"Hero In Uniform"

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***So I've been meaning to write this scene for a while. I know it's asking a lot, but this chapter hits me right in the feels and it's a great and short little bonus chapter. Please enjoy, and sorry this one took too long. It looks like I'm finally getting steadily nearer to the end of this fanfiction.... at least till season 2....*shifty eyes*....****

"Um, excuse me."
The unknown voice made you and your bald partner beside you stop walking to turn around at the unexpected interruption.
"Oh, officers! How can we help you?" You asked, politely addressing the much taller gentlemen as they seemed to be assessing Saitama with a calculating eye.
"Apologize for the intrusion ma'am. But we need to speak to this man here," He then turned to fully address the hoodie wearing hero, "and why he is taking a walk at this time during the weekday. What is your profession? Are you bothering her?" The officer suddenly asked, startling you a little at the implications.
"Hero. And I'm not bothering her." Saitama replied truthfully, but his careless attitude and bored tone made the policemen glance at each other.
"It's alright officers. He really isn't bothering me." You explained, hoping that your input would affect the way they two men were staring at Saitama. They seemed unfazed.
"We have some questions for the both of you. You mind coming to the station?" The officer reached for Saitama, who easily dodged the hand and starting walking dutifully back to the police station with you in tow. It was a bit uncomfortable, walking with two policemen on either side of you and your partner, and you felt yourself sidle to Saitama's side a bit closer. 'What did you do?' You mouthed silently. He simply shrugged again. 'No idea.' He mouthed back.
The walk was mostly silent and uninteresting, with random spurts of obvious flirtation coming from the young and naïve cop, and you wondered if the officer beside you realized that you were already engaged. The thought made a smile come to your face. Engaged. The word seemed so foreign, at least when it described Saitama and you. It had been completely unexpected, totally tactless, and one hundred percent the most unromantic proposal of the century. But if you had to be honest with yourself, you wouldn't have accepted it any other way. The thought of the proposal sent a rush of butterflies to your stomach, your fingers twisting the small metal ring on your finger. You took another glance at your fiancé, who seemed somewhat agitated at the other man's advances. Really, he was an idiot.
They led you into a small interrogation room that had three comfortable looking chairs around a small desk, a landline phone hanging on the wall beside it. The two unoccupied seats sat across from the one occupied one, it's occupant a stern looking middle aged gentleman who watched you both take the empty chairs. You suddenly felt nervous, being judged by the chief, and you didn't even realize when Saitama had nudged your hands with his under the table until he entwined his fingers with yours.
"This is a criminal an eye witness sketched. It was dark so we only got his silhouette..." The officer, who addressed himself as Kuma, explained as he slid a drawing across the desk. You snickered at the picture; it looked a lot like Saitama.
"He's chubby. What kind of criminal is he?" Saitama mumbled, only stopping when the officer placed his chin on his hands.
"I have some questions for you both first. You can have some tea..." He offered, and you sighed lowly. Your fiancée couldn't refuse a good cup of tea if it killed him.
"Thank you very much sir..." You thanked, nudging the bald hero beside you to remind him of his manners. He only nodded in response. Two warm cups were placed in front of you, and of course Saitama immediately went for the free drink that was offered.
"Hold on! Is that blood on your hand? Tell me why you have blood on your hand!" Kuma reprimanded, and you looked down said appendage and groaned.
"Ah, this...it's a monster's blood." Saitama remarked offhandedly. You went for the handkerchief in your pocket, scrubbing at the dried blood on the back of his palm.
"Honestly Tama, you didn't even wash it off? You held my hand with this!" You blanched, dabbing the cloth to your tongue as your worked the stains off. At this point, a little spit didn't hurt. You felt like his mother, not his soon-to-be-wife.
"A monster huh?" Kuma replied, suspicion laced in the phrase.
"I told you, I'm a hero."
"...So you're unemployed."
The phrase made you look to Kuma, blinking once, then twice.
"Unemployed and claiming to live in the abandoned area. He's suspicious...and with that blood..." Another officer entered, holding a stack of papers in his hand.
"Hey wait a minute, I live with him too! Are you saying we're both lying?" You interjected, not liking what they were implying. The head officer gave you a side glance.
"I'm just gathering the facts ma'am. How do we know you aren't covering for him?" Kuma replied smoothly.
"She isn't lying. I'm a certified pro. The name's Saitama."
"Never heard of you." Kuma didn't even let Saitama finish, and you suddenly found that smacking the man in front of you sounded really good, no matter how much trouble it landed you in.
"So an unpopular hero is like a part time job?" The other standing cop in the room asked, and you watched Saitama's mood glower as you cringed. The man wasn't wrong per say. You knew it bothered him that most of the cash was raked in by either Genos or yourself (mostly Genos), and it bothered him he couldn't provide enough alone.
"At least he has a job, no matter how unconventional it is. Do you have something against heroes?" You snapped, easily coming to Saitama's aid.
"Heroes are....questionable...to say the least. The police are just as heroic, but we don't boast. We try to preserve the peace; someone like you who only seeks attention wouldn't understand." Kuma coldy stated, staring you down as you stood from the seat. "There's no need for the association when there's the police."
"You have no idea what he does on a daily basis..." You seethed, and you actually had to be physically forced back into the seat by Saitama as you felt yourself get worked up. What was wrong with these people?
Officer Kuma seemed to be contemplating as he looked between your furious form and Saitama's completely lax one. Finally, he let loose a heavy sigh before leaning back in the chair.
