Welcome Home.

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Shanes POV:

To Drews disapointment, it was another early rise to get back before lunch.. So i had the job of dragging him out of bed.. Mum came over as usual, giving my shoulder a shake, as i nodded, slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I reached over for my glasses on the bed-side table, sliding them up the bridge of my nose as i smirked at the curled up body beside me. I lent down and kissed his forehead lightly, smiling as his eyes fluttered open. "Drew love, time to go home." I whispered, smiling as he played with the ring on my finger lightly. "Alright." He whispered in reply, i knew he didn't want to leave, it was perfect here.. but at least we have the memories.. I smiled sympathetically as he rolled out of bed, trudging to the window in his boxers, and sitting on the stool, looking out at the sea for the last time. I slipped out and walked over, hanging my arms around his chest from behind, as he breathed out lightly, his hands running up my arms as i held him. "I'm going to miss this place.." He mumbled, as i planted a kiss on his neck, lightly. "I know Wooly, but we can always come back. I promise." I smiled, him turning his head to capture my lips with his. I smiled, trailing my fingers through his hair, as he pulled apart, his eyes still closed. "Come on, let's get ready, i know there's some special cookies waiting for you downstairs.." I grinned, his eyes snapping open. "In that case.." He mumbled, before racing down the stairs, still in just his boxers.. Oh Drew, anything for sugar.. Anything.


Once we'd finally found Drew some clothes, and collected everything for our cases, we made our way out in the morning light, Drew running up to the railing once more. "The sea will be there when we return, i promise you that," I smirked, climbing into the car as he giggled, running to the other side and clambering in. My fingers slid between his own gently, as i lent against him watching the sea disapear slowly as we left. But i couldn't help but grin to myself, my mind never leaving the beautiful ring on my finger.. I just can't wait until i can marry this perfect boy.. I smirked quietly to myself, the already sleeping Drew, smiling lightly in his sleep..

Drews POV:

I woke as the car jolted into our drive a few hours later, damn, i just had to sleep through the service stations again.. "Morning Wooly." Shane whispered beside me, a smirk dancing across his face. I stuck my tounge out and grinned, rubbing my eyes lightly. "Right, don't worry about un-packing for now boys, you go and relax." Mum called, already walking through the front door, as we climbed out the car. "EEEH," I let out a squeel instantly, as my knee's suddenly buckled, Shane darting to catch my waist.. "Steady there Wooly" He giggled, as i tried to catch my balance.. "Dead legs.." I grinned, as he imediately smirked, bending down to let me leap onto his back. I returned the smirk, as i wrapped my arms around his neck lightly, sitting upwards. "TO THE LIVING ROOM, THY SHANEY." I yelled, as we charged through the door, laughter soon echoing through the once-peaceful street.. 

I launched myself  at my bass as soon as we got into the living room, hugging it to me tight with a grin. "Oh Wooly" Shane smirked from behind me, grabbing his guitar from beside it. My fingers ran down the instrument, as i looked up to Shane slowly, a grin appearing on both of our faces. "Are you thinking what i'm thinking..?" He said, my grin just growing. "You bet i am!" I giggled, as we slipped them in our guitar bags quickly, zipping up the sides and slinging them over our shoulders. 

Shanes POV:

"We'll be back later mum!" I called, grabbing Drews hand in mine as we raced down the streets in fits of giggles.. running faster, faster until Kiers house rose around the corner. I couldn't help the excitement that rose inside me to see the guys.. let alone telling them about Drews proposal.. Drew darted up the steps ahead of me, knocking on the door, and gripping onto my waist, as we waited. The door swung open, as Kiers face lit up straight in front of us.. "SHANE! DREW!" He yelled, launching himself at us as we were knocked back slightly, Drews giggles muffled through Kiers arm. "GOD DID I MISS YOU GUYS, get in here!" He beamed, as we shifted past into his hallway, his mum suddenly presenting a fresh batch of cookies in Drews hands, before rushing back off to the kitchen... "T-thanks Mrs Kemp!" Drew grinned, taking in two at a time. As i dragged him back to Kier with a smirk.. "C'mon! The guys will get a wicked surprise.." He grinned, Kiers hand slipping into my free hand as we were dragged upstairs, my blush quickly showing through. And ascending the same wooden stairs, i couldn't help but grin.. "YO, Bevers, Luke, i found some guys.." Kier smirked, as we clambered in.

"DRRRREEWWWW, SHAAANNEEEE!" Laurence instantly belted, almost face-planting on the floor as he ran over, tackling us into a hug, as we fell into a pile on the floorboards, the laugh just having to seep out my mouth.. Oh i had missed these guys.. Luke strolled over soon enough, holding out a hand with a smirk, as i nodded with a smile, me and Drew getting pulled back up, leaving Laurence on the floor with the cookies.. "My cookies, Beveridge!" Drew smirked, as Laurence looked up, innocently.. "I'll fight for these heavenly biscuits!" He called from the floor, as Drew leapt at him, their laughs filling the room as Kier shook his head, grinning. "Oh man, YOU GUYS JUST GO MAKE FRIENDS WITH MY MUM AND HER RECIPES ALREADY." Kier smirked, strolling over to get a can of Monster from the floor.

Drews POV:

"Hey Shane, what you got there, then..?" Luke imediately smirked, pointing over to Shanes hand. He blushed and looked around, to see the other two staring. "Woah, isn't that where an engagement ring goes?" Laurence mumbled, his mouth full with cookie crumbs.. Shane looked over to me, quickly, as i smiled, getting up and wrapping an arm around his waist. "Yes, yes it is." He grinned, as Kier squeeled and ran over, lifting Shanes hand in his own. "OH MY GOD, THAT'S ADORABLE, OH MY GOSH GUYS THERE'S GOING TO BE A TIMIDS WEDDING!" Kier grinned, looking from the ring, to me. "I just thought it was the right moment, place.. i knew there'd never be anyone else..so.." I grinned, as Kiers arms launched around my neck, tight.

"I can't believe it guys, congrats!" He grinned, going over to squeeze Shane. "Kier babe, your feminine side is showing.." Laurence smirked, already strolling over to pull us into a hug. "Congrats guys, i'm happy for you!" He smiled warmly, before Kier piped up from across the room.. "Don't deny it's the side of me you ADORE." Kier smirked, a crimson blush spreading across Laurences cheeks. Damn i missed these guys.. Laur snook a wink to him as he turned around, Kier blowing a kiss in return, as Luke got up next. "Alright Keveridge, alright." He gave us both a hug, patting us on the back. Oh Luke. I just looked up to Shane, and smiled, his perfect eyes locking with mine as he squeezed my hand. "I love life right now." He mumbled, me smiling and nodding in return, as we strolled back over to the guys, guitars abandoned, as cans were cracked open. Endless laughter soon spreading through the house.. Welcome home i guess.

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