"He's An Overpowered, Kindhearted, Dork-faced Idiot."

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***A/N So here's a new part to the story. Me and a friend literally have 36 pages of this fanfiction, mostly little one-shots. Some are longer than others, some in Saitama's POV, hell, even some in third person! Anyway, I hope you continue to enjoy!***

"Tama, I swear if you don't move your foot off this table I'm gonna' pummel that dumb face into the floor."

"Try me." He stuck out a tongue.

"Genos help me out here." You pleaded. Genos seemed to assess the situation.

"Sensei, that isn't good for your posture." Genos replied.

"To hell with his posture! We eat on this table for god's sake!" You elbowed him in the side. He barely seemed fazed.

After a few weeks of living next door to the duo, you found yourself hanging out more in his apartment. There had been no pressing hero work, and besides the job at the local restaurant that you worked part time in, it had been pretty bland. You grumbled, lazily hitting the buttons on the remote until you stopped at the evening news. You felt Saitama shift as he lay sprawled out on the futon.

"...has already killed at least half the populace of City G, and seems to be making rampage in the direction of City H. All residents from H to J cities are advised to evacuate to shelters." The newscaster reported. Why was there never anything non-life threatening on the news?

Genos walked into the room, an impassive look on his face.

"The Association is calling S class heroes to help take care of the problem. I should be home in time for dinner." Genos stated before exiting the apartment.

"Be careful!" You called after him. You looked to Saitama.

"You're not gonna' go with him?" You poked his shoulder.


"Why?" You chided, poking him again in the ribs. Wow, he was really buff.

"He says he'll come home."

"You can't tell me you don't worry."

"Why should I? Genos can take care of himself." Saitama said, but you could tell. The foot on the table next to you wiggled impatiently. He seemed restless. You grinned evilly before taking one finger and lightly gliding it up the underside of his foot. Saitama jumped a few feet in the air, letting out a little shriek before propelling himself up to a sitting position.

"What was that for?" Saitama huffed. You giggled. He was still ticklish at least.

"Go after him. You still have yet to show me this 'hero' power you and Genos keep talking about." You demanded. Saitama sighed in defeat.

"Whatever. Lemme' just get ready to go first." Saitama begrudgingly muttered before pulling the yellow suit from his small closet and grabbing the red gloves that still hung above the sink. He disappeared into the bathroom, before reappearing in his hero outfit.

"A yellow tracksuit? I guess it's still better than the blue one you wore back in school." You uttered. You could see an eye twitch as he grimaced at you.

"Let's just go do this okay? I really want to eat all that udon we ended up buying yesterday."

You suddenly felt yourself being picked up as Saitama jumped out the window. You hung onto his neck for dear life as he ran at such a fast speed that the world around you two was a rush of blurs.

"Saitama!" You laughed. You felt exhilarated. While it was strange to be carried in this way, the quick glances at the cities literally passing you by was incredible. How did he get so fast?

It all stopped suddenly when he came to a halt. You climbed off on shaky legs and let the air come back into your lungs. You could see Genos in the distance fighting the giant monster, seemingly alone in the endeavor. You were impressed by the firepower the kid could produce.

"Stay here, ok Y/N?" Saitama pleaded. You saw how serious he was, and nodded slowly. It made sense. Keeping you from the fight was probably the best idea anyway.

You watched in awe as he literally leapt to Genos' location. They seemed to just stand around for a moment, until you realized the monster was actually talking. Wait, was the monster monologuing? You let your hand slap yourself in the forehead. Were these monsters for real? The look on Saitama's face seemed extremely bored and you couldn't help but feel the same.

The monster then suddenly lunged for him, and you held your breath a bit as the claw all but missed Saitama. Saitama raised his lone fist, and the monster's guts flew everywhere. You were shocked. The duo eventually made their way back to you; that dumb look was back on his face again.

"One punch?" Was all you said, and you somehow saw Saitama a little more differently. You weren't sure how you missed the incredibly powerful aura he was giving off.

"Yeah, it sucks." Saitama shrugged glumly, before picking you up again and heading back to the house. Genos followed behind, careful to avoid the shrieking fans that had gathered as he leapt after you and his sensei.

Once returning to his apartment, you immediately turned on the man.

"I thought you said you did standard strength training!" You pointed a finger in his face, waving it in front of him with each word.

"Well, yeah."

"That was not standard strength training. That was..." you paused, making a fist and punching the air in a mock attempt of the fight earlier, "overpowered as hell!"

"That's seriously all I did. Why does no one believe me?" Saitama sighed, peeling the gloves from his hands and draping his cape over the back of the computer desk chair.

"We aren't done talking about this!" You hollered, seeing him wave an arm in a dismissing motion. He disappeared with a change of clothes into the bathroom, leaving you and Genos alone at the small table. The TV was turned on low just as the reports of the recent attack came spilling in. You watched from the corner of your eye as they talked about Genos, the crowd gushing over talk of the cyborg who currently sat beside you.

"...I hate how that Caped Baldy always steals Genos' credit! Seriously, why doesn't he give it up?" A passerby spoke into the camera, making you whip your head towards the screen. Similar insults were thrown at Saitama, and you had to bite your lip to keep all the obscenities that were bubbling in your throat. You immediately threw a glance to Genos.

"Is that what they really think of him?" You whispered, glancing towards the hall. You could hear the shower running.

"Ever since the Deep Sea King incident. He never denies any of it." Genos quietly replied.

"Well that's just stupid! Why would he..." you started, but your eyes widened when Genos gave you a look.

Saitama was an idiot. An overpowered, kindhearted, and dork-faced idiot.

You ended up turning the offending news off, throwing the remote to the corner of the room with a huff. Genos seemed to understand, and offered a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't get too angry. It doesn't bother him at all." Genos said. You blinked.

"I don't believe that." The conviction held in that sentence made Genos freeze. He opened his mouth to retort just as Saitama walked in with his pin-striped pajamas, the look of a refreshing shower radiating from him.

"What are you guys staring at?" He asked, stretching his limbs before placing a palm on the back of his neck, rubbing the stiffness from it. You stood up suddenly and made way toward the front door, stopping in front of him.

"Saitama, you are amazing. The coolest hero I've ever seen." You chirped, before sidestepping him and exiting his apartment.

"What was that about?" You heard Saitama ask Genos just before you closed the door.

If no one else would appreciate him, you would be sure to.

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