"A 'Fated' Encounter??"

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***Okay, so this is slight spoilers for the manga. It really only introduces one character, who I definitely have been wanting to introduce to this story for a while. Most of the dialogue was take from the manga as well (if you can't tell, I advise all of you to read the manga cause its awesome). Due to schoolwork and life in general I have unable to write for a while, but I'm back in business! Will be writing more updates more often, and should be wrapping up some plot threads I created in previous chapters and this chapter. Sorry that once again, this is somewhat short.***

"Hero Hunter?" Saitama asked, just as he grabbed the bananas from their place in the isle.

"Yeah apparently he's been rampaging through the ranks." You replied, placing said bananas into the basket as the two of you continued to shop.

"I still don't see why we are going to the hospital." Saitama continued, and you smacked him playfully on the arm.

"Because Mumen is there! Poor guy got caught up in that crap. Hope he gets better soon." You pouted, throwing a package of chicken into your already full basket.

"So then, why are we still shopping for Mumen? I got the bananas already."

"Because Saitama, I plan to give something healthy and filling. Not just bananas." You scoffed just as you approached the cashier.

When you arrived at the hospital room later that day, you couldn't believe the condition he was in. Mumen Rider was propped up on very large pillows, most of his body covered in bandages.

"Saitama. Y/N." Mumen spoke up, surprise in his voice.

"Yo, you look like crap." Saitama waved.

"Hey Mumen, how are you feeling?" You asked, glaring sideways at Saitama.

"Alive, but barely." Mumen said, slightly sitting up and propping himself back on the pillows.

"I'll just put the bananas here." Saitama proceeded to set the bag down on the counter, taking the cluster of fruit out of the bag before taking one and proceeding to eat it.

"Those aren't for me...?" Mumen sweated. You sighed in defeat.

"He said they were for you, but I figured it was a ruse for me to buy those. This ,however, is for you." You emphasized the covered bowl in your hands, setting it down on a tray next to the bed. "It's not much, but chicken noodle soup usually helps when I'm ever feeling bad."

Mumen gratefully nodded his head. "If I wasn't bound head to toe in bandages I'd eat it now."

"Oh, right." You replied, wanting to smack yourself in the face. Some friend you were.

"So Mumen, what kind of monster did this to you." Saitama said between mouthfuls of banana, sitting down on the chair next to the bed. You opted to stand beside him.

"Monster? The association calls him a monster, but he's definitely human." Mumen mused.

"So he's just a punk?" Saitama asked, clearly not interested in the topic of conversation.

"No. He's strong, maybe the strongest human being I've ever faced." Mumen replied.

You snorted. "Stronger than this guy here?" You pointed to Saitama, "Doesn't really seem possible."

"He...there's something different about this guy. It's difficult to explain." Mumen continued.

"It's 'technique' you mean." A voice from the other side of the room interrupted. You pulled back the hanging sheet separating the two patients to reveal Tank Top Master.

"Oh, didn't see you there Mr. Tank Top." You greeted.

"That guy...he just barged into our conversation." Saitama deadpanned. "Wait, you're the guy who got his ass kicked the hardest."

You snickered at Saitama's utter lack of tact as Tank Top Master's face went red.

"I didn't go down without a fight damnit!" He defended, but he was clearly embarrassed.

"So even an S class had a hard time with this guy?" You asked the burly man, whose face still seemed a bit pissed.

"That youngster, Garou, had incredible martial art training. Silverfang's created a real problem." Tank Top Master answered, looking at you finally, "I mean, most monsters I've killed in one punch, but this guy..."

"One punch?" Saitama piped up from the background. You immediately turned to him.

"I'm sure it's just and expression Tama." You tried, but Saitama was already walking past you and stood over Tank Top Master's bed.

"Here have a banana," Saitama said, shoving said object into the man's hand, "and then tell me about everything that happened in detail."

Mumen and you exchanged a look.

It would be a long day.


"You're really excited about this huh?" You stated out of nowhere, making Saitama look up at you.

"What do you mean?" Saitama replied as you walked down the long street that made up the shopping district.

"I haven't seen you so excited about anything, save for supermarket bargains and new volumes of manga." You smiled, bumping your shoulder with his as you walked.

"Eh, well, it's not every day someone interesting appears." He said, a slight smile crossing his face. You giggled. It was good to see some emotion on him.

You rounded the corner before you suddenly stopped. "Hey Tama, is this it?"

"Finally! We've been looking for this wig stall all day!" He exclaimed, dragging you by the arm.

"I can't believe you think a wig is going to disguise you for the tournament. What if it falls off!?" You chided. "You can get in serious trouble for impersonating someone!"

"Relax Y/N, you've totally had experience in doing cosplay right? Your expertise in wigs will make sure it won't fall off." Saitama cheekily answered, making you turn red.

"I thought we agreed we'd never talk about that school festival maid café again." You mumbled.

"Hey, you weren't the only one wearing a dress that day." Saitama smirked.

As you neared the stall, you noticed a tall and overall intimidating person blocking your path. He seemed to notice Saitama, and in an instant, the guy was suddenly in front of you two, one hand karate chopping Saitama in the shoulder. You screamed in surprise, the shockwave and the fact Saitama was now literally standing in a big hole in the ground making you almost lose your footing. Saitama's arm immediately snuck around your waist, holding you tightly. The three of you were now in an awkward position, you glued to Saitama waist by his one arm, the weird guy's hand still in contact with Saitama's shoulder, and Saitama himself who just seemed annoyed.

"What are you doing? Who the hell are you? Are you trying to mug us?"

The guy only seemed to stand in shock.

"Out of our way." Saitama said, before he then suddenly slammed his hand on the guy in the same exact manner that he had just been attacked. The force shook the man so much that he passed out, leaving the two of you blinking in his wake.

"Um, Tama?" You meekly asked, after you steadied yourself back on your feet.


"The fuck was that?"

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