New Friends.

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Shanes POV:

We got to the park as soon as the headteacher let us out, it was the first time we were here before..before Drew got hurt..and turned up at my doorstep.. But it felt right this time, it felt, real. Because i could kiss him, i could hold him, and no one was alowed to judge me. I looked down to Drew beside me, as we reached our usual spot, he grinned and dived into the grass, dragging me with him. "Woah! Steady Wooly." I grinned, landing ontop of him lightly. He would't physically let me i had to stay there, his fingers gripping my blazer. Dare i say, i didn't mind it at all.. I lent on my elbows, putting one either side of Drew, his finger poking my glasses back up my nose with a giggle. I just looked down at him, and sighed, my lips pressing against his lightly. His eyes fluttered shut, as i took in the feel of his soft lips, the smell of him, how soft his skin was.. He was absolutely perfect, in every way. I shimmied my blazer off, as his hands travelled down the back of my shirt, making contact with the skin underneath. Before I just had to pull away, catching my breath. His eyes opening to lock with mine again.. His beautiful brown eyes, the way his hair was slightly roughed up at the top.. He's my Drew alright.

Drews POV:

"I love you Shaney, i always will.." I suddenly whispered, my mind and heart racing. His eyes lit up, as his adorable smile took place, the tape on his nose creasing slightly. "I love you too my Wooly, you're always going to be mine..i hope. That better not sound too..weird." I giggled and tackled him backwards into the grass so i was ontop of him. "Not weird at all. Afterall, i can see a nice marriage taking place in my head.." I grinned. But i realised what i'd just said, a perfectly nice blush flying across my face.. Shit..? Shane just had that smirk on his face.. as i sat up in the grass, scratching my neck. He lent up on his elbows, grinning to me. "What's wrong Wooly?" How can he not be blushing right now? That's his job..not mine. "N-nothing.." I smiled, as he lent forward, taking both of my hands. "Drew, i couldn't dream of anything better, than marrying you.. Obviously not at 15, but just you wait." He whispered, his smirk spreading across his face. I blushed and grinned, grabbing his face in my hands, and closing the space between us. 


We'd been lying in the grass now for about an hour now, and i'm guessing Mrs Sumner was wondering where we were by now, i'm sure Shane was totally passed out beneath me too.. "Shaney get up, we better get back." I grinned, as he shot up, his wonky glasses showing just how tired he was, grass sticking out from the tape on his nose.. I giggled and sorted him out, as we got up. "Never let me fall asleep in grass Drew.. I'm all, itchy.." He pouted, earning a giggle from me.He took my hand and grinned again, as we strolled for the exit.

I thought the park was deserted by now, but there were actually people, sat at the bench near the exit, actually nice looking people for once.. They all looked around our age too. One on the end, had a casual top hat cocked on his head, quite a beared too, but he looked really..kind. The one in the middle, a labret peircing shining from his chin, his red fringe folded over one side of his thin face, his hazel eyes darting in our direction as we approached, and the last. Had raven black hair, thick eye-linder on, and his hand was firmly clasping the middle ones hand.. That is so cute.. They genuinly look like really nice guys actually.. We walked past them slowly, all three of them looking up at us walking hand in hand, and smiling warmly as we went past. "Hey, nice rucksack!" I snapped my head around, to see the one with the red-fringe grinning at me, me smiling timidly with Shane. "T-thanks!" It turned into a grin, as me and Shane waved, before turning the corner to his house. I've never in my life been complimented by a stranger before.. Let alone awesome-looking ones like them. Maybe i could catch them again at some point.. Maybe.. (And so the creepyness kicks in again.) Jesus Drew..

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