"Are You Even Trying?"

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***This is Part 1 to my two part chapter story series. This is only a setup of sorts. I won't tell you any more cause next chapter is special. (¬‿¬) [BTW I am curious what everyone's Y/N character name is, or how you imagine she looks like. Is she you? Or an OC? Leave it in comments because I am so curious!]

"Ugh." You sighed aloud, legs tucked underneath your frame and a blanket thrown haphazardly over you, almost like a cape.
Genos looked over the laptop screen at you. You swore he did nothing but browse the internet in his time off. Well, that and study Saitama's movements like a damn hawk. An eyebrow rose suspiciously at you.
"Is it Sonic again?" Genos asked his eyes were sharp when asking the question. While it was true the ninja was being overly obsessive in his endeavors, that wasn't what troubled you. No, compared to this, Sonic was easy.
"Genos, how would you describe our relationship?" You asked, and he cocks a head to the side.
"Yours and mine?"
You shake your head. "No Saitama's and mine."
Genos is quick with a reply. He doesn't even look down at the keyboard as he types. "You two fit well together. With your similar background and shared upbringing, it's only natural you two have a very strong physical and emotional attraction to each oth..." He rambled, and you shushed him with a hand over his mouth.
"That's...that's not what I meant." You found it hard to communicate the thoughts, but after a moment you find the words you're looking for.
"Do...do you think he trusts me?" You questioned, and Genos is giving you a strange look. You take your hand off his mouth when he begins speaking again.
"Why would you think he doesn't trust you?" Genos is genuinely confused, you can tell, and you sighed in frustration.
"Genos, how long has he been gone?"
"Most of the day."
"He never calls." You said, and Genos tilts his head to the other side as he tried to understand your line of thought.
"He's home by the end of the day Y/N."
"I know but I...I worry. I always worry about both of you when you leave." You replied, wrapping your arms around your legs.
"There's no need to worry about sensei. He's the most powerful man I've ever seen." Genos proudly stated, and it made you look away.
"To you. But to me, he is still that kid I knew back then. I know you've only ever seen him as this godlike figure Genos, but to me, he's still the Tama I grew up with. And that scares me. It scares me to know he's always in danger. It terrifies me he faces threats everyday and never talks to me about it." You sniffed, feeling the tears start to prick. It hurt to know that Saitama didn't talk to you about it, didn't want to talk to you about it. He never had an issue with involving Genos, but for you, he stayed away like the plague.
It made you angry that he could be so blind to how he affected you.
"Have you told him how you feel?" Genos said softly, wrapping an affectionate arm around your blanket covered shoulders.

"I've tried. There have been so many times I want to ask, but he shoots me down every opportunity. I'm trying to understand that godlike person he's become Genos, but I can't. There are days I don't even recognize the man that walks through that door!" You whispered sorrowfully, and Genos seemed to be frozen in place.
You realized this is the first time you have told him about this. You realized that you may have actually shattered his hopeful image of his ideal perfect couple. The next line is a broken set of words.
"Genos, oh my god, Genos I'm sorry to drag you into my problems I didn't..." You were stopped by Genos placing a cool metal hand on top of your own.
"Don't apologize Y/N. I want you and sensei to be happy in this relationship," He started, and he seemed to think the next words out carefully, "I'll help you any way I can. But you need to let him know."
"Genos, I don't know if I can."
"You can. You can because you love sensei."
You sat stumped for a moment, and wondered how a boy at least half a decade younger than you was more wise than anyone you had ever met. Immediately, you jumped into an embrace with the cyborg. Truly, you were grateful. You honestly didn't know what you would do without Genos, the younger boy who had become someone you and Saitama looked out for. And in return, he looked out for both of you.
And then the door opened.

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