"That Sappy Love Letter Started Everything."

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***A/N Sorry for the long hiatus everyone. Had some school stuff recently but here is another update! BTWthe picture frame that Y/N had from the first chapter is the same one in this chapter. Yes, I try to use something called continuity while writing lol. For everyone on Wattpad, I'm actually updating new chapters on the Quotev site first before this one since I know a lot people can't read it on here.***

"Is this Saitama-sensei?" Genos asked, making you turn around at his voice. You instantly smiled upon recognition of the object in Genos' hands. You giggled as you took a better look at the framed picture, your most treasured item in the house. It was of you and Saitama, at the end of your last day of junior high. Saitama and you had one arm slung over each other and had smushed your faces close together, him holding a peace sign while you stuck your tongue out.
"Yeah, it's weird seeing him with hair isn't it?"
"He seems ordinary." Genos stated, looking at the picture more closely as you hummed in thought.
"Tama was always a bit ordinary looking. Only reason anyone knew him was because he got in trouble with the bullies a lot."
"Bullies? He fought them? Was he strong?" Genos asked, his pencil and notebook already out. You sweated a little.
"Ah, yeah he fought them, but he usually lost."
"Lost." Genos tried the word, rolling it around on his tongue. It seemed so odd to associate the words lose and Saitama in a sentence together.
"I always patched him up after those fights. He was a real knucklehead, wouldn't back down from a fight for anything." You continued, just as you pulled out a large book containing your middle school photos in them. You showed a few to Genos, laughing at the incredulous looks that Genos was giving as he stared at what seemed like a completely different human being compared to the one that lived with them.
"How did you meet sensei?" Genos suddenly asked, and he turned his head when you started giggling uncontrollably.
"A complete and total misunderstanding of course."
You stood behind the school, backpack slung over both shoulders as you took another look at the piece of paper in your hands. It was written sloppily, almost as if in haste, and even had some crossed out sections where you could see the writer had been having trouble expressing his thought. Overall, it was unimpressive. You glanced around the area, huffing a bit before stuffing the paper into your pocket.
"What kind of person would leave this sappy love letter and then not show up!" You huffed, stomping your foot a little. Boys were so weird.
You turned to leave just as a loud set of footsteps started to approach behind you. You whirled around just as a boy crashed into you.
"Hey!" You yelled, balancing yourself before glaring at the figure whom had been knocked back onto his butt.
"Hey, sorry about that. I didn't expect you to be there." The boy said as he blew the black hair from his eyes. You eyed him carefully.
"You didn't expect me to show up here? Wait...did you give me this?" You pulled the piece of paper from your pocket.
"Huh? That? What are you talking about?"
You felt your eye twitch.
"Aha! So it was you! What's the big idea of asking someone to come behind the school only to show up late! That's not how you ask out a girl dummy!"You scolded. The boy seemed shocked.
"Ask out?"He retorted just as two second years rounded the corner.
"There he is! Saitama!" One of them yelled, making the boy turn around.
"Oh shit..."The boy muttered as he turned to look at the bullies.
"What are you doing? Confessing to a girl?" A bully sneered, and you felt your face scrunch in anger.
"That's not nice! I'd rather date this guy than two morons like you!" You screamed. This was the first guy who had ever asked you out, the least you could do was stick up for him.
"Whatever. Let's just beat him up and leave the ugly girl alone." You froze. Ugly?
"You should get out of here. This is my problem." The black-haired boy replied, and you felt that vein in your forehead throb a bit.
"What are you stupid? No way am I going to let this jerk get away with that comment." You said, throwing your backpack to the ground and sucker punching the guy to your left. The boy stood frozen for a minute as the bully staggered back from your punch, and then the boy you who had run into you joined in, taking an offensive stance. The two bullies looked at each other, realizing that this was a fight that they wouldn't easily win.
"Tch. Whatever. I don't want to get into a fight with a girl. Let's go. Better watch your back kid." And the two sprinted off in the other direction, one of them still holding the now bruised cheek you had left.
You and the boy stood there for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
"That was awesome! Did you see the way he started crying?" You gasped, and the boy next to you was laughing so hard that he had his own tears streaming down his face. After another moment, he calmed down enough to look at you straight.
"You're really great. The name's Saitama, first year." Saitama said holding out his hand.You returned the gesture.
"First year, Y/N. "
The two of you walked back around to the front of the school. As the two of you separated to go your respective ways home, you suddenly turned around and called out to him.
"Hey Saitama! The answer to your love letter is yes!"You giggled.
"Love letter?!"

***P.S A/N Just to clarify, Saitama did NOT write that letter, but the person who did MIGHT come into play later? Hmm?? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)***

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