"Making the Nightmares Go Away"

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***A/N Very short but quick chapter, but I really wanted a cute little moment where Genos depends on the reader for emotional stability (since he technically is still really young compared to the others in OPM). Sorry this is short and not the best written, but it's all I had time for this week. XDD***

Normally you were a sound sleeper. It was hard to wake you from your deep slumber, and even harder to get you out of bed when the morning hours crept in. Only times you could remember waking up was the half-asleep moments of getting a glass of water or making a quick run to the restroom.
So you frowned when you awoke to the sound of sobs.
You didn't even register it at first, too groggy from being suddenly awoken to focus on your surroundings. As you rubbed the sleep form your eyes, you focused on the form that was heaving in the futon to your left, noting the snores from Saitama from his futon on your right. You frowned in thought as the little gasps coming from Genos suddenly increased in volume, and you noted that the cyborg was restlessly tossing the sheets this way and that. You cautiously crawled over to Genos, now fully awake, intent on not disturbing the cyborg. You frowned slightly when you noticed his face was scrunched up painfully, tears flowing down his cheeks and he went to grasp the area above his heart. It was easy to see Genos was having a nightmare.
This wasn't the first time. The first night that you all spent sleeping in the same apartment (well two apartments technically but the recently removed wall made it one), you had awoken similarly to the cyborg having a nightmare. You had turned to Saitama at that time, whom only shook his head and put a finger to his lips. Saitama moments later had plopped down next to the cyborg and the nightmares had stopped then.
But now, he was trapped in his own subconscious, facing whatever reality his dream was creating. You didn't want to wake Saitama again.
Finally having enough of his suffering, you placed a slow and gentle hand on Genos' cheek.
"Genos." You whispered quietly, knowing that your voice and touch should be enough to activate his body's sensors.
He awoke with a start, sitting up suddenly at the contact and heaving. You had never seen him look so vulnerable. He open and closed his mouth, unable to form coherent words at that moment until he looked you.
"Y/N? Are you all right?" Genos asked. You shook your head.
"I'm fine. Genos come here..." You motion with your hand to the large gap between you and Saitama's futon, "and bring the futon with you."
Genos does as he is told, still a bit clumsy in doing so since he had only just awoken. He lazily flattens the futon and lays on it, turning to your laying form as you snuggle down into the blankets once again.
"Better?" You ask.
"I'm afraid I don't understand why you wanted me to move." Genos shakes his head.
You reach a hand out from underneath the warmth of your blanket, snaking your palm to meet his and you grab the metal fingers you find there.
"Don't hold it in Genos." You say.
Genos is stunned in place, and the grip on your hands suddenly tightens. You suddenly notice that there is something wet dropping onto your skin, and you realize it is his tears.
"I dreamed about them." Genos whispered.
"Your parents?" You asked. He nodded.
"I couldn't save them."
You paused, taking in the fragile man next to you. In the short time you had been here, Genos had become somewhat of a brother figure to you. You and Saitama had managed to calm his need for absolute justice and let the kid relax every once in a while. Someone like Genos didn't deserve the cruel reality that he had been given.
"If you have another nightmare, Tama and I will be right here. We'll protect you."
"Thank you." He whispers, so faintly that you almost don't hear it. You smile and return the squeeze, not bothering to remove your fingers in his iron grip as you watch Genos slowly return to sleep.
Genos never had any nightmares after that.

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