"Apparently, 'Heart Stopping' is a Thing?"

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***Here it is! This is a Saitama POV of the last chapter, written by user LittleRedHunter here on Wattpad. She's an actual real life friend so I have full permission to post this from her. She is super good at writing these POV's so show her a little love! v(⌒o⌒)v♪  Anyway, I did actually go back and edit my past parts for any grammatical errors so if there's anything I missed please tell me! As always, please enjoy!***

'Heart stopping'

He'd heard it before of course. Lots of times. (He read manga after all, and there was always a corny line to be had somewhere in every volume.) He'd scoffed at it.

'Heart stopping.'

What could possibly be so amazing that it would mimic the effect of what a heart stopping might feel like? What was the purpose of such a comparison?

When she walked down the stairs in the mermaid tail sweetheart dress, as red as the blood of the monsters he slew, you could have knocked him over with a feather.

"Oh." He realized in a far part of his functioning mind "This is what it means."

He didn't breathe, he didn't blink, he didn't think.

His heart stopped.

She was glorious.

The most beautiful being he had ever seen. She glowed.

He couldn't have looked away if he had tried.

Then the car arrived, a loud honk, causing him to finally blink.

When they arrived no one held a candle to her. The other women might as well have been rocks for all the attention or effect they had on him. There was only Y/N. A bright shining sun in the middle of a dark night sky.

Saitama isn't actually sure how she got separated from him, but he turned away for a moment, and by the time he turns back Y/N had been gone.

He immediately began searching for her.

When he sees her, his vision tints red.

That idol had her pinned against a wall, and it was obvious from her posture to her face that she didn't want to be there.

The snarl that pulls at his lips must be terrifying, because it clears him a path almost immediately. He storms forward and it isn't even a conscious thought when his hand moved forward and he suddenly has an idol by the throat.

How dare he.

"What did you think you were doing?" He hissed the question softly, his voice dripping stoic sounding control and power.

It took every bit of his iron clad control to not squeeze until the man was a bloodstain.

He didn't deserve to bleed her color. He didn't deserve to have the color red grace his being.

That didn't mean Saitama didn't really, really want to squeeze just that much harder.

He blinked before turning to face his woman. "Genos is in the car. Go to him, I'll catch up with you."

Once she was gone he leaned in close to Sweet Mask's face "Touch her again" His voice was soft, almost a caress, but the kind of caress a knife would leave on the jugular, "And there will be nothing left of you to identify. You only get one warning, Sweet Mask, just one." He squeezed just hard enough to leave the dick edging into unconsciousness before he walked away.

He was past the point of storming to the car. Every movement he made was controlled chaos, leashed power, the eye of the storm.

It only wavered when he got into the car, slamming the door too hard. "Tama...?"

His eyes turned onto her and he felt the storm still again.

Heart stopping indeed.

"I forgot to mention how breathtaking you look tonight."

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