Band Practice.

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Shanes POV:

I grumbled into the warm douvet, and dragged my face up from the mass of pillows, squinting as i fumbled for my glasses. I slid them up the bridge of my nose tiredly, and grinned. Drew was still beside me, but sat facing the other way, his bass guitar in hand, practicing. Well, this looks familiar.. I was still lying on my front, as i launched my arms forward around his waist. His squeel echoed through the room as he jumped, falling back with the guitar.. "Whoops.." I whispered, smirking as i tried to stifle the laugh that was so desperately trying to escape.. "SHANEYY!" He giggled, rolling ontop of me and pinning my arms down. I blushed, looking up to him. "What was that for?.." He lent down, his face hovering inches away from mine. His breath tickling across my skin. I struggled under his hold, but got caught in his gaze, as usual.. My mouth hovering open. "I..i don't know." I smirked, his breath warm against my mouth. Drew, you're not a help when i want a relaxing morning without being overlly attracted to you. - Nope, reality wants it to be. I stretched my neck and caught his lips as he gasped, his eyes closing slowly. I felt his fingers un-wrap from my wrists, moving down to my chest. "Mm, that got your attention." I smirked into the kiss, blushing when i realised Drew was totally straddleing my waist right now.. He blushed deeper and pulled away, still centimeters from my lips. "You're a meanie." He winked, before i grinned and pushed forward, tackling him back into the mountain of sheets, giggles errupting through the once, silent room.

Drews POV:

I smiled and zipped up my new bass-guitar bag, slinging it over my shoulders carefully, as Shane adjusted his fringe in the mirror. I glimpsed to the clock on his bedroom table. 11:45am.  "Come on, you look beautiful as always." I giggled, grapping his wrist and his guitar quickly, as i raced down the stairs, eager to get to Kiers house. "Woah there Drew, i'm coming!" He chuckled from behind me. "Good." I smirked, sliding his guitar over his shoulders. He hooked his fingers around mine, and we began the short walk, the sun already coming out as we walked, to cook the whole damn world..


I skipped up the steps, knocking on Kiers door with a grin, Shanes hand still firmly in mine. And within seconds i was dragged through the door, Kiers grip around my other hand, tugging me through the house. "Woah, Hey Kier!" I giggled, pulling Shane with me in the process. "Cookies and drinks already upstairs, as are the guys..just been waiting for you!" He grinned excitedly, me and Shane being pulled up the stairs soon enough. "Hey guys!" I smiled, crawling up, and crossing the floor to the others. "Heyloo" Shane chimed from behind me, coming to sit with us. "Woop, got some guitar bags i see." Laurence grinned, cookie crumbs scattering his lips.. We both giggled and nodded, unzipping them, slipping out our guitars. "Right, how about we try, Palace in Flames? Then Necromania?" Kier asked straight away, sipping from a can of Monster between questions. We all nodded, as i cracked open a can, before tugging out my bass tabs i'd been practicing from. I was really excited to hear all of this put together actually.. I looked up as Luke tripped over the wires from the amps, shrugging it off and carrying on over to the drums. I shook my head and grinned, hanging the bass around my neck, as i got into position, Shane shuffling over to the other side of Keveridge, setting up. "There's yours Drew." Laurence smiled, holding out the lead to plug into my bass. "Ahh, cheers." I grinned, plugging it in and strumming a few notes. "Sounding goood." Kier sang through the mic. Luke laughed from at the back, hitting some notes as we all joined in. "Right, i think we're good to go." Laurence said, pecking Kier on the cheek as he took the mic from him, Kier picking up his guitar and blowing a kiss back to him in the process. Damn they were cute..

Shanes POV:

I felt bad for not talking too much, but i was just worried enough that i'd mess up through this. Though it was practice at the end of the day.. I took a deep breath and held my fingers in position, going for it without the guitar tabs. I was fairly confidant i could do this, i knew Drew could easily do it too anyway.. "Right, Luke count us in!" Laurence called, as he held up his sticks, smacking them against each other until we burst into the intro. "Palace in Flames, the king is dead the prince remains, i will rise to rule..the kingdom see's a brighter day.." Laurence sang, his voice a low, adorable sound escaping through the speakers. Me, Drew and Kier got into our parts imediately, as it came together perfectly, my fingers gliding across the frets smoothly. "Two days earlier..sipping on some wine, the Cardinal i'm told. Is what they call, VAMPIRE!" I grinned as Kier sang through, Drews bass-line humming bellow. "I saw her at the ball.. Who is she? Who is she? Who is she?" I closed my eyes as we carried on, the notes coming freely from my mind, every sound, every instrument floating through my ears. I've never enjoyed something so much.. 

We came to the end of the song, Drew doing a little spin at the end as he strummed, a grin spreading across my face at how easily he picked this up.. I could sure get used to this.. "Damn Timids! You're freaking amazing!" Kier grinned, Laurence gulping from a soon-empty can. "Yeah, i mean, you two were born for this stuff.." Luke piped up from behind, both of us grinning. "Thanks, i don't think i've ever enjoyed anything so much." I grinned, looking over to Drew, already strumming to himself again. "Well you two are fine actually, that sounded freaking badass, let's go to Necromania!" Kier rambled, un-buttoning his top slightly as he grabbed the mic. Let's do this..

Drews POV:

We couldn't stay for long though, Shanes mom had called him at the end of the song, saying we had to be back earlier for some reason, but i made sure i could pinch a cookie before we had to go.. A new batch flying into Laurences lap from Kiers mum. I hugged the guys, grinning to them as we said our goodbyes, i kind of wish i could have stayed longer.. but we'd be back soon, so more to look forward to i guess!

I just couldn't help but feel like something was wrong though.. I mean, Mrs Sumner didn't normally need us urgently, and she sounded rather stern on the phone.. I could tell Shane was worried too, he was silent, even to me, and we hadn't spoken a word on the way back. I just hope it's going to be alright..I really couldn't hide the panic surging through my body, no matter how hard i tried.  My stomach churned as we turned towards his drive, making our way up to the front door. I knocked as usual, but Shanes fingers locked around mine tight, as he held me close. "What's wrong?" I quickly whispered. "I-i don't know, but something isn't right.." He whispered back, as i swallowed the lump in my throat, the door swinging open.

" Oh boys! C-come in, i need to talk to you." She smiled weakly as we stepped through, a low voice calling from in the living room. I froze, letting go of Shanes hand as i backed up to the door, causing him to look back at me puzzled. I shook my head, the tears forming quickly as he rushed over, brushing a hand across my cheek. "Drew? Drew calm down, shh, tell me what's wrong?" He rushed, my breathing quickening as he finally appeared in the hallway. Glaring at me with his cold, heartless eyes. Shane looked from the man, to me. And the realisation struck his face, as i scrunched my eyes shut as tight as possible, trying to shut out the memories that i'd finally managed to forget.. My dad.

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