"I..It's Not Like it's a D-Date or Anything!"

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You immediately sat up at the voice, banging your head on the intruder's. You hissed in pain as you fell back onto the futon.

"What the hell Saitama!" He seemed unfazed to the pain you were in.

"You left your door unlocked."

"That doesn't mean you can just barge in!"

"Let's do something today. You've got the day off right?" His monotone voice asked; he poking you in the side with a finger as you hid yourself under the covers.

"Go away Tama. I'm going back to sleep."

"Pleaseeeee?" He drawled, opting to lay his upper body on your lower one, effectively trapping your legs under the covers.

"Nope." You quipped, struggling to free your legs.

"Come on Y/N."

"No, now get off me I gotta pee."

"Not until you agree to do something."

"Do something with Genos!"

"All he wants to do is train. Besides, he's gotta go to the Association today."

"Why aren't you with him then?"

"Those meetings are boring. Genos said it wasn't planet threatening."

You felt yourself sweat a little. Leave it to him to only go after the global disasters.

"Fine! I'll do whatever you want. Now let me pee Tama." You pleaded. He lifted his weight off of you just as you bolted to the bathroom door.

It took you a few minutes to get ready, opting for a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt due to the sweltering weather of the early summer months. Saitama lay on your floor, staring at your ceiling.

"Finally. Let's go." He said, before climbing to his feet and following you out of the apartment.

"So where are we going?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to do something." He answered. You smacked him upside the head playfully.

"So there really was no reason to wake me up then. Next time, solve your own boredom."

The walk to the center of  the city was short (it was more like a run as Saitama literally hoisted you onto his back like a kid until the both of you reached the area), but the heat of the mid morning sun already had you feeling groggy. You really should have stayed in bed. Something caught your eye as you turned to face it, a smile breaking out on your face as you tugged Saitama's sleeve.

"Let's go get ice cream." You were now dragging him by that same sleeve.


"Cause it's hot and it's not like we're doing anything."

Saitama gave you a bored expression as a response. "Don't worry I'll pay. You still like pistachio right?" You laughed.

"You remembered something like that?" He asked, although his expression never changed. It was going to be hard getting used to that.

"I've known you for almost ten years, some things just kinda stick."

You paid as he stood off to the side; his eyes were glued to a few children running around with a soccer ball, a distant look in his eyes. You returned with two cones, poking Saitama in the side to grab his attention. He seemed to snap back to reality before taking the cone from your hand.

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