"Do you both want some kastudon? I'm suddenly not in the mood for mine." Kuma asked, taking two bowls out of the small carry out box you hadn't realized was on the floor.
"Hell yeah!" Saitama suddenly outburst, startling you slightly. He had been quiet this whole time, and you hadn't expected the enthusiasm. You had been going to lunch before this, and your stomach grumbled at the thought of food.
As you ate, it became abundantly clearer about officer Kuma's feelings towards the association, and towards its heroes. The association was one of the most unfair organizations in the world, and you never realized how much stress it must put on the average law enforcer who was just trying to maintain order. It never occurred to you that a majority of the police force was failures of the hero association's tests, and something about that seemed wrong. These people may not be strong enough, but they weren't worthless. Heroes were like a hurricane, and usually left a big mess to cleanup which was easier said than done. They usually let someone else fix their aftermath.
Heroes and monsters, they were very real and dangerous things, and to a normal person it was always a question of life or death. You felt a chill run up your spine, remembering that monster's hands on you, taken from the street after you had fled your home upon the last serious argument with Saitama. It was not a feeling you liked to remember, and one Saitama tried to make you forget. You had to give it to the police, they had some guts.
Suddenly, a loud crash was heard as a young officer rushed into the cramped room.
"Chief! We have an emergency on the first floor!"
"You two don't move." Kuma ordered, and you glanced nervously at Saitama who only mirrored your expression. The two police left, leaving you alone in the room with Saitama.
"What happened?" He asked and you stood up at the question.
"Should we check on them? I don't want to get in trouble for leaving..." You mumbled, and another explosion sounded before the loud shots of handguns resounded up the stairs. "On the other hand..."
"Stay close to me. Let's go check on them..." Saitama stood with you, escorting you down the stairs as you peeked around the corner. The whole force was barricaded by the stairs, and you gasped a little at the sight of several bodies already scattered about the ground by the large monsters feet. Chief Kuma was panicking, if the shaking of his shoulder was any indication, and he held a cell phone to his ear as several beads of sweat trickled down the side of his neck.
"Is this the Hero Association?" He asked into the phone, and Saitama seemed to freeze as he listened.
"Please...lend us your power. Send several heroes...it's urgent."
Another pause of silence, and the chief seemed to only shake more.
"Please....every second counts..." And you realized that he was pleading for help from heroes and they were going to make him beg for mercy.
"I...I beg..." Kuma started.
And then Saitama ripped the phone away and shattered it.
It seemed that Saitama had finally had enough.
"Heroes or police, they don't do their jobs cause someone asks 'I beg you.' Right?" Saitama started, before turning to the chief once again, "Who were you talking to? That guy on the other end ain't no hero."
You suddenly screamed, making Saitama jump to action just as a projectile flew by you. He was suddenly in front of you, hands fisted tightly as an aura of anger began to descend around him.
"Maybe I should target the little lady now hm?" The monster gurgled, laughing as it stood ominously in the center of the room.
"I am right here." He breathed, whether it was directed towards you or the other people in the room it didn't matter, it comforted you. His back was turned to you as he looked forward to the threat and was ready to protect. Saitama breathed deeply as he left your side, walking confidently to the monster in the center of the room. "Think of this as repaying you for the kastudon, chief."
"Oh? It seems the comment about the little lady has made you angry? Maybe I should tease her a bit more?"
And like that it was over. He rarely ever let threats like that slide without punishment.
The quickly ended battle had stunned the others in the room as Saitama wiped the monster's remains on the back of his pants. He seemed to be pondering the dead creature in front of him.
"Hey, chief, you think I can borrow one of these uniforms?"
The media had begun to descend upon the monsters body, which had been left outside, as you and your partner made a stealthy retreat back towards home. Saitama didn't say anything, but did occasionally glance back to make sure he wasn't followed.
"What you did back there? That was really nice."
Saitama inclined his head towards you. "I hate the media anyway."
You squeezed his arm affectionately. "But doing all that just to prove a point to that bastard at the association? You're just too selfless sometimes..."
He hummed in response, scratching at the collar of his shirt. "These uniforms are really itchy though. Reminds me too much of my unemployed days." He griped as he loosened the tie around his neck. You giggled as you turned the corner to the abandoned district.
"You look really dashing as a police officer though. Maybe I could convince you to wear it more often." You smiled cheekily, and he adjusted his hat over his head as he coughed.
"Not a chance. No way I'll wear this scratchy thing again..." He started, watching your lips pout.
"I don't think I ever told you, but I'm really attracted to men in uniforms." You coaxed, and sure enough he took the bait as a faint flush crept up his neck and to his ears. His face however, remained impassive. You felt his fingers on your hand again, this time they seemed to search out the ring wearing finger as his fingers smoothed over the metal edges. He was looking ahead as the apartment came into view and still didn't look at you even when he started to unlock the front door. You noted that his ears were still red.
"Genos we're home!" Saitama called, and Genos waved from the floor, eyes glued to the television.
"Did you enjoy your outing?" Genos asked, still not looking at you.
"It was...interesting. Anything new?" You replied, sighing as you stretched out and then plopped on the futon.
"It seems the City Z police were able to take down a monster by themselves. Whoever that officer is should be working for the association, but he mysteriously disappeared..." Genos finally turned away from the screen, "It's admirable that they didn't need any heroes..."
There was brief moment of silence.
"What are you wearing sensei?"

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