, every step of the way." He grinned. That grin.. My fingers tightened around his as we began to walk, tugging my time-table out of my new blazer pocket as we did. "Wow, you're in every lesson with me, other than maths.." He said, unsucessfully trying to hide his smile.. I grinned under my fringe, and looked up at him. "Thank God.. or else i'd be well and truley done for." I smiled. "That's why you have me after all.." He grinned, as a rosey blush spread across his cheeks.. Oh Drew. If only you knew how happy i am right now..

Drews POV:

Double art was almost over.. and it took a full 10 minutes to pull Shane away from the walls... You see, Mr Ewins is overly obsessed with Dinosaurs..aliens.. They scattered every single wall actually.. But Shane already loved him, i was surprised at how amazing he is at drawing.. We were sat on the single table near Mr Ewins, and Shane had already had his head buried in his new sketch-pad.. It just made me smile to be honest. Even Mr Ewins couldn't stay away from the table, talking to us, about how me and Shane met.. I'd never had a better lesson. The bell soon rang for break, as we snapped our sketch-books shut, giving a wave to Mr Ewins as we did. He even lets us call him Jack as a good friend, he understands our sexual orientation completely too.. If only everyone did, hey? 

I took Shane to where i normally went at break and lunch, as we went to the far, sheltered corner of the field, tree's standing over us as we dropped our bags on the floor, us soon following. "So you come here everyday?" Shane asked, crunching on an apple that quickly appeared from his bag. "Yeah.." I lent forward, playing with the strands of grass as i looked out at everyone. "But i guess, this is the first time i'm not alone.. " I laughed slightly towards the end, and looked down, trying to hide the blush creeping up my face.. I just couldn't hide how happy i was with him here. I really liked him actually.. a heck of alot. "Hey.." I felt his hand slip into mine, as he pulled me towards him slightly, so that we were sat right together, our sides pressing. His arm wrapped around around my neck lightly, and i lent my head on his shoulder. "You never have to be alone anymore Drew.. I'm here now, and i'll stay with you from now on, if you wanted me to.." He said, shyly, as i looked up to him, all that was seen under his mop of golden hair, were bright, red cheeks, and he was constantly swallowing. Probably out of nerves.. "Shane, i would honestly love that.. It'll be nice to not be alone anymore.." I whispered, leaning my head back down, our hands locking in our laps, as we silently watched life go by.


Shanes POV:

Me and Drew couldn't be more relieved with the welcome sound of the home bell.. We raced from the school gates, grinning as we went, and never stopped. Until we reached the park, where we first met.. I raced to the swing and flopped down, catching my breath. "Damn Shane, how are you so fast?" Drew panted, as he fell into the grass by the swing, laying on his back. "Probably because i have both arms free," I grinned, as he giggled from the grass. I flung off the swing, and fell into the grass beside him, as we both stared at the sky. "You know, i wasn't sure if i could come back here.. after what happened.. But," I turned my head to him in the grass, raising an eyebrow. He faced me too smiling. "Seeing you there, kind of, made it imediately alright.. Like, i don't even know it's just.." I grinned, and took his hand in mine, holding it close. "Like i said, you never have to worry, i'll be there. I just wish i could..could have been there sooner.." I sighed, looking down to his sling. "Oh shh." He smiled, leaning up his free hand, to brush my fringe away that was hanging over my glasses, my blush showing through.. "I couldn't be more greatful Shaneyy." I grinned at the way he said my name, and lent my forehead against his, as our gaze returned to the darkening sky. "I guess i better be off before my mom get's worried.." I sighed. I really, didn't want to leave him, but at least i have another day with him to look forward to..Maybe one of these days i can confess i feel about him..? "I'll walk you back if you want..?" He asked, sitting up, and glimpsing down at me in the grass. I simply grinned. "Sure."


I had been worried that that Jason boy was going to turn up and some point.. but i guess not.. I locked my fingers around Drews, as we walked down the streets freely, it had honestly became a normal thing between us.. I rubbed my thumb down his smooth skin, as we walked, just never wanting to have to say goodbye.. But walking up the drive to my front-door, i soon enough had to. " Wish we didn't have to go.." I moaned, my blush hidden through the evening darkness, the street lights beginning to come to light. Drew smiled, and ran his fingers through my fringe. " Well, i got a whole week to see you now, i think we may pull through..But Shane.." He whispered, gripping my hand. "I really haven't been happier than i have lately with you, so just..just thankyou." He whispered, kissing my hand as he squeezed it. "You. Will never be alone now Drew. Not while i'm around.." I whispered with a grin, as i lent in and kissed his cheek, perhaps for too long.. "Night Shane.." He breathed. "Goodnight Drew.." Stay safe.. Oh please do..

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