"He Was Bald So I Didn't Recognize Him"

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"You've really changed Y/N." Saitama stated. You snorted quietly.

"Saitama, have you seen yourself lately? You're bald! What the hell did you do these past three years?" You quipped, bumping his knee with your own under the table. He smirked.

"I trained. I told you I would become a hero one day." Saitama replied cheekily.

"Tama! That was back in junior high!" You exclaimed, feeling your face become red.

"I do not understand. Sensei, who is this woman? Why does she call you Tama?" Genos asked, his eyes looking between you and Saitama.

"Ah, she's one of my old junior high friends. We've known each other forever. She moved away just before I began my training." Saitama explained, before looking back at you. "I haven't heard anything from you since."

You began to feel your face heat up a bit in anger. "Well it isn't my fault you got kicked out of your last apartment and decided not to tell me your new address. I sent letters for weeks...." You started, looking away suddenly as you continued, "I thought something might have happened to you."

"Sorry." Saitama whispered.

You suddenly slammed a fist on the table.

"That's in the past now. As for the present, you are going to tell me what's going on. First, I find you bald and literally ripping with muscles. Then, I find an S class hero cyborg wearing a pink apron living with you in your apartment. What the hell have you been up to?"

He explained his past three years; well Genos explained most of the recent events. Saitama opted to shorten his three year story to fewer than twenty words. You sat dumbfounded by the sudden influx of information. It seemed that when you finally sat down alone in your own apartment, the weight of what just happened finally slammed into you. Your best friend was living next to you. He was alive, he was okay. You felt a weight you didn't know you had been carrying lift, but at the same time, a new fear rose. He was so...different. You idly wondered how much. Whatever training he had been doing had made him so detached from everything. You weren't sure if he still considered you a friend. It seemed too much was happening to him all at once, and you were being left behind.

A knock brought you from your reverie. You stomped to the door, a little more tired all of a sudden. You opened the door grumpily to find Genos standing in front of it.

"Oh, hi, um, Genos, was it? Did I forget something?" You asked. You were going to hit the pillow the moment he left.

"Sensei wanted to give this to you." Genos said, handing over a plastic wrapped bowl. You took a peek before smiling a bit.

"He still likes udon huh? What a dork." You sighed.

"He's happy." Genos replied. The look behind his eyes was unreadable to you.

"Is he?" You asked. In truth, you didn't know the answer.

"I've never seen him like that." Genos nodded before bowing slightly and taking his leave. You bowed back closing the door after him as you leaned against the door frame.

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