20 minutes, too late.

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Drews POV:

I reached the hell that i call home, gripping onto the top of the broken fence, pulling myself over it quietly. I glimpsed to the kitchen window, the light blaring out amongst the bushes.. I didn't really want to see more results of abuse showing on my mum's perfect skin, so i sighed and clambered up to my bedroom window, sliding in and falling onto my bed. I rolled over and hung my legs over the edge sitting up, catching my breath. I was still sweating from the viscious evening sun.. my white school shirt already going see-through in places.. I flipped it from around my shoulders, and threw it at the wall, my weezer top soon following, to leave me topless. I had no muscle whatsover.. but i couldn't care less, there's no one to show it to exactly, is there? I bit my lip and shrugged, undoing my belt and jeans, and kicked my marvel PJ bottoms out the way.. The heats too much for my douvet, let alone pyjama's.. I flopped back down over the covers, in my marvel-comic boxers, and buried my face in my pillow, letting the daily tears take their place.. It went on for hours.. my pillow soaking up the sadness i couldn't live with.. If only someone could understand, anyone at all.. I lifted my puffed up face from my pillow, and stared at all the posters dotting my bedroom walls, before turning my gaze out of the window.. Maybe i could be lucky enough to see that boy again tomorrow..that boy that i completely creeped the fuck out today.. Ugh i came across as such a stalker.. "But he made me feel happy, for some reason.." I sighed. "Who did, dear?" Oh shit.. I said that out loud..? I hesitantly looked towards the open doorway, to see my mum, stood with smeared make-up down her face, a nice, luminous purple bruise along her neck. Obviously trying to hide how shit she clearly felt with that fake smile.. I cringed and turned my back to her, covering my wet face in the damp covers.. "Drew..i-i'm sorry, i know..i know i should talk to you about things more and-" I felt her hand on my bare shoulder, but shrugged it away and curled up. "Leave me alone..mum.." I heard her slow footsteps across the floor boards as she reached the door, followed by a whispered apology. I sniffed and launched myself off the bed, slamming the door shut, before flicking off the lights violently. Let's just get this sleepless night over with.. Just, please..


I hurried out of the school gates the next day, racing down the narrow streets, and speeding to the park. Within 5 minutes, i'd reached the flat, cut spot i'd sat in when i first layed eyes upon this new boy.. "Great, just..great." I groaned, as i sunk down on the newly cut grass, my chances of hiding from sight, far gone. I looked around, and waited anxiously in my spot, picking at the short, fresh grass, sliding the blades nervously through my fingers. Ok maybe i was being a bit too creepy here.. i didn't even know him, and there i was, thinkig this stranger could solve all of my lifes stupid problems. I knelt up, and pulled out my eye-liner pencil, adding it on using a peice of my broken mirror from in my bedroom. That was until i heard lazy footstepts sliding through the grass towards me.. I jumped and threw the mirror and pencil in my pocket. "Oh, ello gay boy! Puttin on some makeup for a new boyfriend of yours ay?" Jason, the bitch from school who makes my life actually feel like hell itself. "Fuck off Jason, i've never even done anything to you, so back the fuck off will you?!" I yelled, agitated, standing up and glaring at him. I'm not even gay, well..how would i know..? But there is really no need to just constantly judge like this, is there? "What did you just say, you little ass?!" He snarled. "I. said. BACK. THE FUCK. OFF." I yelled, i could feel the tears build, as i clenched my shaking fists, this guy was like twice my height... But i have nothing in my life to live for, so why not go for it? I flew my fist through the air, and hit the bridge of his nose perfectly, cuts forming neatly across my knuckles. Well that did feel good..i must admit.. 

I slowly backed away, as Jason snapped a hand up to his nose, blood running smoothly down his chin. "What the hell has gotten into you, you little dick?!" He roared at me, as his huge foot plunged into my stomach, a punch to my jaw, my nose.. I just didn't want to stop it anymore.. Why should i? He endlessly beat me for 20 minutes, and with a final kick to my back, he ran off, his horrid laugh dissapearing with him. I stared at the grass tickling my nostrils, my warm blood trickling down, covering the green strands. Every part of my body felt broken.. My head pulsing, my back decorated with perfect bruises. Guess our family bruise easily.. 

Footsteps were soon heard through the grass, running towards me. Oh great, he's back. Let's hope he ends it for good this time, at least it will end the constant pain.. I scrunched my eyes shut, my heart speeding in my chest, as a warm, smooth hand gripped the side of the face gently. I opened my eyes slowly, to see him. Not Jason. The boy. The beautiful boy from yesterday.. Please don't let me die..not just yet. I opened my mouth, but no words came out.. He stroked a hand across my face, and began to speak to me.. But i couldn't hear anything anymore, what's going on?! He tried to speak to me again, but i shook my head, and built all my strength to point to my bloodied ear. He nodded slightly, and bit his lip, it was clear he was blushing.. so was i probably, but i didn't care..i couldn't feel the pain anymore.. I saw him looking down towards his phone, and he pointed to the numbers, '999', that were set into his phone, questioningly. "N-no.." I weezed, as he nodded slightly, slipping my tie off, and scrunching it up, to soak up the blood.. I couldn't take my eyes away from his.. He was more beautiful up close.. He kept glimpsing to me as he did, nervously, but i just couldn't help it.. I lay, and watched him clean me up, his perfect blush never leaving..

But no matter how hard i tried, i could feel everything fading.. NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO, NO. HE'S HERE. DON'T TAKE ME AWAY FROM HIM. I felt tears run down my cheeks, as i reached out a shaking, sweating hand, gripping his own. He blushed deeper, and looked at me questioningly..before everything dissapeared, replaced with pure, and utter blackness..

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