"Who Needs Fate When You Have a Ninja?"

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***Hey guys! So I'm updating before this hurricane hits my area. So if you don't hear from me for a while, you now know why. I'm super happy I managed to finish this today! See you in the next update!***

It wasn't everyday that your overpowered boyfriend pinned you to the wall for a hot make-out session. You had to admit, he was getting adventurous. Neither of you were a stranger to kisses, but it had been long enough that you certainly weren't a pro. Saitama, on the other hand, seemed to know exactly what he wanted and how to get it. He was a natural, or he was just plain lucky. Probably both, you mused.
"Tama, ah...What, hah, what brought this on?" You stuttered between kisses, but he was relentless in wedging his tongue to battle with yours. He was surprisingly dominant, despite his lackluster attitude most of the time. You barely had time to breathe just as he switched angles, lips caressing yours as he tugged on your lower lip.
"I can't kiss my girlfriend?" He mumbled into your mouth, and you felt that familiar fluttering sensation in your belly at the timbre in his voice. You laughed aloud, just as he burrowed himself into the skin of your neck and began nibbling there.
"Of course you can, ah, but this seems to have come a bit out of left field though." You kissed his temple just as he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot below your jaw. He didn't reply to the comment, opting to swipe his tongue over your pulse as his palms smoothed down your sides. "This...this wouldn't have to do with Sonic would it?"
The phrase made him pause for a moment, only a moment, before he began sucking particularly hard on the junction of your neck. You smirked, your shit-eating grin stretching from ear to ear.
"Ah, so it is about Sonic." You giggled, your hands grasping at his shoulder blades when a particularly pleasant chill ran up your spine.
"Can we not talk about him while we're doing this?" Saitama growled into your neck, pulling your body closer to his by the hips.
"I can't believe he has you this worked up." Your fingers went from his shoulder blades to his neck and he leaned into the touch.
"He needs to learn where to keep his hands." He bit softly on your shoulder, and you shuddered in response.
***Two Hours Earlier***
"Ah! You!" A voice called out, distinctly male, and you felt your feet shuffle even faster in an effort to ditch said voice.
"Oh god not him again..." You muttered, not looking over your shoulder hoping that your cold demeanor would give him the hint.
Of course, Sonic never took the hint.
"Where is Saitama?! Hey!" Sonic continued calling, and you sharply turned a corner and tried to duck into a less crowded street for a speedier getaway. You started lightly jogging as well as one could with a bag of groceries, but of course the ninja still trailed behind you and was progressively coming closer.
"Leave me alone Sonic!" You called out, still not looking behind you in an attempt to gain more ground. Of course, the speedy, spandex clothed man did not hesitate to teleport in front of you, effectively stopping you in your tracks.
"Did you get my letter?" He asked, trying to be suave. You blew a fly-away strand of hair from your eyes.
"Yes Sonic. All 37 of them." You complained, and Sonic seemed to take a smugger stance.
"Are you not wooed by them?" His chest puffed out and you couldn't help but hide a snicker behind the back of your hand. He was so annoying, but so hilarious at the same time. It was hard to stay so mad at him when he took his own ridiculousness so seriously.
"Wooed in not the word I would use..."
"Ah! So you're enamored with them! I've spent years perfecting the art of the letter..." Sonic began, and you slowly edged your way around him as he began monologuing. Knowing the raven's ego, it'd be at least another ten minutes before he noticed you were gone.
When you finally arrived home, still no ninja in sight, Genos greeted you just as he was walking out the door.
"Another bad guy?" You questioned, grinning at the look of determination on the cyborg's face.
"Yes," Genos gave a general sweep over your figure, "another time sale?"
"Of course. Good luck. Oh," You mentioned just as Genos looked like he was powering up, "Do you know when Saitama is coming home today?"
Genos shook his head, as his machinery began to hum. "Sensei mentioned a time sale in City J, for the pork, and he mentioned one in City M as well."
"Might as well make dinner then...I'll save you both a plate in the fridge. Be careful, okay?" You asked, and Genos turned to give you one last look.
"I promise." Genos' voice was soft, and then with an incredible burst of speed he was gone.
"Hmm....I wonder what we should have?" You hummed to yourself, setting the groceries aside as you turned on the TV. It had become a sort of habit, to turn on the TV every time the boys weren't home. It made you feel better to see glimpses of them on screen and to know that they were okay.
Suddenly, the window to your apartment crashed open and Sonic was suddenly there.
