Will and Jack.

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Shanes POV:

The next morning, we did really have to face the fact that school was needed.. I raced around my room, eventually dragging the dead Drew from off my sheets, into a slumped sitting position. I stripped off my PJ's, and tugged up my skinnies, looking back to the empty Drew on my bed.. "Come on Wooly, up." I smirked, pecking his lips before i finished getting dressed. He eventually moved, but we came to the problem of his arm.. I went over, and helped to slip his spiderman top off him, across his cast gently. His skin more perfect than ever with the bruises finally fading.. He was so beautiful.. "You know Shane, i don't think i need the sling anymore, i'll be alright with just the tubey, cast thingy.." He whispered sleepily, snapping my mind back to reality. I grinned and kissed his cheek. "Well if you feel it, then go for it, i'm sure you've had enough of it by now anyway." I smiled, before hurrying out of the room, almost tripping head-first down the stairs. "Hurry up, my mum's cooked us breakfast already!" I yelled, sliding down the banister of the stairs. When Drew finally emerged into the kitchen, even i saw how much more happier he was without the sling.. Without all of the bruises.. He looked so much more better.. I just hope he won't need another one soon.. or me for that matter.

Drews POV:

Shane took hold of my hand tight, and i curled my fingers between his with a grin, as Mrs Sumner gave us both a squeeze, before we set off. She had even bought me a Green day rucksack for school.. I have honestly never been more happier. Shane seemed happier lately too, dare i say it, i couldn't get enough of him actually. He was like the light in my life.. Cheesy words, but true all the same!

We arrived earlier than everyone else, as usual, and we strolled into tutor happily, Mr South's face lighting up at the sight of us. "Morning boys! Hope you're both well?" He smiled, and we simply nodded, before slumping in our chairs at the back. "And Drew, i've spoken to Jack, sorry..Mr Ewins, and we're here for you boys if you need us, alright? Never be afraid to come to us." He smiled warmly, and glancing to Shane, i just recieved the most adorable Sumner grin. Oh i do love life right now.. "Thanks Sir." I said timidly, Shanes fingers finding mine under the table. But then came the mobs of judgemental, rude, homophobic classmates i know so well.. We let go of each others hands through this, my palms getting sweaty at the realisation of what remarks today could bring.. But Shane was with me through it, ..right? Everyone was just constantly whispering to each other, staring at us.. I wasn't sure if i could take a day of it actually..I blushed and stared out of the window, quietly trying to listen to everyones conversations.. "Hey Dreww, how's you and your little lady-boy here? I heard you are both living together now, whens the likkle gay baby due?" Darren grinned, suddenly appearing at my desk. "Leave him, and me, the HELL alone." Shane suddenly burst, kicking back his chair as he stood. "Woah, what you gonna do, tickle me with a feather?" Darren giggled, the whole class snickering behind his back. I just slunk onto my desk and buried my head in my arms, shutting out the shit i thought i'd left behind.. "DARREN, THAT'S ENOUGH. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CLASSROOM NOW." Mr South roared, all of us staring in pure shock.. "W-what the hell?" Darren stuttered, his face turning a bright red, more red than Shane actually, and that's saying something.. Shane fell back into his chair, a smirk on his face as he took my hand in his. "I said. OUT." Sir turned to the rest of the class, his fists clenched. "I will NOT tolerate abuse in my classroom, if ANYTHING, like that is said again in my presance, you can forget coming to school the next day." He said coldy, before slouching back in his chair. Damn.. guess it really does help with a teacher on your back...

Shanes POV:

We hid in our usual spot at break, life just seemed so different today.. Half of it was really good, relieving really.. But then there was the life-ruining people still there, who just want to make your life a pure hell.. I froze and dropped my apple back into my bag, poking Drew with a shakey finger. "Drew, we seem to have attracted un-welcomed attention.." I whispered, as he looked up, his face completely dropping, his skin turning white as a sheet.. "Drew..?" "It's Jason." He mumbled, as a huge lad strolled up, followed by five of the usual smokers from around the back of the school. "Hey queer, long time no see? Hows the face? Oh and the arm, and the chest..and the legs.." His 'gang' snickered into their cigarette-stained hands, staring down at us like we were dirt. "Leave him the fuck alone Jason. What has he ever done to you? Oh, other than give you a bloody nose in the middle of a family park, hm?" I let out through gritted teeth, as his friends faces twitched, trying to stifle their laughs at the fact that their little 'leader' was a pathetic joke.. "Y..you shut the fuck up! Do you want a taste of what your lady-Woolnough here had last week?" He snarled, stepping forward. Drew clung to the back of my blazer, trying to tug me away, but no way am i moving for this idiot.. "Come on Shane.. P-please.." He whispered behind me, my heart melting at how shakey his voice was.. I crept my arm behind my back, finding his hand, and keeping it in mine. "Don't worry Drew, we're done here. " I mumbled, picking up mine and Drew's rucksacks, as we began to move. "HEY. You ladies aint walking away from me." I turned to make a stupid, Shane-knows-it-all remark back, when his fist snapped at the bridge of my nose, causing my glasses to bend and fly off, as i fell backwords into the dirt.. "Shane!" Drew squeeled, he knelt beside me, and held me close to his chest, i just bit into his blazer through the pain, making sure i stayed strong for Drew, i wasn't going to let him down, not this time. "Shane i'm so sor-" Drew whispered into my fringe, cut off by someone yelling.. I didn't really care, i just wanted to stay with Drew, i never knew what being beaten or hurt was like..but if it was like this, i don't understand how Drew got through it.. "JASON, YOU CAN GET THE HELL TO THE HEADTEACHERS OFFICE NOW, AND YOU FIVE, I CAN SMELL THE SMOKE JUST GROWING FROM YOUR CLOTHES. DON'T EXPECT FOR ANY OF YOU TO BE COMING BACK HERE, ESPECIALLY YOU JASON." Mr Ewins charged across the grass, running over to us after they'd gone.

