A morning at the beach..

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Shanes POV:

I kept my eyes closed, the sea breaking against the ramp outside the window becomming music to my ears.. The seagulls sweeping past the curtains, but something was missing.. I opened my eyes slowly to find the dip in the matress, cold and untouched.. I would have started to panic, but my Wooly is never out of sight.. I grinned as i studied him silently, him slouched over the window ledge, his spine showing down his smooth skin as he did. The gentle wind blowing through his hair as he watched the sea.. Drew. You're killing me here. I rolled over and groaned into the sheets sleepily, shuffling soon heard as Drew giggled from beside me. I felt his arms wrap around my back lightly, as his face was warm against my neck.

"Morning, gogeouss." He whispered, grinning against my skin. "You're the gorgeous one Wooly, sorry.." I smirked into the covers as i rolled over. He huffed and stuck his tounge out, as i gave in to the temption of just touching his perfect skin.. My fingertips running softly down his spine, as he closed his eyes against my chest. "How about the beach today.. like properly this time?" I mumbled into his hair, the strands ruffled in all directions.. He shot up and grinned. "Hell yeah!" He giggled, before rolling off excitedly and scurrying down the stairs excitedly. Well. That's decided then..

Drews POV:

I grinned as i dragged Shane across the railing, my newly bought swimming shorts standing out against the rest of my clothes. Yep, they were freaking Marvel! I'm quite proud if i can say so myself. Nothing can beat the spiderman logo plastered between the Iron Man faces to be honest.. I leapt into the sand as we got closer, Mrs Sumner far back taking pictures of sea birds or something along the pier.. Shane dumped our bags into the powdery sand, as we marked the territory with our towels.. Our tops soon disapearing as the searing heat kicked in..

"You ready?" Shane smirked, as i flattented out my green day towel in the sand. "For what?" I asked hesitantly, the smirk on his face standing out through the morning sun. I waited for his reply, but he instead, launched himself forward, his arm slipping under my legs as another slipped around my torso. "W-what are you doing?!" I giggled, gripping around his neck, as his glasses dropped to the sand.. He just smirked in reply, and charged towards the water, flinches rippling through his body as he reached the freezing sea. "You wouldn't.." I grinned, looking down to him. "I would.." He whispered into my ear, as i was tossed forwards, the freezing, salty sea soon washing over me as i plumited into the water. "EEEHAHH!" I squeeled, spitting out the water i'd managed to swallow, as Shane smirked from above me. "Oh you are so dead.." I giggled, as i lept up and tackled him back into the water, we were still shallow, so we ended up on the damp sand, the waves breaking around us.. We both giggled as i splashed him, his tounge sticking out as i rolled off.. "That was mean, i bit my tounge.." I mock pouted, crossing my arms as i rolled over, grinning. "Aw, i'm sorry Woolyy!" He said, his arm soon snaking around my waist as he lent over me. His mopped hair dripping around me as he winked down to me.

"I'll forgive you, on one condition" I whispered slowly.. He lent down smirking, "And what's that?" I grinned cheekily, and hovered inches away from his lips.. "Kiss it better?.." I whispered, our eyes locking instantly. His breath became shakey as he captured my lips with his, our eyes never leaving each others.. I bit his lip slightly, a blush creeping across my face as he let out a low moan. "If only you knew how crazy you drive me.." He whispered, my grin soon returning. I drive him crazy? This is going to be fun.. I grinned in reply, sliding his wet fringe from his eyes. "Guess you'd have to show me.." I giggled, as his perfect blush appeared once again. If today was going to be full of this, then i just say, bring it on..

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