"You may have tried to escape me but..." He started, but you took the cabbage head you had been putting away and chucked it at his head.
"Pay for our window asshole!" You growled, a smirk growing when the cabbage hit him directly in the temple. "Honestly! And you've made a mess of the bookshelf now. Damn it..." You stormed into the living room, crouching to pick up the miscellaneous manga and memorabilia that had been resting on the shelves. Sonic seemed to fidget guiltily as he looked down at you, still standing.
"Well? Are you going to help me or not?" You hissed, and the male immediately starting gathering everything he could. Suddenly, he stopped, hands grasping a piece of paper as he eyed it curiously.
"Where did you get this?" He waved the paper in front of you, and you grabbed his wrist to read the article more clearly.
"That, is my junior high love letter." You smiled at the paper fondly. "This is how I met Saitama."
"Do you know who wrote it?" Sonic sounded strange, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, no...he never showed." You rubbed the paper's surface absentmindedly, "Why do you ask?"
Sonic was silently assessing you before he finally broke it with a sigh.
"I also once confessed to my love to the first girl I had ever liked in the same fashion."
"Really? You write a love letter? I can't imagine you ever doing that." You sarcastically implied, glancing at the stack of notes he had left on your door with a withering glance.
"She also never showed," Sonic continued, "and I always wondered what had happened to her."
You suddenly didn't like the way he was so close to you.
"And?" You didn't know where he leading up to with this.
"I guess I do now." Sonic smiled, taking on of your hands.
"Wait...what..." You suddenly connected the dots of what he was implying and reared back, "Are you saying you wrote this? I didn't meet you until just a few months ago!"
"I can assure you this is my letter," He plucked the letter from your hand and pointed at a particular line, "this is my signature."
You squinted at the scribbles on the page. It looked, kinda like a signature, you guessed. There was definitely an 'S', but the rest of it was gibberish you couldn't understand. But as you looked at it you realized why the letters from Sonic recently had been so familiar. The curve of the 's', the strange looking 'I', it was still the same as back then. You even took his most recent attempt and compared the two pages together.
"Oh. My. God." You muttered.
"This must be fate! To find you after all of these years, how can you possibly say no to me now?" He seemed to be bouncing in place at the newfound revelation. "I knew from the first time I saw you going to your school that one morning that we were meant to be..."
"You...you didn't even show up!" Your brows furrowed as you tried to process the new information.
"...I...." The way that Sonic said it made you even angrier. "I did not know what to say to you."
"You ran away because you were too nervous." Your voice increased a little as it suddenly all made sense.
"A ninja never runs away." He retorted, but you didn't buy it.
"A ninja maybe, but at that time you were just a boy confessing to a girl..." You sighed, putting the rest of the mess back onto the shelves without so much as looking at the ninja. You folded the item of controversy and placed in back in the junior high yearbook, bookmarking the page that had Saitama's picture in it. "Whatever, it doesn't matter."
"Doesn't matter?" Sonic asked, shocked. He suddenly grabbed you by the waist, pulling you towards him so that his face was now inches from yours. He caught your hand just as you were about to slap him. "Doesn't matter?"
"You weren't there Sonic, but Saitama was. That's all that matters. Now would you please leave?" You pleaded, but Sonic sat in that kneeled position, body against yours and didn't move. He seemed...hurt.
"But..." Sonic initiated, but it wasn't your voice that cut him off.
"You heard her Sonic, leave." Saitama snarled from the entryway, groceries still in hand but his fists were turning white at the knuckles. "Unless you want to get punched."
The ninja, seeming to sense the danger, released you and retreated through the broken window at a breakneck speed. The apartment was silent as neither you or Saitama moved, feeling his eyes on you.
"How long were you standing there?" You asked, finally turning to look at him.
"Long enough."
"You saw everything." You chuckled.
And then Saitama was suddenly in your arms.
You had to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
"Do you think he realizes it's his fault that we are together?" You mused. Saitama squeezed your waist affectionately.
"As much as I hate to say it, I have to thank him." Saitama nuzzled into your neck for a second time and you groaned. "Maybe I won't punch him next time."
"Mou, Saitama, how many hickeys do you plan on leaving?" You whimpered as he chuckled breathlessly.

"As many as it takes before Sonic finally gets the idea..."

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