Drews POV:

Thank God Jack was here.. I smiled slightly as he knelt by us, helping Shane off the floor, picking up his glasses. "I'm so sorry about all this boys, you don't deserve any of it.. Come on Shane, let's get you patched up, you won't have to worry about school either.. Not for bad reasons, but because i'm nailing into the headteachers head that i won't let you come back until every bully is out." He said, me and Shane smiling up to him with relief..

 Mr Ewins didn't end up taking us to first aid, but to the art room, Shane was sat on a table, Mr Ewins on a stool in front of him, wiping away the blood and sorting him out.. He didn't even seem like a teacher anymore to me, but a good, good friend. He was only about 22 i'm guessing anyway.. I was sat by Shane, his hand in mine as i kept his fringe lifted up. "Shane i'm so sorry you had to be put through that.. I shoul-" He cut me off, staring right at me, well as focused as he could without his glasses. "Drew. I'm the one who should be apolagising, i can't believe this is what you had to go through.. I'm just so glad you weren't hurt, ok?" He smiled, kissing my cheek, before a blush spread across his cheeks, Mr Ewins smiling to us. "I'll let you into a secret.. as friend terms, not as a teacher.." Jack began, finishing up with Shanes nose, and looking up at us. "I know what it feels like. I've been gay all my life. And, let's just say, me and..Mr South have been seeing each other for a while now.." Me and Shane gasped, and grinned, a smirking taking place on all of our faces. "Just don't tell anyone.. but yep, i've been through it all, his name is actually Will. We've actually known each other since we were about 5.." He grinned, placing a hand over mine and Shanes. "So, you're never alone here." He smiled, standing up and moving his stool. "That's amazing Jack! Oh my gosh, you two are perfect, .. it feels nice to see that a relationship can carry on for so long.." I grinned, Shane nodding and smirking. "I should start picking out the decorations for our wedding.." Shane grinned, a blush spreading across my face.. Jack grinned, and sighed, his smile keeping its place. "That's what i love about you two.. You should never lose that. That hope, confidence, the courage. You should never let the bullies win boy's, never. That's the way to push through." He smiled, i just couldn't resist jumping down and giving him a hug, timidly.. "Thank's Jack, it really means alot.." I grinned, looking back to Shane, who had joined us, Jack hugging us tight.. "No problem Drew, Shane. I will always be here, as will William, completely." He smiled, as Mr South suddenly came in, walking over to us.

Shane's POV:

I was really touched by Jacks words..i just, i would actually consider marrying Drew, definately.. Maybe our relationship really could last, we could spend the rest of our lives together..

But i was knocked from my thoughts, as Mr South, or..Will, held out his arm to me, my good-as-new glasses dangling from his finger tips.. My eyes widened, and i looked up to him, his warm smile matching Jack's. "T-thankyou so much...sir.." I grinned, as Drew slided them carefully over the tape on my nose, rewarding me with Drews beautiful face, and Jack and Will smiling at me, hand in hand.. I lept off the table and hugged them both, pulling Drew into the hug.. it actually felt like they were our dads.. Weird as it sounds, i wouldn't mind that! Mr South laughed and placed a hand on each of my shoulders, looking at me. "Don't you worry Shane, we've..never really come out to anyone like this before.. but, you boys deserve to know, we'll be there for you, whatever you need." He grinned, pecking Jack on the cheek before hurrying out, the bell ringing shortly after.. "Go on then boys, before i cry.." Jack winked, giving us both another quick hug before he walked back to his desk. "Thankyou Jack, really.." Drew grinned, i slipped my hand in Drews, and planted a soft kiss on his lips, a relieving sigh escaping my own. "I'll see you soon Drew, and Shane, no worries at all." He smiled, leaving us to escape this hell. Home for the next 2 weeks or so.. with Drew. What more could i ask for?

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