Evening fun.

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Shanes POV:

I clambered up the stairs to our bedroom shortly after, and grinned, stopping silently at the top. Drew had pulled a stool out to the huge window, and was sat looking out to the sea. I sighed, his first holiday, how can i make it really special? I crept up behind him, and wrapped my arms loosley around his neck, kissing his cheek. He grinned and turned around on the stool, pulling me onto his lap. A chuckle escaping my lips as i nuzzled my face into his neck, before mum soon sticking her head around the door.

"Boy's, we've got a good couple hours to go before dinner, you can go wonder around if you want. But not too far!" She grinned, as mine and Drews faces imediately lit up. Drew leapt off the stool and locked his fingers with mine, as he trudged down the stairs.. "I know exactly where you're going.." I grinned, as we quickly raced out the building.

Drews POV:

I ran up to the railing, and stood on the bottom bar, grinning as i watched the waves hit the wall gently at the bottom. "Which way to the beach Shaney?" I giggled, as he caught up. "I thought you'd ask that.." He grinned, as he turned around, backing up to me. "Piggy back, by any chance?" He smirked from beneath, as i leapt onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist, and my arms loosely around his neck. "Onward, Shaney!" I yelled, as he ran alongside the railing, the sea becoming music to my ears beside me.. I flung my arms into the air as he ran, giggling.

"Wooly.." He smiled, soon stopping and helping me down. "You have reached your destination." I couldn't help but grin as i stared at the view ahead, sand stretching across for miles, cute little huts along the path with surf-boards and kayaks leaning on the sides, and it wasnt too packed at this sort of time. "Come on!" Shane grinned, his converse and socks already in his hand, as he darted towards the sand. "Hang on!" I giggled, slipping off my converse and socks, and charging towards Shane as i leapt off the wall, landing onto the powdery sand. I dropped my shoes and looked to Shane, as i felt his fingers slip between mine, the now orangey evening sun reflecting off his perfect skin. I looked back towards the sea, and dragged Shane through the sand, heading for the large group of rocks that were hovering above the water. I couldn't exactly go into the sea in my clothes, so i began to step across the rocks, Shane following close behind me. And everytime i slipped on the mossy rocks, i'd imediately feel Shanes firm, but comforting arms around my waist, steadying me instantly.

I grinned, carrying on slightly, until i hopped onto a flat, huge rock, soon slumping down on it. Shane sat by me and wound an arm around my waist as we looked out at the water, us being nothing but siluettes against the orange sun.. I lent closer to Shane, and slipped my hand into his, shadows shooting across his smooth skin where the evening sun couldn't reach. He was the most beautiful human being on the planet. My beautiful timid.

Shanes POV:

I sighed as i lent my head against Drews, the waves breaking at the bottom of the rocks being the only sound to be heard. Drew moved his head and looked up to me, his eyes reflecting against the water as i ran my fingers through his hair. "Shaney.." He whispered, wrapping his arms loosley around my hips. "Hm?" i smiled. "I-i just wanted to say... you have given me so much..i mean, a home, clothes, money, a family.. i just, you've made my life worth living Shane.." He breathed, tears threatening to form in his eyes. "But most of all.. i just want to say, i'm the luckiest person in existance, to be able to call you mine.. i will always love you Shane. Just, thankyou.." He whispered, as my breath hitched in my throat, the waves running along the bottom of the rocks suddenly catching Drews attention as his blush spread across his cheeks.

"Drew.." I sighed, running my fingers round to the back of his neck, as he looked up to me. "You deserved all of that.. it just broke my heart to hear how you used to be treated.. You will always be what my life is all about, and i love you more than anything" I smiled, wiping his eyes as my lips found his. I caressed his lips with mine, as our mouths soon moved in sync, my hand finding its way into his hair as he pulled away."I do get to be Mr Sumner though, right?" He smirked, a cheeky blush rising under his eyes. "Of course, Mr Drew Sumner." I grinned, before i looked over to see my mum holding our shoes at the front of the beach. "Race you to mum?" He smirked. "Oh you are so on.."

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