"Different In Your Arms"

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*******Please note everyone, this has depictions of forced situations that are sexual in nature (not actual sex ok), so if that offends you then don't read this chapter. I honestly know shit about trigger warnings, and even less than to write a good romance chapter. But this is just a little thank you to those who kept reading even while I was away for GODAWFUL amounts of time on a hiatus due to work. Anyway, I hope this will keep you sated for a little while, I made sure to make this one extra long!*******

This was a bad idea.
No, you corrected, this was a terrible idea.
You blamed the cyborg for this mess. It was one of the rare moments where Genos had not gone out with Saitama to study Saitama's movements. He had opted to lurk about the hero associations forums, typing furiously at comments he didn't appreciate, or deleting messages from his fangirls.
You wondered why you weren't more worried that your friend was basically a stalker.
"Y/N, I had an idea." Genos said offhandedly as he typed, not bothering to look away from the screen."You should make a dating profile."
You nearly spat out your tea. "A what?"
Genos sighed before swiveling in the chair to face you. "Face it Y/N, our tactics aren't working."
"What tactics? What are you talking about?"
"I am referring to your attempts of wooing sensei."
This time you did spit out your tea. "I...I'm not trying to woo him."
"Just last week you bought that dress in his favorite color." Genos stated, eyeing you wearily.
"It was cute!"
"Y/N you hate that color." He countered.
You couldn't argue that. It was true, you had bought that little sundress because it was cute, but you didn't have to buy it in that color.
"Okay Genos. So obviously I'm doing something wrong. What do you suggest?"
"I think you should see other people."
You almost dropped your jaw. Genos didn't want you to date Saitama?
"What...?" You questioned softly. Genos had come out as being very supportive of in your pursuit of your bald roommate. Genos gave you a look.
"You need to make sensei jealous." Genos explained further, and you felt your heart speed up.
"Jealous...? Does Saitama even get jealous about things like that?" You asked as Genos turned back to the computer.
"I've already constructed a profile for you, based on the recommendations from several fans of mine..." Genos visibly seemed displeased.
"You used your fangirls for advice on romance?"
"They are women."
"Hysterical women don't make good mentors Genos." You covered your face with your hands, rubbing your temples before looking back to him. "Okay, say I go along with this. How exactly are we going to make Saitama jealous?"
Genos had a look you couldn't describe in his eyes. "You...you are going to have to perform romantic acts with another person." Genos mumbled, clearly not fond of the idea. That made two of you. "In front of sensei."
"...And I'm assuming you've already set me up with someone...?"
Genos scrunched his nose up a little at that. "Not yet. None of them I found..." He seemed angry at his next word, "appropriate in the least."
"Then let me see..." You got up and leaned over his shoulder at the desk, scanning the list of matches before pointing to one. "This one is the least offensive."
"Hmmm...." Genos grumbled, hesitant to click on the profile. "I don't like him."
"You're not the one who has to go on a date with him Genos."
Genos seemed to have an internal battle with himself before finally clicking on the victim's profile picture. "For you and sensei, I will endure it."
"Sure, you will endure it." You muttered darkly.
And so here you were, dolled up in that cute dress, the one you had bought for him, moderate sized heels on, and clutching your phone in your hands. Genos was luring Saitama here, who was currently en route to another bargain deal, his number on your speed dial in case of the plan going awry.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you spun around to see a very large and muscular man standing with cell phone in front of him, his eyes looking from the phone to you for a few seconds before grinning.
"Y/N, right?" He said. You nodded. You were already not crazy about this idea, but seeing the guy in person really took that feeling to a whole other level. Now, you really didn't want to be here. You should have stayed home reading manga.
"Uh, yeah. Your Tenma right?" You replied. The man's grin widened as he swung an arm around your shoulders. You shrunk back a little.
"Wow! You're actually cute in real life!" he exclaimed, and you held in a gag. You wished you could say the same.
"Th...thank you?" You answered, not sure whether to take it as an insult or compliment. You managed to shrug his arm off for the moment as you faced the man once again.
"Should...should we get going?" You and Genos had planned it all. A small little corner street with an evening café was just about a block down. It had outdoor seating, perfectly in line of sight of the grocery store that was across the street. Once you and your 'date' were seated, Genos would guide the unsuspecting bald man.
Tenma had been talking during the walk to the bistro, content with your random nods or verbal responses of approval. You weren't really paying attention; you were more worried about Saitama's reaction. What would he say? What would he do? Would he even do anything?
A sudden tug to your left made you stumble.

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