"Arrival of the Rival?"

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***Please ignore if any of this is misspelled or anything. It's literally 2am but I cannot sleep and I'm rewatching one punch man at the same time it been a hectic 2 hours. Anyway, yeah who guessed this was the rival? Cause I'm sure everyone did. It really makes the most sense. And how, do you ask, am I going to tie it in with the love letter from middle school? I have no fucking clue but I'll figure it out. Next chapter will be a bit more...serious? Emotional? Something like that. Anyway, more cute stuff ahead, sorry the chapter is a bit short.***

Your lip twitched.
The fifth, the fifth¸ time this week.
You sighed before pulling the kunai from the front door, inspecting the sharp metal object as you grabbed the paper that was pinned by it. Hastily closing the door behind you, you retreated back inside. You grimaced as you read the message that had been hastily scribbled across the page, hand idling searching for the drawer that you kept your secret stash of kunai in. This guy, this Speed-O-Sound Sonic, just wouldn't leave Saitama alone. And you would know, you were the one who kept finding his notes. Saitama, who had been very adamant about establishing his turf (which was very sweet since he was putting your safety to consideration), had barely been home the whole week, so he had no clue about the contents of these notes.
Well, you had had enough.
You grabbed your phone and fired a quick, vague text to Genos, hoping he wouldn't pry.
The park that sat in the middle of the city was bare, save for the random set of pedestrians that were taking long strolls through it. It was a much quieter place than the rest of the city, almost isolated in a sense. You took a look at the note again, before stuffing it back into your pocket.
"Sonic!" You called. It was met with silence.
"Speed-O-Sound Sonic!" You yelled out again, this time a rustle in the bushes behind you resounded back. Turning on one heel, you came face to face with the perpetrator in spandex, his eyes glaring daggers. You resisted the urge to giggle, trying to stay serious. Seriously, how could his bangs even do that.
"You? You are the one who lives with Hero Saitama." He started, looking you up and down before crossing his arms. "You aren't who I wanted."
You crossed your arms as well, hip cocked to the side in a defiant stance. "Stop leaving notes on our door. It's creepy."
"I must defeat him, no matter what. Tell me where I must find him." He was twirling a knife, trying to intimidate you.
"No. Leave Tama-chan alone ok?"
"Tama-chan? ...A term of endearment. Are you by chance, involved, with him?" Sonic seemed honestly intrigued, and you weren't really a fan of the look he had in his eyes.
"We...um...we are? Yes, yes we are. We're dating. A couple." It was so new and so strange to say aloud. The thought alone made butterflies flutter in your stomach.
"Hmmm..." Sonic seemed to circle you, almost like a predator, and you glared at him.
"What?" You hissed.
"If I can't defeat Saitama in combat, then I'll defeat him in the next best way." Sonic had suddenly swept you up into his arms, and immediately you were wriggling to get free.
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Put me down now!" He held firm, despite your best efforts.
"What better way to defeat a man than to steal his lover? Be my woman." Sonic deadpanned, completely serious.
You punched him in the face.
"Shit!" Sonic screamed, clearly taken by surprise.
It wasn't one of Saitama's punches, but it made him drop you and you sprinted away from him, out of the clearing and straight towards home. You had to take a break about halfway to the apartment, checking over your shoulder to see if a blur was following you. Luckily, there wasn't one (at least one you couldn't see as far as you were concerned) and you slammed the door of the apartment closed and sagged against it. You slid down until you were sitting on the floor, out of breath and happy to be in the safety of your house.
"Y/N?" Genos perked up from the other room, clearly curious when he saw your form sitting on the floor. He raised an eyebrow.
"You don't, ha, don't want to know...." You breathed, waving a hand in front of your face dismissingly.
"Well with a text that vague I'm going to be curious..." Genos began, but was cut off by the front door opening.
It was at that moment that Saitama decided to come home. The door behind you opened, and stopped when it's path was blocked by your body. Saitama's head poked through the crack, looking down.
"What the hell are you doing down there?" Saitama asked curiously. You slowly got up using said door as a crutch as you got to your feet.
"I, uh, went out for a jog." You replied, dusting your knees off as Saitama eyed you with a look.
"It wouldn't have to do with this weird note on the door would it?" Saitama asked, swinging the door open wider. Your mouth was set in a hard line as Saitama tore the note from its stuck position to the wood (which you noted you would have to fix said holes in wood). His eyes scanned it, then again, and then once more. His knuckles seemed to tighten, just slightly, but enough for you to notice, and finally he looked up.
"What does he mean by 'love rivals'?" Saitama asked, clearly confused and you sighed loudly.
"I went to give Sonic a piece of my mind for leaving all these dumb notes, but now he thinks the best way to beat you is to make me his 'woman'. Pretty ridiculous huh?" You laughed, but Saitama was still looking at you with that default expressionless mask.
"Bastard..." Genos whispered from behind, "He'll not lay a hand on you Y/N."
You waved a hand in front of your face. "He's pretty harmless. Saitama can handle him." You looked back to Saitama and he was still motionless, although he had come inside and shut the door behind him. "Right Tama?"
"Huh? Oh yeah." Saitama was quiet, even as he balled up the piece of paper and threw it in the trash.
Neither of you said anything to each other during your evening routine of getting ready for sleep. Genos, who required minimal amounts of sleep, had just fallen asleep when you felt your eyes droop. You were about to nod off into your dreams when a pair of arms gently tugged you towards the soft body that lay beside you.
"Tama? What's up?" You whispered, slightly miffed and slightly annoyed that you weren't getting to sleep.
He only buried his head in the crook of your neck, arms wrapped around your waist as he spooned you. He breathed in your scent, and was completely still for a comfortable few seconds before speaking.
"I won't lose."He whispered. You traced a finger up his forearms.
"Lose?" Saitama lose?
"I never considered him a threat before. I won't lose." Saitama said again, and it dawned on you what he was implying. It was at this point, you realized, that he was gaining another small part of the humanity that he had lost during his ascension to... whatever it was he is now. And all because he was jealous...how cute. You nuzzled a cheek into his.
"Idiot. It's not a competition. You're the one I want." You giggled. He seemed to bury himself deeper into you; almost like if you didn't you would disappear.

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