"Forever, I Hope."

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*** Well, I certainly never expected to be updating this story again. I kind of grew out of this fandom around the end of last year (go figure, My Hero Academia stole my heart). However, I figured I might as well make an ending to this. And since Halloween was the one holiday I actually wrote for, it seemed fitting to end on it as well. Anyway, I'm very happy and grateful to all who enjoyed these little snippets. Maybe at some point in the future, if there's a season 2 to OPM, I may make an epilogue to this. But for now, I shall say farewell to Y/N and Saitama. Let me know if there's other fanfics you want me to write? (maybe?)***

"Hold still Sai."

The bald man grumbled, shifting in his position on the floor.

"Come on, why do I have to do this?"

You pouted, eyes narrowing as you squinted. "I don't have a mirror handy in this apartment, thanks to someone."

Again, he grumbled, this time flipping through the television channels absentmindedly, scratching the back of his neck.

You finished the eyeliner, double checking your reflection on the surface of Saitama's bald head to make sure you were satisfied. You smirked, tapping him lightly on the top of his head, signaling you were done. He sighed.

"You know I can just buy candy?"

You laughed at his suggestion, adjusting the witch hat atop your head.

"Ah, so you're saying that you want Genos and Sonic to come over?"

Immediately he stood, throwing his cape over his shoulders as you followed giddily behind him. He snapped on the red gloves that hung just beside the door, followed shortly by his boots. You frowned.

"Where's your costume?"

He shrugged, holding both ends of the cape like a bat. "I'm a hero. Duh."

You pouted. "Saitama, at least pretend you're excited to go trick or treating."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Aren't we too old?"

You retreated to the living area, reaching for a pair of fake, plastic vampire teeth before returning to his form standing by the door. "Here."

He opened his mouth to your silent request, letting you adjust the cape on his shoulders so that it came together over his right shoulder. You blinked a few times, taking in the knockoff vampire look. You choked in a laugh.


You shook your head. "Nothing it's just-" You chuckled, "-It would be better with hair."

"Huh?!" He whirled, face incredulous as you brushed past him.

"You really should have let me dye your cape black." You commented, opening the door despite his protests. "Would've looked cooler."

"My hero costume is cool." He deadpanned, and you had to throw an exasperated eyeroll in his direction.

"Oh, Sai..." You mumbled, taking the steps down to the dark, empty street, which would have been dangerous if you were with anyone other than the bald man beside her. "It's really not."

The streets in this part of the city were devoid of life, people too scared to move in due to the monsters that tended to roam it. On any other night you wouldn't have bothered to go out. Hell, you hadn't last year.

"You know what tonight is right?"

He gave a bored look. "Uh...Halloween?"

You lightly slapped his bicep, ignoring the fact that it hurt every time you did that because damn, those things were solid.

"No silly, tonight's our year anniversary."

Even though he was silent, you could hear the gears in his head turning.



"Yeah, ah."

You buried your head in your hands. "What the hell does that mean?"

He cocked his head. "I thought you were good at translating my 'default-bored lingo', as you called it."

"But I have no way to even begin to know what you're thinking!" You cried, frustrated. "I need context here Sai."

"Right...um...I'm-happy? A year's a long time."

You stopped dead in your tracks, eyes furrowed as he stopped to look back.

"You're angry."

You grimaced. "Take a wild guess why."

He rubbed his shoulder, a move uncharacteristic of him. "Look, I'm still not great at this. I still can't feel most things. Emotions...I'll always struggle with them. But I do know that when I'm with you...it's a little easier."

Before he could continue his out of nowhere heartfelt moment, you clasped his left hand firmly.

"It's okay, Saitama. I know that-that we're still struggling. Hell, we'll probably be struggling with this for the rest of our lives..." You snuggled into his shoulder. "But as long as we're together, I don't mind."

He pressed back gently, his fingers entwining with yours. "And how long do you think that'll be?"

You smiled, cheeks flushed with a joyous expression.

"Forever, I hope."

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