Heated nights.

452 16 4

Shanes POV:

We'd had a simple chinese in front of the tv that night, it actually felt good to be there.. Better than back at home at least, all the problems had been left behind, no more Jason, no more Mr Woolnough.. No more school. I felt like Drew was my whole world now, because as long as he was with me, i didn't need anything else.. nothing else at all.. I dropped my leftovers into the sink, as i walked back in, going over to hug mum. "I'm off to bed, didn't get much sleep in the car.." I smiled, as she kissed my cheek. "Night sweetheart." She smiled. "Ooh i'll come too!" Drew grinned. I knew he wasn't too tired.. but i wasn't complaining.. I grinned as he jumped up, hugging mum, and skipping over to me. Both of us making our way up to the bedroom. "Damn it's hot up here.." He mumbled, soon distracted by the view outside the window again.. "Mhm, i'm going to be on top of the covers at this rate.." I bit my lip, wafting air towards my face. It really was like a freaking oven in here.. I smiled and began to pull my shirt over my head, Drew pre-occupied by the night sky, the lights reflecting along the water. He looked gorgeous right now.. I snapped out of it quickly, and un-did my belt, my jeans soon slipping off along with my socks. 

I knew this was mean, but i just couldn't resist coming up behind Drew, in just my boxers.. snaking my bare arms around him, his bright blush flashing across his face. I looked back out the window, as he relaxed slightly, my mind getting lost, watching the lights wave along the water, the arcade down the other side of the beach, flashing through the dark. This was heaven, if only we could stay here forever, without the trouble back home.. I sighed and moved away, soon spreading out on my side of the bed, my face getting buried in the sheets. I heard shuffling, and clinks, as something dropped to the floor, a shiver running down my body as i felt Drews skin against mine. His bare chest warm against my back, as he kissed the back of my neck. I felt my breath shake, as i turned over, his wild eyes locking with mine, as i tugged him closer.. "You alright?.." He breathed, his eyes never leaving mine. "I-i'm perfect.." I whispered under my breath, my hands sliding along the smooth skin of his back, as he lent closer, his soft lips finding my own..

Drews POV:

I couldn't resist right now.. Shane looked absolutely beautiful, the lights from outside reflecting against his silk-soft skin, the way his fringe had spread across his forehead, his chest shaking as he took a breath. I was losing it.. My tounge danced along his lips, as the kiss deepened, my breath hitching as his fingertips ran along my skin.. My own hand firmly against his chest, another caressing the back of his neck.. But damn did i need to breathe.. I moved my head back slightly, our lips hovering inches away from each other. "How are you so perfect.." I whispered against the skin of his neck, as he caught his breath, his fingers moving up and down my back gently. "Oh Drew,, if only you knew how happy you made me.. it's beyond words.." He whispered, i smiled against his skin, and kissed his jaw-line as i looked up to him. "I can't wait until i can call you my husband.." I breathed, his eyes glinting with the lights through the window, as he brushed his fingers through my hair. "Drew, i can promise you, i'll be with you until i die." He whispered, as i layed my head back against his chest, my eyes closing slowly, as i relaxed. Another perfect day waiting to be had, with the most perfect boy in existance.. It'll be great watching him try to drag me out of bed in the morning though.. Good luck with that Shaney. Good luck with that. 

Just thought i'd add a short, night chapter to this, before i go. I'm afraid i won't be able to update for 4 nights, as i'm going camping for the while, i'm sorry as i've tried to update every night, but i promise i will update as soon as i come back, new ideas already fresh in my mind c': But also wanted to say thankyou to everyone reading, i've never had such good feedback in a story before, and you guys just bring such a smile to my face, you're all the best ;-;

I'll be back soon though, with much more to come. :3 -KillersDoWonder <3

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