An Interest in Guitars..

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Drews POV:

My eyes slowly opened, the warmth of the morning sun on my back causing me to stir eventually.. And somehow, i'd ended up on top of Shane during the night, my face buried in the crook of his neck, with the blanket scrunched up at the bottom of the sofa. I grinned into his neck at the realisation, and kissed him just under his jawline, before looking up to him. He was almost falling off the sofa.. his glasses fallen down over the tape on his nose, with his mouth slightly open. He looked so cute right now.. I lent my head on his chest, feeling his grip around my bare waist suddenly tighten in the process. "Morning love.." He whispered, sleepily. I giggled and kissed his chest. "Morning Shaney." I felt his hand flick his glasses up, before his fingers ran through my hair, his lips pressing against my forehead. I lent my head up and grinned up at him, pecking him on the lips. "I was thinking, we should get out a bit today.." I smiled, a smile forming across his perfect face. "Mm, Sounds good to me, theres quite a few nice shops around town actually.." He replied, as i rolled off, stretching. "Dreww, why are you so beautiful?" He suddenly grinned sleepily, watching me. I blushed and stared at him down on the sofa. "No, that's you actually." I winked. "Nope, nope nope." He rolled over covering his ears. Perfect oppertunity for a Wooly attack.. I lept ontop of him and dragged him onto the floor, us becoming a giggling heap in front of the fire place.. "Seems i have some Timids on the living room floor." Mrs Sumner grinned, walking past the doorway. I liked the name Timids.. suited us perfectly if i can say so myself.. "Hot chocolate and breakfast in the kitchen.." She chimed, soon causing me to dissapear from the living room completely.. Chocolate, me? Bad combination.


Shanes POV:

I stood by Drew, looking into the mirror as we brushed down our clothes, him dropping to the floor to tie his converse. He had the biggest grin ever when i gave him his brand new converse after breakfast.. they were official Weezer ones, and he didn't want to wear them in case he ruined them. I just felt like he deserved something, to help him fit in a bit more, and i've never been so glad that he's happy.. he deserves everything. I did up my belt, and straightened my glasses, grinning as Drew stood up, beaming down at his shoes. But his embarassed blush came about, as a frown appeared. "S-shane, i don't deserve all this. I barged into your house, and stealing your money, food, everything.." He bit his lip, looking in the mirror. "Don't be silly Wooly.." I whispered, tugging him to me by the belt loops on his skinnies. "You're in our family now, and you'll be as spoilt as i want you to be." I winked, pressing my lips to his lightly. He pushed back against mine firmly, his tounge lightly dancing across my lips.. Don't lose it Shane.. Don't lose it.. He pulled back, and his face collapsed onto my shoulder. "Thankyou for everything Shane.. One day i'll pay you back, i promise.. You've made my life worth living." He smiled into my neck, as i tightened the arms i hung around his hips. "I don't need anything other than you. My Drew." I whispered, before my mom's car sounded from outside. "Come on boy's, i'll give you a lift into town before work!" She called, my hand darting for Drews as i dragged him down the stairs. I think i had a bit of Drew's energetic-morning vibe..


Drews POV:

We waved as Mrs Sumner drove off, leaving me and Shane to walk hand in hand towards the main centre. I just couldn't get my mind off how beautiful he looked though.. His hair was straightened, his Iron Maiden shirt, a black jacket hung over his shoulders, and he just looked perfect in skinnies everyday if i'm honest.. But i felt proud to call him mine, for the thousands of reasons hung in the back of my mind. I felt overlly proud to walk beside him. But my mind just had to be distracted, as the busy streets came into view, shops soon beggining to scatter the horizon. 

We didn't even end up going straight to a shop, Shane ended up giving in to the temptation of the little park in the middle of the square, dropping into the summer grass, dragging me with him. The park wasn't too full surprisingly, but something imediately caught my eye as we sat.. Directly in front of us, a guitar shop. Bass guitars lined the bottom of the window, joined by acoustic and electric guitars, and the shop looked packed with them.. I lent foreward in the grass, Shanes gaze following mine. I'd always been interested in learning bass, but with my dad.. i didn't have the chance. Shane was staring at me in the corner of my eye, but i just couldn't draw my eyes away from it.. "Do you want to go in?" He whispered. My grin appearing as my head snapped to him. "Could we? I-i just want to look." I smiled, as he grabbed my hand, crossing the road towards the shop. And Wow.. those bass guitars.. the temptation..I could tell Shane was eager too.. as i was dragged into the shop, both of us running off to different sections. I saw him dissapear into the electrics, as i stayed in the bass section at the back, my mouth hanging open.. I tugged one off the rack carefully, my fingers running across the wooden neck gently, as i sat on a nearby stool, trying to strum a few notes. I'd been sat there for 10 whole minutes, getting lost in the instrument, as Shane raced over, stopping and smiling as he saw me.. I blushed and hung it back up, slithering myself back into his arms. "Drew i've decided.." He thought, keeping an arm around my waist. "I wouldn't mind learning guitar to be honest.." My face imediately lit up. "Oh my god you should!" I grinned, squeezing his hand. "You should try bass too Wooly, i saw you.. you pick it up so naturally.." He grinned, my blush growing. "Well they're really expensive..lessons these days.." I bit my lip, looking back at the bass. "Oh Drew." He smirked, preparing a reply. "Excuse me?" We turned around at the same time, to be greeted by the boy with the red fringe from the other day, his other two friends that were with him, scanning the guitars at the front of the shop. "I'm Kier, Kier Kemp." He grinned, quickly holding out his hand. Me and Shane timidly shook it, smiling. "I didn't mean to evesdrop or such, but.. i was wondering if you wanted some help in your guitar problem?" He asked, a lop-sided smile appearing perfectly as his two friends shuffled over. I'm liking where this is going..

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