Shane Sumner.

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Shanes POV:

I walked through the living room, carrying the small boy bridal style, as i lay him on my sofa gently. By now i'd cleaned up most of the blood, but he still needed work. He didn't want an ambulance, and i don't blame him.. I ran into the kitchen, and grabbed the first aid box, racing back to the boys side. I'm glad he couldn't see me right now, because my face felt permanently on fire.. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose, and lent forward, brushing his honey fringe from his eyes, and holding it back. This boy, was the most beautiful boy i'd ever seen.. Yes i was gay, and only my mom respected it.. My dad left when i was born, so i guess it had been coming with all the womanly care.. But i liked being gay, i didn't have to be the same as anyone else... But it did ruin my life more than it didn't. I sighed, and studied his face, as i wiped the dry stains of blood from the side of his perfect face, before bandadging and cleaning up his scratches and cuts.. I knelt back, and watched him, studied his features, the way his hair fell just over his eyes.. How could someone hurt a boy as beautiful as this?.. Ok, maybe i'd wanted to see him again, but not like this.. I scowled at the thought of the attack, and blushed, as i pulled my knee's to my chest, leaning a sketch-pad on my knee's, a pencil soon enough scraping across the paper.

Drews POV:

I cringed, and slowly let my eyes painfully open. The awaited feeling of damp, bloodyfied grass had faded, as i smiled against the comfyness of whatever it was beneath me.. I froze as my gaze travelled up, to him. My breath hitched in my throat, as i watched him, my heart pounding through the bruises i'd forgotten about.. It was the gorgeous boy that helped me.. Wait, where am i? I attempted to move my neck, but a sharp pain charged through my muscles as i did.. "Agh.." I sucked in a breath, and saw him looking straight towards me, that heavenly blush , his crystal eyes beneath his glasses.. He dropped his pad behind him, and knelt down beside me, studying my face timidly. "C-can you hear me?" He asked, his voice quivering slightly. I nodded through the pain, and he smiled. It was such an adorable smile.. I bet that got a blush out of me.. I smiled back, and hesitantly held out my hand over the cusion towards him, ignoring the pain that was lingering.. He blushed more, and slipped his hand in mine lightly. "T-thankyou for helping me..i'd probably be dead if it weren't for you.." I said, barely audible. He smiled and squeezed my hand gently. "Of course.. i know what it feels like, to be beaten and bullied.. But, um, yeah i'm Shane. Shane Sumner." He'd been beaten?.. How could you hurt such a beautiful boy? He knotted his lips together in another adorable smile, and i grinned imediately. "Pleased to meet you, i'm Drew, and, if you don't mind me asking... what were you bullied for..?" I hesitantly asked, attempting to sit up. He dropped my hand and lent forward, steadying me in a sitting position, i nodded and blushed, the grin not leaving my face. "Well.." He sighed, sitting on the floor beside me.

Shanes POV:

 I stared into his eyes before i carried on, i was going to tell him everything and i'd only just met him.. But i felt like something was pushing me to, like he just had to know.. "Basically, i've been put down all my life, for being gay. Through the years so far in school, people not wanting to speak to me anymore, been to the hospital way too many times.. and just, it broke me inside..i guess." I coughed and felt my face heat up, i just told him more than i've told most people.. Shane what are you doing?! I felt a hand on my shoulder as i looked up, to see him looking at me, his gorgious eyes growing with tears.. He won't cry..i mean, why would he care..? Well, i'd like him to, but.. I don't even know.. "I'm so sorry, Shane. I don't..i don't see how anyone could hurt someone as nice as you, who cares if you're gay! Everyone's freaking equal.. well they should be.." He muttered the last part, and i smiled up to him, as he carried on. "That's what he beat me up for.. Jason. For being..'gay'.." My eyes widened, Drew I bit my lip and shook my head looking to the floor. "How can people be so disgusting.." I muttered, digging my nails into the carpet beneath.. "Well hey, i don't care what anyone says, you should be proud of who you are Shane. I've known you properly for what, 10 minutes? And you're already one of the nicest guys i've met.. I couldn't even thank you enough for what you did for me back there.." He muttered, flicking my fringe away from my eyes and smiling.. I blushed deeper than ever, and smiled up to him, taking his hand.. Yeah yeah, i didn't even know him, but those words just made my life a whole lot better.. "Thankyou..Drew.. really, means alot." I said, as he squeezed my hand gently. .

Well that's done it, i've fallen for him. I've fallen for Drew, in a matter of 20 minutes. Well done Shane..

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