"Breaking and Entering?"

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***A/N So I was looking around on Wattpad, and I realized that someone already has a 'One Punch to the Heart' story title!!! I'm SO embarrassed! Honestly my friend came up with the title of this fanfiction and I hadn't even THOUGHT to check to see if others had used it. So whoever that is I apologize profusely!! Anyway, sorry about the lack of updates, but trust me there is WAY more I have written.***

"Ah, Sundays~" You sung, stretching your limbs as you sat up in the futon. Your hair was in disarray, the morning light filtering though the window next to you, making you blink as the pupils adjusted. The sky was crystal clear, only a few clouds gliding across the azure background. You slowly forced yourself to stand, yawning loudly as you banged your foot against the table. You grumbled as you limped for a minute, shaking the feeling off. Damn table.

You could hear the birds chirping loudly as you made yourself breakfast. The scrambled eggs sizzled as the coffee pot was turned on, the loud trickle of the heater burning as the liquid poured into the pot making its way to your ears. You were oozing with melancholy, your whole being felt relaxed and content. You turned the TV on from the remote in the kitchen, not even bothering to look towards the area as you were too busy making sure the eggs didn't burn in the pan. Finally, with a plate of eggs and a piping hot cup of coffee in your hand, you finally exited the kitchen. When you finally looked up into your small living room, you dropped your plate.

You screamed.


"Sensei, get up."

"Genos, piss off. It's Sunday."

"I have to clean today sensei."

"Can't it wait until later?" He hummed, curling into a fetal position before finally flipping over so that his back faced Genos. Genos faced the cocoon of blankets before sighing.

"Sensei, why do you have to be so difficult?"

"Why do you have to do these things when..." Saitama groaned, before a loud scream echoed through the apartment, cutting him off mid-sentence. He didn't think. He didn't breathe. The only thing he knew is that his fist had connected with the wall beside him and burst into Y/N's apartment at a break neck speed.


"Oh my god, Saitama!" You scrambled over to him, hiding behind him and peeking over his shoulder at the creature that stood in your living room. You were holding the back of his night shirt in a death grip. He stood protectively in front, one arm reaching behind and grabbing your elbow. A giant cockroach monster stood in your living room. You noticed that your balcony window had been opened, probably where the creature had entered. Cockroaches by themselves were terrifying, but a cockroach monster was even worse. This wasn't the first time you had asked either of the heroes to kill an insect for you, although Saitama seemed to hesitate to kill any as you recalled the manga book he was always reading. What was so interesting about a manga about a bug anyway?

"Ke. Ke. Ke." It hissed, and you practically were climbing on top of Saitama now.

"That is so creepy! Please kill it already Tama!" You pleaded. He happily obliged by sending the monster out your open window. He seemed to sigh as an afterthought, scratching his chin and rubbing the sleep from his face.

"It is way too early for this kind of thing..." He turned to you, taking you by the forearms suddenly.

"You're hurt." He said.

You blinked. Were you? "Yeah, I guess. I threw my coffee at it. Didn't like vanilla apparently, cause it took a swipe at me and I hit the floor pretty hard."

Saitama was silent. You looked around, ignoring him as you finally noticed Genos on the other side of the ruined wall. Saitama was inspecting the scratch that had formed on your delicate skin.

"Oh. Good morning Genos." You smiled sweetly.

"Morning Y/N."

"Bit of a draft we got today huh?" You joked, and you could see Genos jerk his head to the side to conceal his laugh.

"So Tama," You began, turning back towards the still silent man, who hadn't looked away from the wound, "How do you propose to fix our wall."

"I'm not."

"You are not gonna force Genos to do it."

"He's not either."

You cocked your head to the side. "But I'm no good at fixing walls."

"We are going to leave it like it is." You felt your face heat up. Was he insinuating...?

"Are you suggesting we all live together?" You asked, your voice rising in volumes when he didn't deny it. You suddenly felt that you might pass out.

"We kind of do already. Might as well skip the formalities of a wall now." Saitama said, before looking at Genos, who for some reason seemed happier than usual.

"You going to clean this up or what Genos?" Saitama questioned, as you literally grabbed him in a one arm chokehold that you knew he could break at any moment.

"This is your mess. You better clean up our apartment!" You noogied his head, and the sudden realization that you said 'our' apartment made you let go instantly and blush in embarrassment.

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