Hope fades..

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Shanes POV:

My mum had eventually returned, but not for long.. She wanted to go and do her own thing, so left us together, and i'm sure as hell not complaining.. I was sat on my Iron Maiden towel, Drews head against my shoulder as he stared at the water. I knew he was enjoying it here, but i had an idea to make it even better. A Mr Whippy, perhaps?.. I looked down to Drew, and poked his nose, grinning. I knew he'd be an ice cream person if i'm honest..  He looked up, amused but bewildered as i scurried off, leaving him sat in the sand. I disapeared behind the huts, so that he couldn't see, and i got two cones, chocolate sauce and a flake in Drews. Oh i was looking forward to this.. I lept back into the sand, and ran up to him, grinning. "Say Mr Woolnough, what's that on your nose?" I grinned. "W-what? What is it?" He froze, as i flicked my arm forwards, the icecream scraping across his nose. He jumped and squeeled, clutching onto the cone for dear life.. "Oh Shane, you are so getting it.." He smirked, as i ran off in a fit of giggles, Drews feet brushing through the sand behind me..

Drews POV:

I giggled as i chased him, climbing up the rocks after him, as he padded across them, laughing. "You are so getting it Mr Sumner!" I yelled, his giggles flowing through the air. He shot around and smirked to me, as he began to skip backwards, still looking at me. "Wait Shane! Don't-" I yelled, before i saw him slip backwards on the mossy rocks, his body disapearing into the water bellow.. 

"SHANE!" I screamed, dropping the ice-cream as i leapt across the rocks, leaping into the water. I really wasn't a confident swimmer, but for Shane, anything. I floated up to the surface, spluttering as the salty water stung at my throat. No, i'm not giving up. I sucked in the biggest breath, and dived under, cracking my eyes open as i swam around the rocks, Shane no where to be seen.. I kicked to the surface, not knowing if it was tears or my frantic splashes flying down my face. I sucked in another painful breath and dived under, kicking off the rocks to get further in, until my fingers clasped onto some motionless fingers at the bottom. I scrunched my eyes through the sting, and kicked off the floor, tugging him with me to the top. I spat out the mess, and dragged him onto the rocks, his mopped hair clinging to his skin as i brushed it out the way. "S-shane? Please..p-please answer me.." I choked, the panic flooding through my body as my lungs tightened. No, NO, THIS IS THE WORST TIME FOR THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN. I clenched my jaw through the un-controllable shudders my body went through, as i pinched his nose, pressing my lips to his. I'd only seen this on movies, i've never done anything like this before, and i fucking hate hospitals, the green coats, the rubber gloves.. I choked as the panic shot through my veins, but i bit onto my tounge, carrying on with Shane, pushing down on his chest, sitting him upright, anything.. Nothing..

"SHANE, PLEASE!" I squeeled, snapping my head up to the beach, as i saw Mrs Sumner by the black railings, at the rear of the beach. Right, you can do this Drew. Do it for Shane, do it for Shane.. It wasn't until i looked back down that i noticed the blood oozing through my fingers.. "SHIT" I whispered harshly, looking back up to mum, and back to Shane. I shook as the panic errupted through me, never-ending, as i lifted Shane up, my legs almost buckling as i stood. "He wouldn't want me to give up." I breathed,  as i trudged across the rocks, my tears soaking into his hair as i sunk into the sand. I darted forward as soon as i got to the dry sand, my legs carrying me faster as the panic surged through me, my numb feet ploughing through the sand. "MUM, HELP ME!" I croaked, clambering up the wall at the back, people staring at me as Mrs Sumner froze, running towards me. "P-PLEASE HE-HELP HIM MUM, PLEASE, H-HE FELL, AND I COULDN'T- I WAS TOO FAR AWAY-" I shook, the words slurring out as my lungs tightened. She nodded certainly to herself, and ran a hand across my cheek. "Drew dear, listen to me, i need you to relax, i need you to carry Shane to the appartment, my first aid kit is there, i can help him, if you can help me." She stated calmly, as the panic shuddered up my spine, my knees threatening to buckle.

"I-i- but, i-c i can't,-" I couldn't feel anything anymore, my body had frozen on the spot. "Drew. Shane needs you, you're everything to him right now, and he would say this more than me, that you can push through this. You can push through anything Drew, i know you can." She breathed, as i looked down to Shane, his motionless body splayed out on the floor. My heart sped up as i gritted my teeth, lifting him off the pavement, and cradleing him in my arms. "For you Shaney. You're going to be ok.." I whispered, as my legs kicked in, my body speeding down the railing in a blur. Everything was slowing down, the world wasn't there anymore. It was just Shane, no one but Shane. I sped up my pace, my feet blistering against the sharp granite bellow, but that didn't matter. Shane did. I ran up to the door, and kicked it open, as i ran up the stairs, my panic becoming energy, as i layed him on the couch, slipping a towel under the wound in his head. Everything was a blurr, but i didn't care, i couldn't see, and i didn't care. My legs were buckling in my mind, but physically, i stood tall, Mrs Sumner soon hurrying in as she took over.

I clambered out of the room as the dizzyness kicked in, me finding my way to the stairs to our room, but my lungs weren't letting me get any air in. NO. I HAD TO HOLD ON FOR SHANE. Will he be ok though..? My legs collapsed beneath me as the tears flew down my cheeks. The feverish sobs racking through my throat becoming too much as i curled up by the wall. My body slowly shutting down, as the blackness came. It's amazing, how perfection can be ruined, in seconds.

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